: PMS’ing Yonghwa~

Minhyuk's Noona~ 


It was past 11pm before anybody came home, and then they all came together. Jungshin seemed to have gone to the filming set to wait for Minhyuk and Yonghwa when he had gotten his hair done. My fingers were hurting for playing all night but I finally seemed to understand the principle.

“Do you get it now?” Jonghyun asked as we heard the others – noisy! – taking of their shoes and talking. I nodded.

“I think I do. Thanks a lot Jonghyun!” I bit my lip, he smiled.

“You’re welcome. Let’s do it again sometime soon,” he said and I nodded.

“Yes! And I’ll practi-”

“Hi noona!” Minhyuk said and stopped, “what are you guys doing?” I placed my guitar by my side and smiled.

“Jonghyun was teaching me how to play,” I said, “my fingers a sore~”

“You have been playing with a beginner for hours?” Yonghwa asked, “Jonghyun not everybody is…”

“She was the one who didn’t want to stop!” Jonghyun defended himself and I chuckled.

“He is right. Don’t blame him,” I said, a bit amazed over Yonghwa. He wasn’t cold to me at all. How things change fast~


Okay, screw that.

I woke up the next morning before everyone else and decided to take a shower, since no one would be disturbed by it. As I was washing my hair, someone suddenly knocked hard on the door.

“Yah! Hurry up!” he yelled, “you can’t take forever! We only have one bathroom!”

“I came out here five minutes ago! Have to wait a bit,” I yelled back and the water to drown his voice – something he wasn’t very pleased with.

When I ten minutes later left the bathroom he stood in front of the door with crossed arms and scowling eyes.

“You!” he hissed, “I have an early schedule and you allow yourself to take a long bath? How dare you?! We let you live here and eat our food and then you interact with our schedules?! If I am late…”

“If you’re late, why do you then use time on scolding me?” I said and put my hands on my hips, “but as we both know, your schedule starts at the same time as Jungshin’s today and Jungshin’s schedule first starts in two and a half hours. But here you go,” I stepped beside, “the bathroom is yours, your majesty~” He stared at me in disbelief for some seconds.

“How d-”

“How I know your schedules or how I dare to talk back at you?” I interrupted and tilted my head slightly. He scowled even more now.

“Both,” he said annoyed. I smiled sweet.

“I know your schedules since you have a big whiteboard in the livingroom, telling me so. I dare because I can. I don’t care about you’re the oldest in this dorm when you treat me like this. First thing your experience when you arrive in the states is to have respect for yourself and be able to talk back at people,” I winked to annoy him and then turned around, “don’t expect me to respect you before you respect me. Now, enjoy your bath~”


“Are your fingers okay?” I looked up from the pan where I was making breakfast and saw Jonghyun lean against the table. I smiled and nodded.

“They’re fine thanks. And goodmorning,” I said and turned down the heat on the pan.

“What happened between you and Yonghwa this morning?” he asked concerned, “it didn’t sound too well…” I shook my head, still smiling.

“Yonghwa-ssi thinks he can act like he is the best and everyone has to do as he wish, especially in front of me,” I rolled my eyes, “he just hadn’t expected that I talk back. Nothing you have to worry about~” Jonghyun still looked a bit worried.

“He can be a bit like that… but usually it’ll get better,” he said, “it’s much when he is stressed…” I nodded and stirred the rice and vegetables.

“I can understand that. But that doesn’t mean he have to be a , does it?” I looked at Jonghyun and pointed at him with the palette knife. He shook his head.

“Of course it isn’t…”

“Jonghyun, I need to talk to you.” A voice said. We both looked against it and saw a very unpleased Yonghwa. Jonghyun sank.

“Neh hyung…” he looked at me, “f-fighting on your breakfast!” I smiled a bit as he hurried with Yonghwa.

How much had the leader heard of our conversation?


The breakfast was finished and the only one here besides me, were Jungshin. Minhyuk had went to the bathroom and Yonghwa and Jonghyun were still talking.

“Noona, can I eat?” Jungshin asked, “I’m hungry~” He send me a pout and I chuckled.

“Just save something for your hyungs, araso?” I said, “I don’t wanna go in the kitchen already again…” He nodded happy and made himself a portion.

“Noona, will you eat with me?” Jungshin asked, “so I don’t have to eat alone?” I smiled to him and shook my head.

“I ate some bread as I cooked. This is just for you guys,” I chuckled, “rice for breakfast have never been something I liked. I’m too western when it comes to that~”

“You’re still like that?” a voice asked and a second later Minhyuk sat down, “you like rice but not for breakfast? What’s wrong with you~” I laughed at him.

“Haven’t I always been a bit weird?”

“You have,” he said with a nod as he took a portion rice, “you’re hard to understand~” I smiled.


“We’re going,” Yonghwa said to Jonghyun and Minhyuk, “Jonghyun, you’re off again today. Minhyuk, if you’re late for the shooting…”

“Hyung I won’t be late,” Minhyuk said and looked up from the TV, “you know I won’t. I have learned the lecture.” Yonghwa nodded. Then he looked at me.

“You. Make yourself useful and clean the bathroom, would you?” he said and tried to smile nice – I think it was because Minhyuk was here – “that’s the least you can do since we let you stay.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’ll clean if I think it needs it,” I said, “just hurry. You were so busy to get finished this morning, but you keeps talking~” He scowled and Jungshin pulled in his arm.

“Hyung, let’s go.” He said, “see you later guys!”

“See you!” Minhyuk said and waved. Jungshin successfully managed to get Yonghwa out and the door locked. I breathed out and sighed.

“He’s… aish,” I mumbled to myself and went back to doing the dishes.

“He’ll be better noona. I promise,” Minhyuk said from the couch, “he is just having another period…” I turned around.

“Is he a freaking girl or something? Getting moody once in the month and hoping that we’ll respect. Aish!” That guy had totally ruined my morning by yelling of me and starting a discussion.

“Give him some time to get used to it,” Minhyuk said, “he’ll be…”

“Maybe. Let’s see how long he keeps acting that way,” I sighed and turned back again.


I sat in my room with my guitar and tried to play what I’d practiced with Jonghyun last night. Minhyuk had left an hour ago and Jonghyun was napping on the couch after all I knew. I still had a hard time moving my fingers in the right time so it sounded fluently but I improved slowly.

I was in my own world, just as when I danced. Time just flew by and everything could happen around me when I was like this. It was first when someone touched my shoulder lightly that I stopped and surprised looked up.

“J-Jonghyun-ssi!” I said, “I’m sorry!” Jonghyun smiled shy to me and took a step back.

“Sorry for what? I was the one who disturbed you,” he tilted his head, “you’re getting better. That’s good!” I smiled and put the guitar down.

“I have the best teacher,” I said and he blushed, “are you hungry?”

“I… I actually came to ask if you wanted some take-out,” he said, still with a red face. I got up.

“I’ll cook something. It’s faster and better,” I said and winked, “is noodles okay?” Jonghyun nodded and I went to the kitchen, him following.

“I… I’ll help you clean the bathroom later,” he said as I was finding ingredients, “it’s funnier when you’re two and maybe Yonghwa hyung will be in a better mood then…” I looked at him.

“You don’t need to. It’s your day of,” I said, “I can do it myself…” Jonghyun shook his head.

“I want to help…” he bit his lip, “please let me~” I smiled to him. He was so nice~ 

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'Minhyuk's Noona~' GUYS, I'M SORRY! I got a job and is really stressed - I'll come with an update soon! SORRY! D:


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 19: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading this story and I gotta say that it was interesting. I enjoyed reading it and then you gave a link for sequel but looks like you have put it on hiatus... are you planning to abandon the story since you have even created a new account and all? Hope to hear from you...

PS your new account "xiablo" is it from Xia+Tablo? Does that mean you liked 'Flower'?
OMG. This was a totally awesome fanfiction.
Dying for the sequel to begin.
I'm sure it will be amazing in its own way.
Please Update soon!!

Chapter 1: OMG! This fanfic is so amazing. ^^
I like how you created the original character, and how you made it Minhyuk's older sister.
(Because, after all, Minhyuk is so adorable, right? hehe)
Anyways, I'm loving this story so far. Thank you!

striped-cat #4
Chapter 1: im so happy with this fic. i am a little more than exhausted at the great wave of exo fics that a little bit of other groups is highly appreciated. c':
WendyClary #5
Chapter 9: Omg. This is really good! Funny, yet a little heartaching at the same time! ^^ hwaiting, author-nim! ♡♡
immaninja13 #6
HEY! It's been forever since we've talked and now you're featured with a CNBlue story. How awesome is that? I'll be sure to add this to my list to read.
Congrats on the feature!