Info Board






  • 23rd December, Mystique & Yura - So, I'm going through some apps now and I like some of the apps, I keep reading it and trying to choose really carefully. I see four eligible applicants to be chosen. Also, you guys do know that if you're chosen as Raven's right wing, there's a lot of thing your assassin can't do since she'll pay so much attention to you XP


  • 26th December, Mystique - I wanted to update yesterday but I was busy, so I'll update today. Thank you for the applicant forms! Applicants are welcomed. Looks like the number of eligible assassins are increasing, this is so hard to choose. And I can't believe Kai and Luhan only has one app for them, I thought they were the hottest?


  • 27th December, Mystique - So I went through AFF and look into some apply story because I was wondering what else apply story exists here. I found a story but I won't say what story it is; the author asked people to apply and so on but when the story started. It's always been about the author 'this' author 'that' and all of her character's history so I was thinking; if the point of the author making this is just to attract readers into reading her own story; then don't make it an apply fic where the applicants only showed up being her little accessories. She seems too over herself; she focused too much on her character more than others. I just can't continue reading it because the story was like 'Me and my Little Accessories added on the side'. So please, to those people who wants to do an apply fic, make sure it's not ALL about you. Sorry if this was too harsh but I had to say this.


  • 28th December, Mystique & Yura - OMG! Both of our stories are on the front page of AFF AGAIN for Most Popular Stories Today! Yura's is 'Our Little Deal' and mine of course this one, both of our stories were there on 25th December if we're not mistaken and it's there AGAIN today so we both would like to thank everyone who's been supporting both of our stories! *bows*


  • 29th December, Mystique - We receive a lot of applicants but I'm really picky and observant so I'm trying to find the most suitable ones here. And being the picky me, I have only six in mind now over the 23 apps we received. School is starting next week so me and Yura will only update about once a week, right? -,- but what to do... Anyway, we still welcome applicants and there'll be three teasers and one history chapter before the assassins are revealed. I'm the one who choose and Yura usually helps with it. However, I'm not sure whether I'll reveal them all at once or not; let's see when the chapter is posted.


  • 31st December, Mystique - To tell the truth, I haven't even chose anyone yet, I was just looking around and I really need to choose now. 11 people out of 24 huh? Applying is still open, don't worry.


  • 4th December, Mystique - School is getting in the way a lot, still there's one chapter and one history chapter left to be done, I already chose 7 applicants and 4 are still being searched so I'm sorry to those who aren't chosen. Apply is still open, being fearless and heartless is somehow impossible. Even Raven have feelings of guilt and scared of something unless you're somewhat an android.


  • 5th December, Mystique - I went through the apps again and A LOT OF YOU guys didn't follow rule number 5, 6 and 7. Rule number 4 would be a few. So those who isn't accepted, it would probably be because you broke too many rules but there are some who's not suitable. I won't say which is who. Also, most of the applicant I didn't accept is because I don't know what story to write for you as things goes on. Sorry.


  • 13th January, Mystique - All assassins are chosen, to those who are not, we apologize a lot but it's maybe because you broke the rules, did something I dislike but most of it were me trying to find a story to do for your character. No offense and we thank a lot to those who subscribed, hope you'd still continue to support us even if you're not chosen *bows* We'll reveal it soon, not sure one by one or not.











(Will be filled in the future for the assassins)









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This story is on the front page of AFF AGAIN! :)


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I really like this story and am sad that it wont continue especially to see if I was chosen and who the other assassins were. :(
Chapter 2: why hello! i wanted to inform you that i had a name change. i'm the creator of "Femme" aka Arianne Labelle~ =]
wowwfantasticbabyy #3
OH MY GODDD. I would love to apply for this, but if I do get accepted, well, I barely update my own stories, so I'd also probably be too 'ehhh' to help for this story... But it seems interesting, so imma read it anyway!
Chapter 22: wahhhhhh I just found this story and its on hiatus
the story really you in hope you update soon
Chapter 22: seems interesting . cant wait ^^
Chapter 22: congrats smileyninja!
Hard to trust people nowadays.:D
izzie_inlove #7
Chapter 22: Congrats to smileyninja :D
Seriously, though, this makes the world sound so ugly.. xD
Chapter 22: Woahhhh Thank You so much for choosing me authornim!! ^^
It is sad tho to see that someone close to mr.byun wants to stab him in the back, I wonder why??
Anyways can't wait for the next assassins to be revealed! :)
Chapter 16: "The only thing that kept her moving is knowing horrible people like the ones in her past is still living and she will deplete them all before she dies... That's what she'll do until her last breath"
But why is it that the organisation only helps the bad people, like the casino story???