Chapter 8

The New Pack

Junho let out a deep breath, opening his eyes as he looked up at the bottom of the top bunk in his and Dongpyo's room. He had learned from the others that Yohan was talking to everyone, and had finished talking to Dohyun yesterday, leaving him to be the last person. He wanted to try and fight Seungwoo today, and was sure Seungwoo would say yes.

Junho heard movement in the bunk above him, and Dongpyo slowly climbed down from his bunk. He rubbed his eyes before going to turn on the light. "Morning," he said. "Good morning," said Junho as he moved to get up, stretching as he did so. "Have a good night's sleep?" He asked. "Mm," hummed Dongpyo as he went into the adjacent bathroom they were sharing with Eunsang and Dohyun. Junho went to get ready for the day, joining the others in the kitchen after getting his turn in the shower.

Seungwoo and Wooseok were making breakfast, as it was their turn to make breakfast while the others slowly made their way down into the kitchen to get breakfast.

"What's the plans today?" Asked Hangyul as Yohan entered the kitchen. "We're getting visitors," said Yohan. "Woojin's retiring from being a vampire hunter so Chan took him on one last mission and they're passing through here for the next couple days," he said. "He's retiring?" Asked Minhee as he blinked in confusion. "Yeah," said Yohan. "Said something about needing to get away from everything," he said.

"Vampire hunters don't just retire," said Minhee. "The mental stress probably got to him," he said. "I wouldn't be surprised," said Hyeongjun before he drank some coffee. "Some people aren't cut out for being vampire hunters or werewolf hunters," he said. "What do you mean by that?" Asked Yohan.

"He means that those who retire are usually... Killed off," said Wooseok as he sighed. "If you're part of a faction it's fine but," he said, shrugging. "I think for Woojin he's leaving both so this last mission he's going to his death, to leave a lasting mark or something," he said. "If he had found his mate it'd be different, but last I heard Woojin's alone," he said.

"So wait," said Junho as he blinked. "He's going to be killed?" He asked. "It's possible," said Wooseok. "Let's not assume anything yet," said Yohan. "Let them come over and we'll see what happens," he said.

Right on cue the doorbell rang and Yohan went to answer, nodding to Chan and Woojin. "Come on in," he said, letting them in before closing the door. "We're just about to eat breakfast, if you want to join us," he said. "Yeah, we can do that," said Chan. Woojin nodded, and he followed Chan and Yohan into the kitchen.

"Hey Chan, Woojin," said Minhee. "Yo," said Chan. Woojin smiled slightly, nodding in greeting. "Breakfast is done," said Wooseok, causing the others to go get their share of breakfast, making sure to leave some for their guests.

"So who are you after?" Asked Minhee as he turned to Chan. "Someone nearby," said Chan. "Need some help?" Asked Minhee. "If you don't mind," said Chan. "And Woojin is fine with it of course," he added. "I'm fine with it," said Woojin. "In any hurry to head back after this?" Asked Minhee. "No, not really," said Chan. "We can go after breakfast then," said Minhee.

"Do you mind showing me the mission details?" Asked Yohan, still not believing the real reason for this visit. Chan took a minute to pull it up on his phone before passing it over, and Yohan checked it, nodding. "Okay," he said, passing the phone back over. "Good luck," he said. Woojin nodded. "Thanks," he said. After breakfast Chan and Woojin headed out with Minhee to get their mission done.



"Junho," said Yohan. "Can we have a chat?" He asked. "Sure," said Junho as he nodded. "Come with me then," said Yohan as he went to put on his shoes and head outside. Junho followed after him after doing the same.

"So is what Minhee said true?" Asked Junho as they sat on the front porch swing. "Yeah," Yohan said with a sigh. "I didn't believe it either but I saw the information," he said. "Is- Is Hyeongjun and Minhee going to be like that one day?" Asked Junho. "No," said Yohan. "At least, I hope not," he said. "I think when they decide to retire it's going to be when they find their mates at least," he said. "It's a crazy life we live," mumbled Junho. "I know," Yohan said, sighing again.

"Woojin looked mentally exhausted," said Junho. "I saw," hummed Yohan as he shook his head. "Sometimes I fear what will happen to our hunters when they decide to call it quits," he said. "They've both been doing this for a long time," said Junho. "I doubt they'd quit now," he added. "You never know," hummed Yohan. "I guess," said Junho.

"Anyway," said Yohan. "I did this with everyone already, and since you decided to want to try and spar against our resident werewolf, I wanted to ask why," he said. "I thought to try it at least," said Junho. "I mean what's the worst he can do to me? It's a spar," he said.

"Minhee doesn't think you're ready," said Yohan. "It's not like I'm fighting you," Junho said with a pout. "Seungwoo was top general and leader of his pack for a reason you know," said Yohan. "I want to try," said Junho. "If I get defeated immediately I won't bother him again," he said. Yohan nodded. "I'll talk to him, okay?" He asked. Junho nodded.

"Anyway," said Yohan. "Other than that, how are you faring?" He asked. "With being a shapeshifter?" Asked Junho. Yohan nodded. "I'm doing fine," said Junho. "At least, I'm getting better at controlling when I change," he added. "I'm not having much trouble now," he said. "Minhee says I can start fighting larger opponents soon," he added. "That's good," said Yohan. "We'll see what Seungwoo says," he said. Junho nodded.

"If he says no?" Asked Yohan. "Then I'm fine with fighting Hangyul," said Junho. "Or Hyeongjun if he's still around when the spar happens," he added. "Okay," said Yohan as he nodded. "But we are having Wooseok and Hyeongjun observe the fight if Seungwoo agrees to the spar," he added. "That's fine," said Junho.



When Minhee came back with Chan, Chan had a solemn expression on his face as he kept looking at the ground. "Mission success?" Asked Yohan as they walked onto the front porch. "Yeah," said Minhee as he nodded.

"How long are you staying around for Chan?" Asked Yohan. "A few days, if you don't mind," said Chan. "Go for it," said Yohan. "Take all the time you need before heading home," he said. Chan nodded. "Thank you," he said.

"Minhee," said Yohan as Minhee almost walked into the house. "Chan's in your room, okay?" He asked. "Yeah," said Minhee as he nodded. "Hyeongjun understands," he said. "Okay," said Yohan. "Dismissed," he said. Minhee nodded and headed inside with Chan following after him.

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