: Audition at JYP~

Minhyuk's Noona~ 


“Noona, do you like Jonghyun hyung?”

That was a phrase I didn’t expect to hear so seriously and straight forward from my brother. We were laying in our beds that night Kyu-line had been here, I was listening to music with one earplug and Minhyuk had said he was going to sleep. Not anyways…

“Bwoh?” I sat up and the light and removed my earplug at once, “why do you think that?” Minhyuk sat up too and crossed his legs.

“Because you seem shy around him but also close… and you gets happy when he asks you to help, even though you don’t really act like that.” I widened my eyes. I did?!

“M-Min, are you sure that it isn’t just imagination?” I asked, trying to sound joking. He shook his head.

“You are like that. Shouldn’t I be the one to know you best?” he smiled a bit, “we did grow up together and you haven’t changed that much even though it has been four years…”

1-0 to Minhyuk.

”Min, I think that I’m the one who know myself best,” I said, trying to fix this. I wasn’t in love with Jonghyun… I couldn’t be in love with Jonghyun! As I said earlier, I barely knew the guy! We hadn’t known each other for long time!

“Yeah okay…” he still looked at me, “but I just wanna say… even though I don’t like the idea of you dating, especially not one of the members, Jonghyun is the one I would like you to end up with if I had to chose…” I widened my eyes. Minhyuk say what?!


~Two months later~ 


“Good luck noona!” Minhyuk said and made ‘fighting’. I smiled and nodded.

“You think I’ll make it?” I asked. He nodded.

“Noona is the best!” he said, “right hyung?” Yonghwa looked at me and nodded with a smile.

“You’re really good. You can do it,” he said. I smiled back. He had been so  much nicer to me since that talk we had after I returned from the hospital and even though I still sometimes felt like he didn’t liked having me around he was able to talk to me without being disgusted. We had also been home alone some times since most of his long schedules had ended, and it wasn’t too uncomfortable.

“We have to drive now. Minhee-ssi good luck,” Sangwoon said. I nodded.

“I’ll see you guys later. Bye~” I waved and the window closed as the van drove off. Sangwoon had been so nice and told me that they could drop me of on the way for their schedule. I took a deep breath and turned around. There it was – JYP Entertainment.

Why I was here you ask?

Well, some days ago the boys made me film some of my own choreography – forced – and sent it to some different entertainments. Heh… I thought it was only meant for fun but it seems like they were dead serious and yesterday, I got contacted by JYP himself… So here I was, on my way to some private audition thanks to my brother and his bandmates. Not that JYP knows that Minhyuk is my brother. I don’t wanna get in on something like that. Minhyuk’s a drummer, I’m a dancer. Nothing in common, besides passion for music and what we do.

“Who are you miss?” a voice asked. I had entered the building and a woman in the receptionist looked at me. I bowed.

“Hello, I’m Kang Minhee. I’m here for a private audition,” I said clearly. She smiled and nodded.

“He is waiting for you. Follow me,” she said and made a sign with her hand when she started walking.

After we’d taken the elevator to the second floor, we passed some dancingstudios. I saw a bunch of guys shuffle in one room with an open door to a Korean song, I think I’d heard in the radio. The woman looked at me.

“You like 2PM?” she asked. I looked back at her.

“2PM? The boygroup?” I asked. She nodded with a smile and I shrugged.

“I don’t really know them. Is that them?” I asked. She nodded again.

“It is. Now, you’re going to wait in here,” she opened the door to an empty room with only a table with three chairs and a camera. I looked at her.

“Am I going to be filmed?” She nodded.

“Yes. JYP will be here soon with two other judges. If you want to, you can connect your phone or iPod to the musicsystem and practice a bit?” I smiled and nodded.

“That’ll be nice~” She went out and closed the door so I walked to the musicsystem and connected my phone to it. Time to warm up a bit~


I practiced that dance I was going to show the judges two and a half time before the three judges entered. I quickly stopped the music and bowed.

“You’re Kang Minhee, right?” The man, JYP?, asked. I nodded.

“I am. Thanks for inviting me here,” I bowed again and he smiled.

“My pleasure. I enjoyed watching your dance. It’s new and fresh,” he said and, once again, I bowed as I thanked him.

“Let’s present us selves and get started,” one of the judges, the only woman, said. The man nodded.

“Neh. Kang Minhee, I’m Park Jinyoung, the founder of this agency,” he said, “this is Hong EunSung, one of our best dancetrainers,” the woman send me a little smile, “and this is Jo Kwon, a member of the idol-group 2AM.” I nodded and took a deep breath.

“Can you say a few words about yourself?” Hong EunSung asked. I bit my lip and nodded.

“Neh. My name is Kang Minhee, I was born in 1990 and have studied four years at Julliard in New York. I grew up in Ilsan…”

“Julliard? What did you major in?” Jo Kwon asked, obviously impressed. I smiled.

“Dance,” I said confidently, “but I took some few drama-classes once in a while too.” He nodded.

“What have you prepared for us today?” Park Jinyoung asked.

“A self-choreographed dance,” I smiled confidently, “one which shows my abilities…” He nodded.

“We just have to get some profile pictures and then you can start. If you just turn to the left…”


“Hello? Minhee, is that you?” a voice asked in the phone.

“Jonghyun? Why are you answering Minhyuk’s phone?” I asked surprised. I sat outside the studio while the three judges would discuss. It was like an exam I swear! Can you say nervous?

“Minhyuk getting his individual pictures taken right now,” Jonghyun explained, “ho-how did the audition go? Did they accept you?!” I smiled. Jonghyun and I were friends, only friends, even if Minhyuk had said otherwise. I wouldn’t say I didn’t like Jonghyun, I really did. He did make me happy and sometimes he did make my heart beat faster, but I wouldn’t let my heart get in the way, either for our friendship or his career.

“I don’t know. They’re discussing it right now,” I bit my lip and sat down, resting my back against the wall, “but I feel that it went well. I didn’t made any mistakes…”

“Who was the judges?” he asked and I heard a door slam in his end of the phone-connection, “anyone I know maybe?”

“Park Jinyoung himself, a dancetrainer named Hong EunSung and a young guy named Jo Kwon. They said that he is an idol now,” I answered.

“Jo Kwon? 2AM?” I nodded.

“Neh him! Is he good?” I was curious. Even though he almost didn’t talk to me or anything, he seemed like a funny and sweet guy.

“He is. He has a great voice and was a trainee for seven or eight years. Can’t exactly remember,” Jonghyun said just as the door opened. I looked up and saw no other than Jo Kwon look at me.

“Minhee-ssi, we’re ready for you,” he said. I nodded.

“Jonghyun, I gotta go. Time for the answer~”

“Neh, I’ll tell Minhyuk you said hi. Minhee fighting!” I chucked and hung up before I followed Jo Kwon into the dance studio again. A chair was standing on the floor and I got asked to sit down. I sank.

“Who were you talking to?” Park Jinyoung asked, “a family member?” I shook my head.

“No. My brother’s band- friend…” I changed it. As said, I don’t wanna get in on something like that, but…

“Were you going to say band mate or something?” Hong EunSung asked. I bit my lip.

“You can tell us. Your answer is in this convolute,” Park Jinyoung said, “your answer won’t affect it…” I smiled.

“Ouh… well, yes. I was going to say band mate then,” I said.

“And he was called Jonghyun?” Jo Kwon asked, “is it one we knows or just a small band out there? In Ilsan or something?” I chuckled. Even though this was nerve wrecking, I found it kind of comfortable.

“You know him.” I said and tilted my head.

“SHINee?” Park Jinyoung asked curious. I shook my head.

“CN Blue. My younger brother is the drummer, Kang Minhyuk,” I said with a smile, “it was him and his band mates who recorded me dancing and send it here…”

“Well, take this. Then you can find out if you should thank your brother and the band or not,” the CEO said and handed me the convolute. I sank and looked at it. I had a good feeling about this but I couldn’t be sure about the answer…



Okay, I have a lot of plans for this story... like, making a sequel but I'll explain that later ;) I hope that you liked this chapter~ 
Do you think she will pass or fail?

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'Minhyuk's Noona~' GUYS, I'M SORRY! I got a job and is really stressed - I'll come with an update soon! SORRY! D:


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 19: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story and I gotta say that it was interesting. I enjoyed reading it and then you gave a link for sequel but looks like you have put it on hiatus... are you planning to abandon the story since you have even created a new account and all? Hope to hear from you...

PS your new account "xiablo" is it from Xia+Tablo? Does that mean you liked 'Flower'?
OMG. This was a totally awesome fanfiction.
Dying for the sequel to begin.
I'm sure it will be amazing in its own way.
Please Update soon!!

Chapter 1: OMG! This fanfic is so amazing. ^^
I like how you created the original character, and how you made it Minhyuk's older sister.
(Because, after all, Minhyuk is so adorable, right? hehe)
Anyways, I'm loving this story so far. Thank you!

striped-cat #4
Chapter 1: im so happy with this fic. i am a little more than exhausted at the great wave of exo fics that a little bit of other groups is highly appreciated. c':
WendyClary #5
Chapter 9: Omg. This is really good! Funny, yet a little heartaching at the same time! ^^ hwaiting, author-nim! ♡♡
immaninja13 #6
HEY! It's been forever since we've talked and now you're featured with a CNBlue story. How awesome is that? I'll be sure to add this to my list to read.
Congrats on the feature!