My First Romance


GUY: T-Tricia?

Kumunot ang noo ko.

TRICIA: I-I'm not Tricia! Who are you?

GUY: God! Trish! I miss you! Everyone thought you're dead.

Then he hugged me. a sudden beat of my heart became faster and faster. I pushed him away!

TRICIA: W-Why did you that? W-why did you hug me?I don't know who you are!

GUY: Trish, I know it's you! Dont do this, please!

He grabbed my hand. I took it away and slapped him on his face.

TRICIA: I'm not Tricia okey! I'm MAe. Get out of my way, Superficial Pighead!

I ran to my house.

"God! I hate that Guy---soo much! I want to punch him till death", I gritted my teeth in disgust.

I hurriedly change my clothes. Im so lucky when I saw Kuya Sam was still there.

TRICIA: Kuya? Are you going to school?

SAM: Yah! I thought you leave for school awhile ago.

TRICIA: I left something at my room. *i lied*

SAM: Okey lets go then, Princess!

We drove off to school.


"God! I thought this woulld be a lucky day for me but when I met that Guy! He ! He ruin my day!", I told myself.

I went inside the room and sat down on my seat.

JAMIE: Are you okey, Mae?

I nodded without even looking at him.

JAMIE: You sure?

TRICIA: Yup! Don't worry. Im fine.

JAMIE: Okay! Ma'am is coming.

I looked at the front door and saw my teacher walking inside the room w/ someone on her back. All eyes were set on him.

I'm shocked of what I saw! It was the guy who I encounter with awhile ago. The guy ruin my DAY!

TEACHER: Good morning, class!

CLASSMATES: Good morning ma'am!
TRICIA: What's good in the morning ma'am!

I said in unison of what my classmates said.

Siniko ako ni Jamie. Then he smile. I smiled back before I looked again to the guy in front. I can see that he's looking at me with confusions in his eyes. I can hear my girl classmates giggling and overheard what they say.

CLASSMATE1: God! thats the famous Ivan Dorschner, right?

"So, He's the famous Ivan Dorschner, huh? The cover of the magazine w/c Ate Yen brought yesterday"

TEACHER: Mr. Dorschner, please introduce yourself in front.

IVAN: Hey guys! I'm Ivan Dorschner! Im you're new classmate. Aside from playing football and basketball. I also love taking pictures or photography.

Ivan met Tricia!
What will happen next?

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