Teaser 8








She was sitting in her chair; her long hair flowing flawlessly and she was staring emptily to the wall until a knock made her leave her trail of thoughts; if there were any.



“Who?” she sits straight

“It’s me, Kyle.” he answers

“Come in.” she presses the unlock button and the door opens

“Hey, are you busy?”

“Me? No, why?” she looks at him with a bored expression

“That trainee that you took in last year made a lot of improvements, you should see the way she shoots.” he leans against the wall

“Really? Interesting.” Raven got up from her chair and followed Kyle towards the shooting range



The girl was lying on the ground; flat on her stomach. Hands; firmly holding onto the sniper and eye focusing through the lense. She took a deep breath and held it in to have a nice shot of the target paper. Raven glances sideways at her and stares at the girl pulls the trigger.






The shot was released and it was 1.5 inches from the middle target; a sly smirk appears on her Raven’s face as she claps her hand; making the girl stood up immediately and bows at her. She walks towards her with a smile; none knows whether it’s sincere or not.



“Nice shot.” Raven speaks out

“Thank you, I’ve been trained well.” she answers with a slight bow

“Have you shot before coming here?”

“No, I trained here for shooting.” she replies

“And you’re already good; what makes you so? Your will? Your revenge? Tell me.”

“My feelings…” she looks down on the floor

“Don’t feel so bad about it; you did the right thing.” she pats her back “Now, throw the daggers.” Raven snaps her finger and someone brought out the daggers on a tray

“I’m not that good at throwing daggers.” she quietly said

“It’s really easy, focus on your target, and throw.” with a slick move; Raven took the knife and throw it at the target board and it almost hit the middle “I’m still a bit rusty in throwing things but Yura’s good at these; you might want her to teach you. But first, try throwing it.”

“Okay.” she nods and took one knife; she took a deep breath and throw as hard as she could but it only got into the second ring

“Not bad for a few tries; you’ll do better.”

“How good is Yura?” she turns to Raven

“Her? Well, she can throw a lot amount of daggers at one time and she’s been training to throw them since she started becoming a trainee, it took her years of practice to improve and perfect that move. But instead of wanting you becoming like her; you should have your own talent, I prefer having assassins with different talents.”

“So, you’re really good at head-shots?”

“Yeah, I’ve been doing it since I could remember.” Raven flashes a smile

“Was it difficult, to pull a trigger? I’ve never shot anyone before, what does it feel like?”

“The truth? Guilt may wash over you and you might feel like you wanna quit but of course you can’t unless you want all of the assassins hunting you down like an eagle hunting its prey; so you’ll get over.”

“Did you feel that?”

“No, I’m just answering what most of the assassins feel.”



Raven took out a gun and pointed at her head; spontaneously, she stops Raven’s hand and twists it a bit making her grip on the gun loosen and the girl simultaneously grab the gun from Raven’s hand and pointed it back at her. Kyle took out a gun and pointed at the girl.



“Oh My God! I’m so so sorry!” the girl’s eyes widens

“Drop the gun or I’ll shoot you.” Kyle hisses

She drops the gun and blinks several times “I’m really sorry.” she repeated

“You have a fast and spontaneous reflex; that’s good.” Raven grins

“What? She pointed the gun at you.” Kyle stated

“It was spontaneous Kyle, she didn’t mean it. From now on, you’re officially an assassin who’s no longer in training. Your mission will start very soon; come to my room to have things cleared.”

“She pointed that gun at you!” Kyle looks at Raven in disbelief

“Don’t raise your tone with me Kyle; I know what I’m doing.” Raven shot him a glare and Kyle turns away with a furious face “If you keep improving, you’ll be ranked one in no time.” she flashes the girl another smile “It’s nice meeting you.” she walks out of the room

“Watch your move, Raven may seem to trust you; but I don’t.” Kyle whispers and left too

“I didn’t mean it…”









No, I'm not putting my character as the PERFECT person here; just put her as a simple heartless girl who lost a lot of things in her life. Raven's story will be revealed later with the history of Phoenix Assassins after I'm done with the teasers. The assassins will be revealed after the teasers are finished; so apply when there's still time. 3 more teasers left till the chosen assassins revelation. - Mystique







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I really like this story and am sad that it wont continue especially to see if I was chosen and who the other assassins were. :(
Chapter 2: why hello! i wanted to inform you that i had a name change. i'm the creator of "Femme" aka Arianne Labelle~ =]
wowwfantasticbabyy #3
OH MY GODDD. I would love to apply for this, but if I do get accepted, well, I barely update my own stories, so I'd also probably be too 'ehhh' to help for this story... But it seems interesting, so imma read it anyway!
Chapter 22: wahhhhhh I just found this story and its on hiatus
the story really you in hope you update soon
Chapter 22: seems interesting . cant wait ^^
Chapter 22: congrats smileyninja!
Hard to trust people nowadays.:D
izzie_inlove #7
Chapter 22: Congrats to smileyninja :D
Seriously, though, this makes the world sound so ugly.. xD
Chapter 22: Woahhhh Thank You so much for choosing me authornim!! ^^
It is sad tho to see that someone close to mr.byun wants to stab him in the back, I wonder why??
Anyways can't wait for the next assassins to be revealed! :)
Chapter 16: "The only thing that kept her moving is knowing horrible people like the ones in her past is still living and she will deplete them all before she dies... That's what she'll do until her last breath"
But why is it that the organisation only helps the bad people, like the casino story???