Angels vs. Demons

She's a Demon


Jay hums along with the songs playing through the speakers as he looks through the fridge, grabbing two sodas, orange for him and strawberry for Ji Na. He smiles, thinking strawberry is probably her favorite and kicks the refrigerator door closed. He stops in his tracks when he sees a familiar but unwanted face in front of him. He sighs, putting the sodas on the counter beside him, "Kiyeon, I'm pretty sure you were not invited to this party. For the first time, his heart doesn't melt when she does her aegyo on him. 

"Aw, Bommie, don't be so mean to me. I came just to see you!" She smiles brightly and throws herself on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her chest against his, but he doesn't react. He sees that her smile doesn't reach her cold, flaming eyes. 

"Well that's a shame, Kiyeon, because I really don't want to see you." He pries her arms off of him and steps back, trying to walk around her. He's stopped when her hand slams into his chest and knocks him on the ground. His breath flies out of his chest and he pants, looking at her in surprise. Since when was she that strong??? He swallows and looks at her warily. Kiyeon smiles at him again, but this smile is different. It's the smile that a monster smiles when it knows its prey is cornered and helpless. She steps back and locks the door to the kitchen and before he can stand back up, she climbs on top of him, straddling his waist and leaning over him, her lips brushing across his as she speaks. 

"Jay, baby, don't try to leave so soon," her smile widens and her eyes flash with a bloodred glint, "Our fun is just getting started." 

*Ji Na* 

Ji Na swallows and breathes deeply, calming herself as she looks up to meet the demon boy's eyes, "Seunghyun, I thought parties like these weren't your style." She keeps her voice calm, hiding the suspicion and panic that she feels at both Kiyeon and Seunghyun together at a human party. 

Seunghyun's smile tightens and he grips Ji Na's wrists a little tighter in annoyance, "I've told you a thousand times to call me TOP. I know you remember." His upper lip curled back, revealing startling white sharp teeth in an attempt to scare her. Ji Na refused to let herself feel fear because she knew that was exactly what he wanted. Ji Na never associated with demons unless she was trying to save a human, but "TOP" had a reputation among human gang circles and all ranks of angels. He was known to be a player with a sadistic streak towards angels. She knew showing her fear would only give TOP pleasure and make him hurt her more. So she smiled despite her pain and answered him. 

"I know what you call yourself, but I think your real name sounds better, Seunghyun. But you didn't answer me," her eyes flashed, showing her anger, "Why are you here?" She tilted her head innocently, daring him to try her. 

TOP sighed and laughed under his breath, rolling his eyes as his anger grew, "Aish, this little ." His gaze focused back on Ji Na, "I'm here because Kiyeon was having a little trouble with her catch. Seeing you here, I can guess what the trouble was." Ji Na's heart beat faster at the word "catch" and she knew they were here for Jay. She tried to move away from him, but TOP chuckled darkly and pulled her tight against his chest. "Now, now, no need to be in a hurry. Kiyeon's taking her time with her fun, so why don't we have some fun, too?" His eyes flashed as he looked down at Ji Na and his lips. He grinned in satisfaction as Ji Na finally gave him the response he wanted, her eyes widening in fear as she tried to pull away again. "Oh, you look so excited to have fun with me, Ji Na~" She struggled again, her eyes searching the crowd, but she didn't know what for. Humans wouldn't be able to help her with TOP;  they would only get hurt, and Ji Na doubted they would hear her scream over the music. Her attention was directed back to TOP as he spoke, "Your boyfriend won't be able to save you, sweetheart. He's probably having the time of his life right now, or what's left of it. " Ji Na's mouth opened and she screamed Jay's name, praying he would hear her and be alright. "Aww, you're still gonna fight?" TOP sighed and clucked his tongue, "Too bad. I was really hoping you'd cooperate." With that, he hit Ji Na in the back of her neck, knocking her out. He smirked and held her chin up. Even unconscious she's still worrying about that good for nothing human. He picked Ji Na up in his arms and carried her out to his car, knowing Kiyeon would find other ways to get Jay out if she needed to. He buckled her in the back seat and drove off as fast as the car could go, laughing as he imagined all the fun he could have with the weak, unconscious angel in the backseat of his car.


To anyone else, Jay and Kiyeon looked like they'd hooked up at the party. She crouched over him, kissing him hungrily as she tangled her fingers in his hair and pressed her s against his chest, her other hand skillfully unbuckling his belt. Jay's hands were under Kiyeon's shirt, skimming her sides and approaching the clasp of her bra to undo it. What wasn't visible to any human observer was the fiery glint in Kiyeon's eyes as she stared into Jay's dark, conflicted ones, or the mental struggle Jay was going through as he tried to resist Kiyeon's hypnosis. Kiyeon smirked into his mouth as she undid his belt and slid her hand into his pants and under the band of his boxers, before Jay managed to regain control of himself. He pushed her away as hard as he could, backing up and standing onto his feet and panting. He glared at her as she looked at him, still open and her eyebrows raised in disbelief. "What the hell are you trying to do, huh? You left me, and I don't want you! That isn't going to change just because you got inside my head and jumped me at a party!" He huffed in anger, buckling his belt back and storming around her towards the door. He stopped when he heard her laugh. It wasn't the laugh he used to know; it was dark and gave him shivers. 

"Where are you going, Jay? Back to your little girlfriend? Sorry to tell you, but she's not here. She's a little... preoccupied." He whirled around and picked Kiyeon up off of the ground by the collar of her shirt. 

"What. did you do. to her."

Kiyeon blinked in surprise. She'd never seen Jay angry before, but he was so livid that he almost scared her. She resisted the urge to smile and tease, thinking that he would probably hurt her out of anger. She shrugged instead, "I didn't do anything. But my friend definitely did. He's a little sadistic psycopath, and he's always had a soft spot for her. He's probably already gone somewhere with her now." She did smile then, revealing her sharp, canine teeth. Jay sneered in disgust and dropped her, turning back to the door. Before he could grab the handle, it flew open, Nana and Daehyun stepping into the kitchen. Nana's gaze slid over Jay to Kiyeon with a chilling lack of warmth compared to when Jay first met her. She opened to speak. 

"I'll take care of this . You and Daehyun go and get Ji Na before that psycho tries anything. He hasn't gone far." Jay opened his mouth to protest, but he was cut off when Nana looked at him. He blinked in surprise, taking in her golden eyes. She smiled; it had a calming effect on him, "I can take care of myself. We," she pointed to herself and Daehyun, "were aware of the situation when Ji Na brought you here. She wanted us to help. So let us. Go with Daehyun. I'll be fine here." Jay didn't argue again. He followed Daehyun out of the kitchen and followed him. They didn't get far before they heard a bloodcurdling scream. Jay stopped in his tracks and turned back to the kitchen to see Nana leave the kitchen. He turned back to look at Daehyun, who shook his head, "That's one taken care of," and continued down a hall to a door. He stepped down and flicked the lights on, revealing two cars and a garage door. He jumped into the driver's seat of one and pressed a button that let up the garage door. Jay got into the passenger's seat, and looked at Daehyun as he pulled out of the driveway and sped down the street. He finally found his voice to ask, 

"What did she do? Nana, I mean." Daehyun glanced at him and sighed before he spoke. 

"She sent her back to Hell. Permanently. It sounded worse, right?" Jay nodded before Daehyun continued, "Angels and demons can return back to Heaven or Hell whenever we want once we're strong enough, but being forcefully sent back is always painful. It's sort of like... having an organ ripped out of you. And it's impossible to return back to Earth. You won't be seeing your ex again." Daehyun spoke with finality in his voice, and spoke before Jay could ask another question. "I know where I'm going. We can sense each other. Angels, I mean. Ji Na isn't that far, so I can sense where she is, and go in that direction." Jay blinked, staring at Daehyun in confusion. 

"Am I that obvious?" he finally managed to ask. Daehyun smiled slightly, and shook his head. His smile looked somewhat sleepy. 

"I'm really good at guessing people's thoughts. It's just something I'm able to do. But anyone would be able to tell that you're worried about Ji Na." He turned suddenly and drove onto a stretch of land a few minutes away from an abandoned building. "He took her in there. The car's somewhere around here. We'll have to walk so he doesn't know we're coming." Daehyun and Jay got out and started towards the building. Jay jumped when he felt hands under his armpits and saw he was being lifted off of the ground. He looked up and saw Daehyun with large white wings, flying towards the building. Before he could feel any wariness about being so high off of the ground, Daehyun set him down on the roof and landed next to him. "They're on the floor below us. Let's go." 

*Ji Na* 

Ji Na rolled her neck and stretched her legs out, feeling groggy as she opened her eyes sleepily. She wondered why her bed was so cold and hard as she tried to scratch the back of her neck. Her eyes snapped open when she heard metal clanking together as her hand reached her neck. She looked down at the chains on her wrists and ankles, and then around the room that wasn't hers. It was bare of any furniture except for a chair that was occupied by a familiar, menacing face. "Seunghyun, let me go!" Ji Na's eyes widened as he smirked and walked towards her. She crawled backwards and pressed herself as close to the wall as she could, wishing she could melt through it and away from Seunghyun. But changing her density wasn't something Ji Na could do, so when TOP knelt in front of her, Ji Na glared at him, her gaze not moving away from his eyes. "Let me go," she repeated herself. 

TOP chuckled, trailing a finger down the side of her face and cupping her chin. "Now why would I do that? I'm gonna have some fun with you." He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers, getting ready to kiss her when Ji Na slammed her forehead into his as hard as she could. He fell backwards, yelling curses and holding his forehead. He looked back at her, his gaze filled with rage as he lifted his hand to hit her. Ji Na squeezed her eyes closed and braced herself for a hit that never came. 


Jay ran down the stairs as fast as he could, coming to a long hallway with many rooms, none of which had doors. He looked around frantically, not sure which one Ji Na was in when he heard a male voice yelling curses. He ran towards that door, Daehyun right behind him, and charged in, grabbing TOP's hand before he could hit Ji Na. 

*Ji Na*

Ji Na opened her eyes slowly and looked in TOP's direction. Her eyes widened when she saw him glaring at Jay, who was squeezing his raised wrist. All of her fear melted when she saw him. She smiled and opened to call his name, but she was distracted when she saw a glint of something in TOP's other hand. "Jay, look out!" 


Jay managed to dodge as TOP swung the dagger at his side. He rushed at the demon and punched him under the chin, trying to get him as far away from Ji Na as he could. Before TOP could swing the dagger again, he kicked it out of his hand and punched him in the mouth, glancing back to Ji Na to see Daehyun breaking her chains. He sighed in relief and grunted as TOP punched him hard in the gut. TOP was in a violent frenzy, throwing punches at Jay as hard as he could. Jay managed to block some of them, but he could taste blood in his mouth and his sides throbbed in pain. "Jay!" he heard Ji Na call him and turned to see Daehyun fly into TOP, knocking him into a wall and pinning him there. Jay sighed in relief and turned to see Ji Na charge at TOP, jumping up and drop kicking him as she yelled something in a foreign language. He fell over in surprise as a large, flaming red hole opened below TOP's feet, the flames swallowing him whole as he screamed. Daehyun and Ji Na flew away from the flames, Ji Na running over to Jay and slamming into him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, "I'm so glad she didn't get you, Jay..." Jay smiled softly, the pain temporarily forgotten as he held Ji Na in his arms and kissed her hair. 

"I'm not going anywhere, babe." That was the last thing he remembered before he passed out. 


Hai everyone~ This is probably the last chapter that's related to the plot. The next one will totally be fluff... I hope the fighting scenes weren't too disappointing to everyone u_u Anyway, comments, compliments, opinions and suggestions for the next chappie? Indulge me, please... subscribers or ghost readers -3- After I finish this story, I have SO many story ideas.. stalker stories.. EXO stories... Alice In Wonderland stories... the list goes on... Anyway, thanks for reading so far~ 

P.S: I FAIL AS AN AUTHOR!!!! I thought I posted this chapter forever ago!! Sorry guys!!! /shot >< /bows a million times/ orz

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One more chapter for JayNa ;A;


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b2utiful_jwalker #1
Chapter 10: More cute Ji Na and Jay scenes? :3
b2utiful_jwalker #2
Chapter 9: O;; i think you should make TOP kiyeon's friend..
Update soon :-)
b2utiful_jwalker #3
Chapter 8: Maybe the first one? (:
BeautyIsPain #4
Chapter 8: I like the first one :)
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Chapter 6: Updatee pleasee
BeautyIsPain #6
Chapter 4: As long as Jat keeps listening to JiNa he'll be fine. I swear I hate Kiyeon more and more with each chapter -_-
BeautyIsPain #7
Chapter 1: Can I kick Kiyeon in her face? B i t c h.