Chapter 5

Minhyuk's Noona~ 

A/N: Guys?! Guise~? 
I'm sorry that I haven't updated for what feels like ages TT-TT'
One of my best friends came from another country and I wanted to use as much time with her as possible~ <3 
I'm sorry TT-TT' I'll try to upate soon again~ Please enjoy the chapter and leave me a comment :3
- Also thanks a lot! Even though I haven't updated I keep on getting subscribers... .____.'




“…looooove feels alright~” They ended the song and I clapped as a good single-audience. My brother was so freaking awesome behind the drums! Even better than our father – who also was really good. But Minhyuk? That’s my brother dude! He is the best!

Insert proud noona here.

“Noona was it good?” Minhyuk asked with his eyesmile and I nodded.

“It was awesome! You guys are the best!” I said happy, “seriously!” Minhyuk looked really happy by my words.

“Don’t lie,” Jungshin said and acted like a shy girl. Like he twirled his hair around his finger and scratched his foot against the floor. I laughed.

“Jungshin ah! Stop it girl!” Now he pouted.

“I’m not a girl!”

“You act like one!”

“Do not!”

“You do!”

“Jungshin, you do…” Yonghwa said, “I give Minhee right in this…” I looked surprised at him and Jungshing pouted again.

“I dooooooon’t!” he whined.

“You do!” All of us exclaimed in unison and then we busted into laughing. Even Jungshin started laughing a bit.

“I… I did act like a girl, huh?” he said, admitting defeat. I chuckled and nodded.

“You did. Try to stop it,” I said and send him a smile. He nodded.


“Minhyuk, the set just called. We have to refilm some scenes,” Yonghwa said, “I promised to be there in a half hour…” Minhyuk nodded.

“Is it going to be late?” I asked them. Yonghwa nodded at me with a not-so-cold expression.

“Yes. We won’t be home for dinner,” he said, “Jungshin, remember your time at the stylist,” he said. Jungshin nodded.

“Is it only me and Jonghyun then?” I asked. Jungshin shook his head.

“I’ll be home for dinner and then get my new haircut,” he said, “so you’ll be alone after that~” Now he looked teasingly at Jonghyun who smacked his head.

“Yah! What do you mean with that?! Aish this kid…” he mumbled. I smiled to Jungshin.

“Are you jealous?” I teased.

“Yah! No one is jealous!” Minhyuk said and scowled, “no one!” I smiled. Overprotective dongsaeng~ I’d forgotten everything about that. But it was cute in some ways~

“What would you like for dinner?” I asked Jungshin and Jonghyun to change the subject, “I’ll cook again!” The two guys looked at eachother.

“Some kind of soup?” Jungshin suggested. Jonghyun nodded.

“I can make jjampong?” I suggested, “we have the most of the ingredients at home.”


Hi girl~ Hope you returned safely to Korea! I already miss you like hell! Mum just got pregnant again, two freaking months after Lal’s girlfriend. Jeez~
So I’m going to have a niece or nephew and new sister or brother within the next year. How great huh? -.-‘
Well, how’s Korea? Is your brother’s roommates sweet? Anyone who’s cute? ;D I wanna know every detail of a possible flirt, got it?! I’m sorry, I’m busy… don’t have much time for writing you an essay…
Let’s talk soon! Miss you girl~


“What are you doing noona?” Jungshin asked. I looked up from my phone.

“Ouh… Read a mail from a friend,” I said and smiled, “my old roommate…” Jungshin nodded.

“Okay then… hey, you promised us to dance! You haven’t done it yet!” he looked at me with a sigh and I smiled.

“I may do it soon. But I don’t know yet,” I winked, “don’t bother me with it~” Jungshin pouted, then turned his attention to Jonghyun and started a conversation there.

We had just been at the supermarket to buy the few needing ingredients for tonight’s dish and were now heading home. I started writing an answer for Julia and as I clicked send we arrived the dorm.

I say perfect timing!


“This is deeeee-licious!” Jungshin said happy as he had tasted the soup. I smiled and bowed my head.

“Thank you… I haven’t made it for years now,” I bit my lip, “so if it’s lacking a bit, that’s why…” Jonghyun shook his head.

“It’s perfect!” he said, “really!” I smiled to him too.

“Thanks… enjoy your food~”

We ate some minutes in peaceful silence with the music from the radio in the background.

“So… what do you think about being back?” Jonghyun asked me to break the silence, “is it hard?”

“Hard?” I tilted my head, “what should be hard? The culture? The language?” I smiled. Jonghyun shook his head and then nodded.

“Y-yes and no. I mean… I don’t know what I mean,” he scratched his neck and I smiled again.

“I know what you mean… Yes, it is a bit hard. I have to get used to the Korean culture again and such, plus I miss my friends. But it’s okay,” I shrugged, “I can get used to it…” Jonghyun nodded.

“Sorry for leaving already but I have to go…” Jungshin said and got up. I looked at his bowl – no more soup. I still had half!

“Return safely,” Jonghyun said and looked at Jungshin. The younger boy nodded and smiled.

“I will. And no funny business with noona~” He said and hurried back so none of us could hit him.

“Yah! Lee Jungshin!“ I scolded.

 “Is that a way to treat your olders?!” Jonghyun took over, “this kid I swear…”

“See you later~” Jungshin waved and hurried out. I sighed and looked at Jonghyun.

“I’m sorry for his behavior,” Jonghyun said and shook his head. I smiled.

“I’m used to it. People in the states are like that all the time,” I shrugged, “but I still gets annoyed by it…”


Jonghyun helped me with doing the dishes. It already started feeling more comfortable to be with him, even though it only had been a day since I arrived.

“Should we play guitar when we finish? I wanna practice,” I said and looked at him as I handed him a bowl. He nodded.

“Yeah… let’s play,” he smiled, “it could be fun~”

We finished the dishes and both of us found our guitars. We sat down on some pillows on the floor.

“Is it tuned?” Jonghyun asked and leaned against me so he could hear. Definitely not.

“I… I haven’t played for a while,” I excused and he chuckled.

“Here. Let me~” he reached out for it and put his own down. I have no idea about how he did it but he just played the string one by one and listened after the right tune. He looked up.

“It’s been a while since you last played?” he asked. I nodded.

“Yeah… is it that obvious?” He chuckled and nodded.

“Yes. But it’s almost there,” he all six strings at once, “almost…”


“…C, C, G, G~” I tried to follow as good as possible but it wasn’t there yet. I looked apologizing at him.

“I’m sorry,” I said, “I should be able to at least play that…” Jonghyun smiled.

“Try to fasten your grab,” he said and I pushed harder against the strings. He shook his head and leaned against me and reached his hand against mine. It stopped an inch from mine and he hesitated. I looked at him.

“What?” He looked up and bit his lip.

“I… it’s not because I…” then I remembered it. Skinship. I smiled to him.

“You’re teaching me how to play guitar. Nothing wrong,” I said, “don’t worry~” He nodded and then placed his hand on mine in a careful way… as I would hit him or something.

“You have to… Make bow with your hand around the guitar-grab,” he said and pushed my thumb with his so my hand made that bow he talked about, “if your whole finger rests against the wood you can’t push hard enough…” I nodded and I could already feel that my other fingers got stronger.

“But…” I said after thinking, “don’t you sometimes rest your thumb against the wood? I’ve seen you do that at practices!” I looked at him, he blushed and smiled.

“That’s for when you gets better. Learn the basics first, then cheat with it later,” he chuckled, “but basics. Got it now?” I nodded.

“I got it!”

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'Minhyuk's Noona~' GUYS, I'M SORRY! I got a job and is really stressed - I'll come with an update soon! SORRY! D:


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 19: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story and I gotta say that it was interesting. I enjoyed reading it and then you gave a link for sequel but looks like you have put it on hiatus... are you planning to abandon the story since you have even created a new account and all? Hope to hear from you...

PS your new account "xiablo" is it from Xia+Tablo? Does that mean you liked 'Flower'?
OMG. This was a totally awesome fanfiction.
Dying for the sequel to begin.
I'm sure it will be amazing in its own way.
Please Update soon!!

Chapter 1: OMG! This fanfic is so amazing. ^^
I like how you created the original character, and how you made it Minhyuk's older sister.
(Because, after all, Minhyuk is so adorable, right? hehe)
Anyways, I'm loving this story so far. Thank you!

striped-cat #4
Chapter 1: im so happy with this fic. i am a little more than exhausted at the great wave of exo fics that a little bit of other groups is highly appreciated. c':
WendyClary #5
Chapter 9: Omg. This is really good! Funny, yet a little heartaching at the same time! ^^ hwaiting, author-nim! ♡♡
immaninja13 #6
HEY! It's been forever since we've talked and now you're featured with a CNBlue story. How awesome is that? I'll be sure to add this to my list to read.
Congrats on the feature!