
She's a Demon

"Jay, guys, hurry up!!" Ji Na called as she ran ahead of him towards a spot under a large tree. Carrying a picnic basket, she held her straw sun hat with her other hand. Jay shook his head, strolling after her with his hands in his pockets. He looked behind him to see Daehyun carrying Nana on his back, a picnic basket tucked under his arm. It was a month after Kiyeon and her demon friend had been sent back to Hell, and the couples were on a double date. Chuckling softly, he called back, 

"You slow down! The tree isn't going anywhere." Ji Na looked back at him with a shy smile and a blush across her cheeks, stopping where she stood. The sight of her brought a smile to his face as he walked towards her. "Now that's better," he held her waist with and pulled her closer, kissing her lips lightly and getting a giggle from her. The two turned around when they heard Nana's yelling. 

"Oi, you two!! I know you're head over heels and getting married soon, but please, keep it PG out here?" She leaned her cheek on Daehyun's  and stuck her tongue out at Jay and Ji Na. 

Daehyun chuckled slightly, "Nana, you'll give Ji Na a heart attack. You've already made her face so red." He nodded at Ji Na's face, which had turned a deep rosy red. She hid her face in Jay's shirt, hugging him tightly. 

Jay laughed, Ji Na's hair, "Nana, I think you're pushing things just a little too fast, you know?" The group had grown closer since Kiyeon's return to Hell, spending their time at the Void, or at each other's houses. Jay and Ji Na had become inseperable, frequently staying at each other's houses. 

Nana shrugged innocently, jumping off of Daehyun's back as they reached their spot under the tree. "Aww, she'll be fine. Besides, I know she likes it~" She grinned, poking Ji Na's side, "Don't you, Jiji~?" 

Ji Na's mouth opened and closed like a fish's out of water, her face growing redder. She squealed and flitted away from the three of them, diving onto the picnic blanket she'd laid out and unpacking the food. "What should we eat first, guys?" Her voice was high pitched and a little frantic, trying to change the topic. The others laughed, but decided to stop teasing her for the moment, at least. 

Jay laughed and shook his head, sitting cross legged next to Ji Na, their arms brushing against each other. "Let's just eat everything at once?" He suggested, shrugging his shoulders. Ji Na looked at him and grinned, a rare impish grin. 

"And take pictures of your silly face when you eat!" She immediately turned and looked through her purse, pulling out a digital camera. "You managed to avoid it last time, but today, I WILL capture the face!" She held the camera up, snapping a picture of Jay before he could duck. 

"I don't think that's gonna happen, Ji Na." He grinned at her, resisting the urge to kiss her adorably eager face. "Not if I take the camera before you can get a picture~" He lurched forward for the camera, causing Ji Na to squeal and scoot backwards. 

"No! You aren't taking my camera~ I have to capture the face!!" She got up and ran away, shrieking and laughing aloud as Jay chased after her. 

Nana and Daehyun looked on, their mouths open slightly in confusion. Nana finally laughed aloud and shook her head, "Aigo, those two. I think they'll be happy with each other, don't you?" She smiled up at Daehyun, leaning her head on his shoulder. 

He wrapped an arm around her, slinging it over her shoulders, "I think they will be. We'll be around to make sure they are." And the couple turned back to watch their dongsaeng and her new lover. 


Hai guyz!!! So, this was the epilogue and final chapter of She's A Demon. Sorry it took me so long!! >< I've been preparing for a lot of tests, but school's almost over for me. So~ More time to write stories!! And I have soo many ideas~ But first, what did you think? Anyone want a baackstory for Daehyun and Nana? I've been thinking of writing one... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story ^^ 

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One more chapter for JayNa ;A;


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b2utiful_jwalker #1
Chapter 10: More cute Ji Na and Jay scenes? :3
b2utiful_jwalker #2
Chapter 9: O;; i think you should make TOP kiyeon's friend..
Update soon :-)
b2utiful_jwalker #3
Chapter 8: Maybe the first one? (:
BeautyIsPain #4
Chapter 8: I like the first one :)
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Chapter 6: Updatee pleasee
BeautyIsPain #6
Chapter 4: As long as Jat keeps listening to JiNa he'll be fine. I swear I hate Kiyeon more and more with each chapter -_-
BeautyIsPain #7
Chapter 1: Can I kick Kiyeon in her face? B i t c h.