It's a date?

She's a Demon


As the weeks passed, Jay saw Ji Na every night, and Kiyeon began to fade into a distant, but still unhappy memory. Jay looked up from the playlist on his computer to search the bar for Ji Na. Since Chansung was back, the two hung out less, but they spent their breaks together. He spotted her, chatting away with a girl holding a drink. She grinned and waved noticing Jay looking at her. He smiled and threw her a peace sign, his eyes finally tearing away from her face as a couple came up to request a song. After closing time, Jay walked out with Ji Na to her car, laughing along with her about something he could no longer remember. She looked up at him suddenly, stopping right in front of her car.  “Nae, Jay?” She looked slightly nervous.

“Yes, Ji Na?” He waited, knowing she was serious when she used his name. She giggled nervously, her hand over .

“Umm…. Well, I was wondering…  my roommate is having a party. It’s gonna be a really big party! It’s at her house, and she has a pool and it’s huge! There’s even a waterfall built into it!” Ji Na threw her hands up, animatedly trying to describe the size of the pool with them. She stopped, blushing as Jay struggled to hold in his laughter. “Yaah.. Don’t laugh at me! I’m trying to ask you to come with me!” She crossed her arms, her blush growing as she pouted.

Jay took a deep breath, serious again, “Oh, really?” He hadn’t expected her to ask him out, if that was even what she was doing.

Ji Na nodded, looking up at him. “I don’t really know anyone going, and she said we can invite people. So.. I thought if you came with me, at least I’d have fun…” Her voice died away as she looked down again, holding her hands together.

Jay smiled, tilting Ji Na’s face so that she was looking at him. Her face had turned so red it was the color of wine. “Of course I’ll come then.”

Ji Na’s eyes grew wide and she broke into a grin, “Really?” She squealed, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tightly, shaking him a little. “Yay!! Thanks so much, Oppa!!”  

He laughed, his arms settling around her waist and holding her there to calm her down. “Don’t worry about it. After all, we’ll have fun, right? When is it?”

Ji Na blushed, feeling Jay’s arms around her. “Umm.. Oh, right! It’s this Saturday, at seven. It’s one of our off days, so Boss said it was fine.” She looked up at him again and grinned. “Dress nice! Nana’s nice, but she’s fashion crazy, so..” Ji Na threw her hands up in a “what can you do” gesture, as if that explained everything.

Jay blew a breath between his lips, “That’s no problem. I just have to make sure I’m not too hot for her right?” He winked at Ji Na, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles. She stood back, reluctantly leaving his arms as she threw her bag into the passenger seat of her Volkswagon Bug. “Okay, okay, Mr. Hotstuff. Oh! Where should we meet?” She turned back to Jay as he shrugged.

He thought about it for a second before pulling his phone out. “How about we just exchange numbers? And I can just pick you up that night. That okay?” She nodded her head excitedly, pulling her phone out of her pocket and they exchanged numbers. Jay watched as she drove back to her apartment in her little yellow Bug before walking to his own car.


Jay walked up to his apartment, humming one of the songs he’d played when he noticed a light in the window. He stopped, listening at his door for Peatry’s barks or anyone moving around inside. Not hearing anything, he unlocked his door and slowly opened it, bracing himself for an attacker. He wasn’t at all braced for who he saw sitting on the couch in his living room: Kiyeon. 


 Ehehe, she wasn't just gonna disappear, you know! ^^ Cliff hanger ending, but I plan to add the next chapter later today (today for me anyway). Comments, feedback (even criticism) extremely welcome!

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One more chapter for JayNa ;A;


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b2utiful_jwalker #1
Chapter 10: More cute Ji Na and Jay scenes? :3
b2utiful_jwalker #2
Chapter 9: O;; i think you should make TOP kiyeon's friend..
Update soon :-)
b2utiful_jwalker #3
Chapter 8: Maybe the first one? (:
BeautyIsPain #4
Chapter 8: I like the first one :)
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Chapter 6: Updatee pleasee
BeautyIsPain #6
Chapter 4: As long as Jat keeps listening to JiNa he'll be fine. I swear I hate Kiyeon more and more with each chapter -_-
BeautyIsPain #7
Chapter 1: Can I kick Kiyeon in her face? B i t c h.