: Nerves~

Minhyuk's Noona~ 


The next two weeks went fast. Much faster than I thought and suddenly it was one day before my special stage at TV…


Well, a little bit. I mean, this is the first time I’m going to dance on TV with other famous artists both before and after me. I’d performed twice on TV back at the states because I’d won those dance competitions at Julliard but that was everything. This was much bigger for me. This was my change to know if I passed the audition or not!

“That was daebak!” The song had just finished, I had finished my last practice for today and I turned around in surprise. 2AM’s Jo Kwon and Seulong stood with smiles behind me.

“You’re going to make it to your debut for sure,” Jo Kwon said with a smile, “you make this practicestudio look small!” I smiled and bowed.

“Thank you,” I said politely, “I’m going to do my best tomorrow!”

“We know you will,” Seulong said and smiled, “you take this serious. That’s why JYP chose you,” I bowed again. In those two weeks I actually got pretty close to some of the different starts in the company but I still spoke formal to them.


It was 10 minutes before midnight before I finally reached home. I thought the boys would be asleep since they had a early schedule the next day before going to the same music program as me and as I thought, they were sleeping. The dorm was dark and quiet. I soundlessly went to the kitchen to get some cacao before heading to bed.

I know, sugar? Before bed?! But in some kind of way, cacao never had that effect on me and it helped on the nerves. Just as I closed the fridge I saw a post-it note on it.

We’re going to leave early tomorrow. We’ll catch you at the program! Go to bed as soon as you see this – a good night’s sleep is the best :)

I smiled. Those guys had been so supporting the last two weeks even with their schedules. Every night when I came late home they had left some food for me and every morning they woke me up before they left and had warmed toast for me. And it was only because of this special stage! I bit my lip and took the note down. I drank my cacao in one go and threw it in the trashcan before I went to the bathroom to prepare to sleep.


“Noona, I have something to say…” Minhyuk was entering our room and closing the door, looking down at the floor. I closed my book and looked at him. He seemed to be happy but also a bit scared to tell me what it was.

“Come and sit,” I clapped on my bed, “I’ll listen!” Minhyuk shook his head.

“I’ll stand up and tell,” he mumbled. I tilted my head but nodded.

“Okay then… spit it out,” I bit my lip. Finally Minhyuk looked up.

“I’m getting married,” he said with a sudden confident voice, “and I want you to meet my fiancée…” I widened my eyes. Minhyuk, married?! He was too young for that! I didn’t even think of that yet plus I didn’t have a boyfriend… MY BROTHER GETTING MARRIED?! NO EFFIN WAY!!!! TT-TT’

The door opened but I couldn’t see who it was. The girl must be a small girl since I couldn’t see anything… I bit my lip harder. Who was it that Minhyuk wanted to marry? What kind of girl was it? What…


I woke up by my phone ringing just beside my ear. I groaned and turned around to stop it. Then I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

What had I just dreamt? I shook my head. It was just a dream.

I hadn’t dreamed for a long actually, because of stress. I got up and stretched my arms and slowly walked to the kitchen, still sleepy. It was first when I reached the kitchen I realized what day it was.


My performance…

…on TV.

I freeze just at the spot. What if I failed?! Then I wouldn’t just fail in making my debut, I would also disappoint Park Jinyoung, the artists at JYP, CN Blue… my brother and my family… I felt all the pressure on me for the first time and to say it, it was awful. How could I do it? I hadn’t practiced it on stage yet and in around five hours I was going to dance on national TV!

National LIVE TV.

Fumbling with my phone I dialed a number, who I tried to call I didn’t know but I just put it on speakerphone as I slowly went against the couch. I had to sit down for a minute.

“Yeoboseyo?” a voice said, “Minhee?” It was first now I looked at the screen properly and saw who I called.

Jonghyun… why…?

“J-Jonghyun ah?” I said, “I’m nervous… I don’t feel too well,” I bit my lip, “I really don’t…” I heard someone – Jungshin? – ask who it was Jonghyun talked to but he didn’t answer.

“Get some water and eat a good and healthy breakfast. It’s going to be okay,” I heard the noise from Jonghyun’s background disappear a bit, “you can do it! I know you can,” I heard a smile in his voice.

“Y-you su-sure?” I whispered, “I…”

“Minhee, trust me. Everybody is nervous on their first stage but I know you’ll do well!” I bit my lip, happy for his support and encouragement.

“I… o-okay…” I stuttered, “I can do it…” it was said a bit unsure but then I stood up, “I can do it! Jonghyun I can do it, right?!” I smiled over the whole face, “of course I can! It’s just a simple dance stage! I’ve done it so many times that I can do it in sleep!” I was almost dancing the steps already, “thank you oppa!”


Did I just call Jonghyun… oppa?

“I… sorry Jonghyun-” He chuckled.

“It’s okay. You can call me oppa,” he said, “look I have to go. I’ll see you later, okay? Get some breakfast and go to the performance-place to practice as soon as you can. And remember to call JYP,” I heard him hesitate, “Minhee fighting! I’ll see you soon!”

“Thanks… I’ll see you later,” I bit my lip.


So, thanks to Jonghyun’s encouragement I felt more confident than ever when I entered the place the performance was going to be filmed. It was huge and a lot of staff-members already ran around and fixed things as lights, cameras and sound.

“Kang Minhee-ssi, this way,” a girl around my age said as she saw me. I widened my eyes. How did she know my name? And who I was?!

“Your company send me a picture and a name and said you were on your way. This way,” she said again, “I’m your stylist today. I have to show you your outfit and make a last minute check-up to make sure it suits your perfectly,” I nodded and just followed her. That was changing.

We went to a room which on the door said ‘Kang Minhee, miss A’.

“You’re going to share with the four girls. I hope it’s okay,” my stylist said smiling, “they’ll first be here later due to their schedule so you’ll have the room by yourself until the show starts. I also got infirmed to tell you that CN Blue will perform with only one group between you so if you wanna meet them it will be best if you did it either before or after the show.” She smiled, “are you a fan of them?” I shook my head. Even though she talked really fast – and I mean REALLY fast, I understood everything.

“The drummer is my brother.” I said, “Kang Minhyuk.”

She didn’t ask much after that and just went to a stand with clothes and took a set, then went to me with it.

“You’re going to wear a hat for the first part of the performance, am I right?” she asked. I nodded with a smile and she suddenly noted that on a piece of paper with a pen I didn’t know she had.

“Your clothes is some skinny jeans that’s easy to move in and a big loose t-shirt, right?” I nodded and she noted something again.

“Good then…” she opened the bag with clothes and pulled it out. I gaped. I’d only tried some skinnys’ and a shirt in that model I was going to wear, this clothes… it looked awesome! The oversize shirt was black but with a lot of neon colors striped on the shirt in different ways. The pants were just black but in a cool cut anyways.

“You like it?” the stylist smiled and I nodded.

“Love it. What about shoes and the hat?” I asked. She winked as she laid the clothes on a table and went to get a box. She handed it to me and I opened it curious. The hat was black, also with neon-colored stripes like at the shirt, the shoes were neon pink, neon yellow and neon green! There also laid a lot of different strings in the box in different neon colors.

“They’re for your arms. Wasn’t it something with the light being of for the first part of the dance?” the stylist asked and pulled me out of my daze over the stuff. I nodded.

“That was the plan,” I smiled, “this is going to be awesome! Thank you so much!”


A/N: SORRY! SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!!!!! *dancing Super Junior's Sorry Sorry* I'M A TERRIBLE AUTHOR!!! OTL
It's just, I got a job, right? So I've been really-really busy *-* And today is my birthday so it's only because I finished the chapter in school <.<' I'm sorry guys! OTL

BUT! I also have good news :D I'm going to make a sequel~ There is around two chapter's left on this story but I have a lots of ideas for the sequel~ I hope I can get all of you with me to that one <3 heh~ I'll try to update before the week finish but that depends on how much work I have besides my school *-*


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'Minhyuk's Noona~' GUYS, I'M SORRY! I got a job and is really stressed - I'll come with an update soon! SORRY! D:


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 19: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story and I gotta say that it was interesting. I enjoyed reading it and then you gave a link for sequel but looks like you have put it on hiatus... are you planning to abandon the story since you have even created a new account and all? Hope to hear from you...

PS your new account "xiablo" is it from Xia+Tablo? Does that mean you liked 'Flower'?
OMG. This was a totally awesome fanfiction.
Dying for the sequel to begin.
I'm sure it will be amazing in its own way.
Please Update soon!!

Chapter 1: OMG! This fanfic is so amazing. ^^
I like how you created the original character, and how you made it Minhyuk's older sister.
(Because, after all, Minhyuk is so adorable, right? hehe)
Anyways, I'm loving this story so far. Thank you!

striped-cat #4
Chapter 1: im so happy with this fic. i am a little more than exhausted at the great wave of exo fics that a little bit of other groups is highly appreciated. c':
WendyClary #5
Chapter 9: Omg. This is really good! Funny, yet a little heartaching at the same time! ^^ hwaiting, author-nim! ♡♡
immaninja13 #6
HEY! It's been forever since we've talked and now you're featured with a CNBlue story. How awesome is that? I'll be sure to add this to my list to read.
Congrats on the feature!