Target : Byun Baek Hyun








Target : Byun Baek Hyun






“Have a seat.” Raven motions

“Thank you.” she settles with a smile

“Tea or coffee?” Raven offered

“You know I love coffee.” the girl scoffs

“Of course.” Raven casually replies and pours the coffee for her and push the cup slowly towards her

“You choose the best coffee beans.” she lifts her cup and took a small sip

“You know I do, well, the reason I called you here is not for the coffee of course.” Raven intertwines her fingers together

“I know, so let’s hear it.”

“Here, his name is Byun Baek Hyun,do you know him?”

“His family owns a huge casino.”

“Very good, well you will come in and invest in his family’s casino which he owns half of it now, don’t know when he’s going to receive all; depends on his parents.”

“How am I gonna invest? I’m 18.” she bluntly replies

“That’s why you’ll act as a daughter to another famous casino owner Mr.Kee.”


“Yes, he’s our client, he wants all the money that the Byun’s receive from the casino transferred to his and the only way to do that is if he has someone in the inside to help him.”

“Does Mr.Kee has a daughter?”

“No, he’s not even married yet, he’ll say he adopted you, he’s quite a mysterious guy so his background isn’t really available to the public.” Raven replies

“How will I transfer the money to his account?”

“Good question, you have just graduated in finance and be the one to control the Byun’s money on where should it be transferred to but of course, it’ll be a huge trouble if you transfer all at once, so little by little, you’ll fake a profit loss or something and transfer the money secretly. Make sure you delete the data and another assassin will help with the banks so you don’t have to worry about that.”

“Reason I should give?”

“You have just graduated and since your ‘dad’ is quite close to the Byun’s, Baek Hyun’s parents let you work under them.”

“Wait, they’re close?”

“Yes, oh the irony, it’s funny how people stab on each other’s back even when the person trusts them.” Raven chuckles lightly

“I forgot how ugly the world is.” she mumbled

“So, will you be accepting this mission?”

“Yes, I accept.”

“Great, you’ll be living in the same mansion as Mr.Kee but you guys won’t see each other often since he’s always so busy flying here and there.”

“A mansion?”

“Exactly, so be prepared to live a life like a princess.” Raven gave a sly smile

“Jyeah, I am so in.” she grins

“Mr.Kee will pick you up from this building, so you’ll be going home with him; be nice.” Raven reminded

“I will.” she clucks her tongue

“And here’s all the info you need about the Byun’s, good luck and have fun Eun Song.”

“I have to change my name too then? Kee Ji Min?” she looks at Raven

“Yes.” she nods

“Thanks.” she got up and bows slightly before leaving









Congratulations to smileyninja for getting chosen as the 6th assassin, we look forward to working with you, that sounds so real doesn't it? - Mystique & Yura










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I really like this story and am sad that it wont continue especially to see if I was chosen and who the other assassins were. :(
Chapter 2: why hello! i wanted to inform you that i had a name change. i'm the creator of "Femme" aka Arianne Labelle~ =]
wowwfantasticbabyy #3
OH MY GODDD. I would love to apply for this, but if I do get accepted, well, I barely update my own stories, so I'd also probably be too 'ehhh' to help for this story... But it seems interesting, so imma read it anyway!
Chapter 22: wahhhhhh I just found this story and its on hiatus
the story really you in hope you update soon
Chapter 22: seems interesting . cant wait ^^
Chapter 22: congrats smileyninja!
Hard to trust people nowadays.:D
izzie_inlove #7
Chapter 22: Congrats to smileyninja :D
Seriously, though, this makes the world sound so ugly.. xD
Chapter 22: Woahhhh Thank You so much for choosing me authornim!! ^^
It is sad tho to see that someone close to mr.byun wants to stab him in the back, I wonder why??
Anyways can't wait for the next assassins to be revealed! :)
Chapter 16: "The only thing that kept her moving is knowing horrible people like the ones in her past is still living and she will deplete them all before she dies... That's what she'll do until her last breath"
But why is it that the organisation only helps the bad people, like the casino story???