Chapter 5

The New Pack

Seungwoo felt awkward, being in a pack of shapeshifters. He knew he had every reason to leave, as he wasn't tied here like Wooseok was but he stuck around for Wooseok's sake. He wasn't obligated to be here, but it seemed as if Yohan was fine with his presence. Hyeongjun was the only one who was hesitant with him, and Hangyul was even colder in his presence. Hyeongjun he could understand, but Seungwoo couldn't for the life of him figure out what Hangyul's problem was with him.

"Why do you choose to stick around?" Asked Yohan as he walked over and stood beside Seungwoo who was laying in the grass in the backyard with his hands behind his back, staring up at the sky. "Why? I don't know," hummed Seungwoo as he turned his head to look at Yohan. "Why do you ask?" He asked.

"I've noticed something," said Yohan as he shrugged, looking up at the sky as he sat cross legged, letting his hands rest in his lap. "Hangyul is being... Difficult around you," he said. "I don't know what his problem is with me," Seungwoo said honestly as he sighed. "I figured as much," said Yohan.

"It's odd, I know," said Seungwoo as he sat up, resting his arms on his knees as he hugged his knees. "That a werewolf decided to join a pack of shapeshifters," he said. "Seungyoun honestly thought I'd say no," he said. "But I told him that I would join only if Wooseok said that he would join," he said. "And he said he would so," he said, shrugging.

"You said he took it as payment on finding someone for you?" Asked Yohan. "Mhm," hummed Seungwoo. "Who were you looking for?" Asked Yohan. "You remember Hwanhee and the twins?" Asked Seungwoo. "Yeah," said Yohan. "I was asked to find Dongmyeong," said Seungwoo. "Oh, I see," said Yohan. "And you asked Seungyoun to help?" He asked. Seungwoo nodded.

"Why did you ask Wooseok to become my adviser?" Asked Yohan. "He needed to get away from his pack," said Seungwoo. "At least, for a little while," he added. "It wasn't as bad as most would think," he said. "But he didn't like the direction his pack was going," he said. "There's only so much he could do as a pack alpha before someone tried to take over," he said. "I see," said Yohan.

"Do you regret leaving your pack?" Asked Yohan. "No," said Seungwoo. "I knew what I was doing," he said. "And, it's temporary," he said. "I'll leave when Wooseok does," he said. "Unlike Wooseok, I do have a pack to return to," he added. "Kris was understanding when I told him what I was doing," he said. "It presented an opportunity to extend the information network that we run," he said. "I see," said Yohan.



Wooseok was the next target for Yohan's questioning, as Wooseok sat on the porch swing for another long night of no sleep. Nightmares were disturbing his sleep again, and Wooseok refused to wake everyone up so he took to staying awake at night and napping during the day.

"Nightmares bothering you again?" Asked Yohan as he stepped outside, closing the door and going to sit down beside Wooseok. "For the most part," hummed Wooseok as he nodded. "What are your nightmares even about?" Asked Yohan. "Maybe if you talk about them it'll help," he said.

"Flashbacks about the war mostly," said Wooseok as he shrugged. "I grew up during the first world war in Germany," he said. "My brother and I lost our parents to the war," he said. "We were lucky to stay out of the orphanage because of Mingi and the pack he belonged to," he said.

"So that's the kind of history you have with that guy?" Asked Yohan. "Seriously, everyone thought we were mates," Wooseok said with a snort. "I knew better," said Yohan. "I know," said Wooseok. "Mingi and his pack were the reason we learned of our history as shapeshifters, Eunwoo and I never learned about it from our parents, as it was pretty early for them to tell us about it when they died," he said. "I see," hummed Yohan.

"How'd you get the scar across your face again?" Asked Yohan. "I was sparring with Jinwook," said Wooseok. "It got a bit too far and this happened," he said, shrugging as he covered his mouth when he yawned.

"Why did you decide to become my adviser?" Yohan asked suddenly, causing Wooseok to blink in surprise at the question. "Why? I don't know really," said Wooseok. "I could've stepped down as alpha of my old pack," he said. "...But I didn't think that was enough I guess," he said after thinking it over. "Other than owing Seungwoo some favors of course," he added. "I see," hummed Yohan.



"Hangyul," said Yohan as he approached said person. "What's up?" Asked Hangyul as he turned to face Yohan. "What's with you and Seungwoo?" Asked Yohan. "You seem colder than usual towards him," he said.

"Ah..." Said Hangyul, sounding hesitant as he blinked. "It's nothing against Seungwoo," he said. "Part of it goes back to the war time," he said. "I had the nickname on the battlefield of "monster," he said. "I dunno what was going on at the time, as I was never really there, but," he said, sighing.

"We met on the battlefield, while Seungwoo was helping his pack get away," said Hangyul as he shrugged. "I was told to kill everything in sight and I did," he said. "Seungwoo was the one to snap me out of it, fighting in human form much to my embarrassment," he said, scratching the back of his head. "He's the one who gave me the large scar across my back, and he got away," he said. "I see," hummed Yohan.

"I don't hold a grudge against him, but seeing him has brought back some memories," said Hangyul. "I know he's only here because of Wooseok," he said. "I don't want to drive him away, Seungwoo seems like a good person but," he said, sighing. "Just try and keep things civil alright?" Asked Yohan. "I'll do my best," said Hangyul as he nodded.



"What, you're here to talk to me now?" Asked Seungyoun as he was sitting on the front porch swing, being in his thoughts when Yohan approached him. "I'm just looking out for the oldest members of the pack, you know that," said Yohan as he sat down on the opposite end of the swing. "I know, sorry for snapping at you like that," Seungyoun said, sighing. "It's okay, really," said Yohan. "You've been snapping at everyone lately, it's understandable," he said, earning a defeated sounding sigh from Seungyoun. "I guess," mumbled Seungyoun.

"How are things for you, really?" Asked Yohan. "Weird," Seungyoun said honestly. "I thought I'd be able to adjust quickly to being in a new pack," he said. "But you run things differently than Yixuan did," he said. "I'm doing my best," said Yohan. "I know," said Seungyoun. "I'm just used to different rules, different routines," he said. "It'll take some getting used to, I doubt I'll ever get used to it," he said.

"Well," said Yohan. "I'm here," he said. "As I'm sure everyone else will be, if you need us," he said. "We'll give you the space you need, just tell us when you need it," he said.

"...Thanks," Seungyoun said after a minute of silence. "I needed that," he said, turning to Yohan and grinning. Yohan grinned in return. "Does this mean you'll play pranks on the others again?" He asked. "If you let me," said Seungyoun. "Nothing life threatening," said Yohan. "Aw, but that's no fun," whined Seungyoun, causing Yohan to burst out laughing.

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