Epilogue: First and Last.

This I Promise You


A tear dropped into her eye and said, "I HATE YOU! I TOLD YOU NO SECRETS BETWEEN THE TWO OF US! I'VE WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS.." and she added "Mom, Dad, friends, everyone.. And Sungmin... I LOVE YOU. AND YES, I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND FROM NOW ON!"

"YES!!!!" I jumped in happiness! THANK YOU LORD!

All the guests clapped their hands. Sunny's mom even cried upon hearing my proposal. I love you so much, Sunny!

That was a few weeks ago. :) Sunny and I went to the rooftop and went stargazing. Her 19 birthday was a blast! Siwon has all the pictures from the beginning until the end, including the video of my proposal. Whenever I remember those things, I feel so lucky. As a reward for the boys, I treated them and went out for a drink. With Sunny's approval, of course.

"Oppa~" She placed her head on my shoulder. How cute. :">

"Yes, my love?" I answered.

"Do you have a bandaid?"


"No, why?"

"Because I just scraped my knee falling for you."

"Hahaha. Cool. Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes."

"Jagiya, I love youuuu~" She held my neck and reached for me. I hugged her in return.
"I love you more and more each daaaaay~" I leaned in closer and kissed her lips. She kissed me back. This was both our first kiss and it felt great. Our hands intertwined and promised ourselves that we'll make each other a part of forever.
That was five years ago. And I am proud to say that Sunny and I had a healthy relationships without break-ups. I am now married to her and we have two kids. Minji and Sang Hyun. Yes, I am in love with my best friend and luckily, she's mine.
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SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #1
Aw~~~~ kyu was sooooo helpful here haha, and the SJ members r all so supportive~~~~ I loooove this=) hwaiting!