
She's a Demon


Jay in a deep breath, kicking his door closed as Kiyeon eyed him with her flirtatious gaze. He wasn't going for that anymore. As he threw his stuff down on the seat by the living room entrance, she jumped up and slowly walked towards him, her arms wide, "Bommie~!! I've been waiting for you!! I even went to the club tonight and danced just for you, but you didn't pay any attention!" She threw her arms around his stiff figure, looking up at him, blinking her wide eyes, "What's wrong, Bommie Oppa? You're acting so cold…" 


fell open in protest as Jay pried her arms off of him, pushing her away and dropping his hands from her shoulders. He walked around her as she stood, shocked at his cold behavior, and threw his coat on his bed. He was relieved to find Peatry laying there, ears perked up as he saw Jay come in. Jay frowned at the dog, kneeling down to scratch his head, "You're supposed to keep people out, P. Did you fall for her charms, too?" Peatry looked at Jay innocently, turning his head as Kiyeon's tall red heels clacked against the hardwood floor, the sound growing louder as she approached the two. She stood in the middle of Jay's room, hands on her hips and her lips in an angry pout, "How dare you ignore me like that? What's with you??"


Jay stood, looking his ex-girlfriend up and down. In her tight leather skirt and silky white top revealing her toned stomach and her silver belly stud, she would have been enough to make Jay crazy, until she ditched him. He looked at her now in annoyance and indifference. "Last time I checked, you were the one ignoring me in favor of other guys. But I guess it can't be called ignoring me if you're flaunting them all in my face, can it?" He didn't really expect an answer from her, although he did want to know what the hell she was doing in his apartment after making it so obvious that whatever they had was over. He watched as her face morphed from anger to shame. She approached him again, hugging him so hard that she knocked him to the bed, startling Peatry off of the bed and into another room in the apartment. 

Jay gulped, suddenly uncomfortable in the position he found himself in. Kiyeon was straddling his waist, her knees on either side of him as her chest was pressed against his, her face not even an inch away from him. He could feel her breath on his lips as she begged for forgiveness. "I'm so sorry Jay! I was being stupid when I was with those guys, and I know I hurt you, but I needed to! You work at that club all the time and there are so many girls there! And they're all so pretty and dressed up and so much better looking than I am and I had to know you wouldn't betray me." Jay was paying less attention to her words and more attention to her voice itself, the sound of pure seduction. He was almost willing to jump off of a cliff if she said it in that moment, feeling as if he was falling into the red pits of Hell that were her eyes. 

"I…" he began to say, absorbed in Kiyeon's fiery eyes when he heard a voice in his head, Ji Na's voice. "Don't Jay! She's lying to you, you know she is! She's just playing with your heart! Don't listen to her or she'll keep playing with you until she breaks you!! Please, Bommie… listen to me.. Don't go back to her!!!!!" Jay startled out of his trance, feeling Kiyeon's draw wither as he registered Ji Na's words and something else. Her eyes were wide as she begged him to take her back, her lips getting closer and closer to his, but her eyes lacked any regret. Her eyes glowed with the victorious gaze he'd seen so many times after she showed up with another guy right in front of him. Enraged, Jay stood suddenly, pushing Kiyeon off of him. She fell to the floor, her legs splayed in front of her as she looked up at him, angrier than he'd ever seen her. Her eyes glowed like a deadly wildfire as she growled, jumping up to shove him hard against his chest, her pleading innocent act gone. "Yah!! What's up with you, huh?" She glared at him, drilling holes into his eyes. She sneered, as if she found something she didn't like in them.  "I thought I was all that was on your mind, and all of a sudden little innocent Jiji is everywhere! I swear that damned little angel is getting in my way too much for her own good! But I guess your type switched quite a bit, didn't it Bommie?" She glared at him again, heaving out a sigh as she calmed down just as quickly as she exploded. Jay was stunned into silence, not at all familiar with this side of Kiyeon. He stared, not comprehending her sudden hatred of Ji Na or her sudden red eyes. She gave her hair one final flip before she turned and stalked out of his room, stopping at his door. "You may like her innocent act now, but eventually, that… need… of yours will rear it's lustful head, and you'll be wishing you'd just taken me back, no matter what she tells you about me. No angel can satisfy like a demon can. Enjoy your date, Bommie." She winked, and moments later, he heard his front door slam closed. 

Jay sank onto his bed, sighing and running his hands through his shaved hair as he thought again about everything that had just happened. Ji Na's voice had been in his head… He thought he'd imagined it, but even Kiyeon knew? And since when were her eyes red? Since when did she know about Ji Na's nickname?? She hadn't been there had she? Jay wasn't sure of anything anymore. He was drowning in his own confusion when his cell phone rang. He sighed, picking up the phone and checking the caller ID: Ji Na. He answered the call, hearing her shaky voice on the other end. "Umm… Jay?"


Sorry if this chapter was a little short, I was interrupted! >< Note: gold writing is Ji Na's voice in Jay's head. Telepathy~

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One more chapter for JayNa ;A;


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b2utiful_jwalker #1
Chapter 10: More cute Ji Na and Jay scenes? :3
b2utiful_jwalker #2
Chapter 9: O;; i think you should make TOP kiyeon's friend..
Update soon :-)
b2utiful_jwalker #3
Chapter 8: Maybe the first one? (:
BeautyIsPain #4
Chapter 8: I like the first one :)
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Chapter 6: Updatee pleasee
BeautyIsPain #6
Chapter 4: As long as Jat keeps listening to JiNa he'll be fine. I swear I hate Kiyeon more and more with each chapter -_-
BeautyIsPain #7
Chapter 1: Can I kick Kiyeon in her face? B i t c h.