My First Romance


TEACHER: okey, Mr. Dorschner! Find your seat.

I went to the seat beside Tricia's.

IVAN: Is someone occupying this one? *i ask her*

She didn't bother to answer my question. Th guy from her right answered.

GUY: Oh, there's none! Go on! You're new here right? I sat down and nodded but my eyes were still on Tricia.

GUY: Im Jamie, JAMES REID III and this is Mae, Mae Concepcion.

He said while pointing to Tricia.

I nodded in confusion.

"Mae? Mae Concepcion?", I thought.

IVAN: Yeah, I already know you. youre my best friends twin brother right?

Jamie nodded.

After class I talked to Tricia.

IVAN: Trish?

She continue walking without even looking at me. I walked after her.

IVAN: T-Trish?

I hold her hand.

She looked at me.

TRICIA: Take off your hand. *she said in a cold voice*

IVAN: Trish, dont do this please. I know its you!

I said helplessly.

TRICIA: I'm MAE okey? You're such an Idiot!

Then she hurriedly went to the canteen.

I still followed her.

She buy her lunch and sit on one of the empty seats in the canteen. I buy some drinks but when i turn around. I bumped into someone else. The soft-drinks I was holding was spilled into the dress of that person.

IVAN: I'm sorry!

I looked at the face of the one I bumped into. It was Tricia.

"God! She looked even angrier at me" I thought.

IVAN: T-Tri... I mean Mae. Im so sorry. I didn't mean to---

She cut me off when she went back on her table without even saying a single word. She sat there practicing her laser-guided hate looks at me. I saw her glaring at me w/ her coldest eyes I've ever seen.

The two are not in good terms!
Ano na ang mangyayari sa dalawa?
Will they be friends again or is it---WAR?

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