Target : Wu Yi Fan









Target : Wu Yi Fan





“How are you?” she asks Raven when she enters

“Fine, thank you for asking.” Raven nods

“So, what’s my mission?”

Raven looks at her with an amused smile “Excited are you? Are you sure you’ll accept it?”

“Well, I never turned down one before haven’t I, at least huge ones.” She shrugs with a smile

“Very well, I’ll explain first then.” Raven pushes out a file and shows it to her “This is Wu Yi Fan or better known as Kris Wu, his family owns one of the biggest company in China and also Canada, they’re also spreading to South Korea. He’s the only child of his family and he’s an observant guy so you have to be careful.”

“I will.”

“Now, your mission is to find out their marketing, associates, projects and other miscellaneous for the future…”

“You mean stealing their idea then?”

“That, depends on our client which doesn’t want to be identified. However, he’ll have a person to help you with questions or anything later.”

“What is the company about?”

“As you can see, it’s a business company; they have a lot of associates not only from China and Canada, but also in Korea and the states. They’re growing tremendously and apparently our client doesn’t like that, so find out whatever their future plans is.”

“I will be acting as?”

“A new worker, who graduated under business and finance, you’ll be working in the company as the personal assistant of Kris Wu, but you’ll also be working, you’ll take care of his schedules and apparently attend meetings too. You’ll still have to know a lot about the business world and give out ideas if you have to because it’s important for you not to be caught.”

“What about my résumé?” she asks

“It’s already taken care off, you’ll start work as soon as the weekend ends. Be early, I don’t want you to be lazy on this, it’s really important. If you fail to follow the rules, you’ll be sent off.”

“I understand.”

“Also, you’ll be flying to Beijing, China, the main building of the company is there so you’ll be living there for the rest of this mission.”

“My Mandarin is not that fluent.” She admitted

“I know, you’ll be learning through these then, that way you can improve your Mandarin as well.” Raven handed her a Mandarin language book

“Very well, I have no more questions, we can proceed.”

“Good, leave your signature here, and the rest of the information is in this file, keep it safe. And here’s your things you’ll be needing.” Raven handed her a bag

“Okay, goodbye then.” She bows slightly and leaves the room



She opens the file and flip through the pages; reading the information of this ‘Kris Wu’. He’s born in a really wealthy family, poured with fortunes, he seems to lack love despite all the gold he have which made her somehow pity him. It’s not like her life was perfect for he to do so.



But knowing that your parents is alive and right there in front of you but they don’t seem to care hurts more than not knowing what happened to yourself. Or is it both the same painful thing? She doesn’t know, her past seems to be a mystery. She couldn’t remember a single thing about her past, what happened to her? It’s all left unknown.



All she remembers was waking up in an orphanage and she was adopted by someone who has to do with Phoenix Assassins; she becomes a trainee and trained for several years. She made it out as one of the assassins and now here she is; moving on to her next mission.



“Hey!” a girl waves at her; breaking her train of thoughts

“Hey!” she waves back

“Raven called you too?” the girl asks

“Yeah, I just got my mission.” She smiles

“I’m on my way, I guess I’ll you soon then.”

“You won’t.” she chuckles lightly

“Why not?”

“My mission is in China, I guess I won’t be back to Korea some time soon.”

“I see, well… Good luck Park Min Rin.” The girl winks

“Yeah, you too.” She waves before the girl enters Raven’s room *Beijing huh? Great, better get my lazy to learn Mandarin.*









Dear chosen assassin, if you guys are not able to be online for a while, please do inform me. It's ridiculous to write stories about you when you're not even reading it. Anyway, congratulations to SoneCassiopeiaExotic for getting chosen! Next update will be next week *bows* - Mystique







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I really like this story and am sad that it wont continue especially to see if I was chosen and who the other assassins were. :(
Chapter 2: why hello! i wanted to inform you that i had a name change. i'm the creator of "Femme" aka Arianne Labelle~ =]
wowwfantasticbabyy #3
OH MY GODDD. I would love to apply for this, but if I do get accepted, well, I barely update my own stories, so I'd also probably be too 'ehhh' to help for this story... But it seems interesting, so imma read it anyway!
Chapter 22: wahhhhhh I just found this story and its on hiatus
the story really you in hope you update soon
Chapter 22: seems interesting . cant wait ^^
Chapter 22: congrats smileyninja!
Hard to trust people nowadays.:D
izzie_inlove #7
Chapter 22: Congrats to smileyninja :D
Seriously, though, this makes the world sound so ugly.. xD
Chapter 22: Woahhhh Thank You so much for choosing me authornim!! ^^
It is sad tho to see that someone close to mr.byun wants to stab him in the back, I wonder why??
Anyways can't wait for the next assassins to be revealed! :)
Chapter 16: "The only thing that kept her moving is knowing horrible people like the ones in her past is still living and she will deplete them all before she dies... That's what she'll do until her last breath"
But why is it that the organisation only helps the bad people, like the casino story???