Ji Na

She's a Demon

Tonight was Jay's night off, and he planned to spend the night anywhere but at Eclipse, since Kiyeon seemed to enjoy torturing him there. He was lounging on his bed when his phone rang. He picked it up and checked his caller ID. Chunsung, his junior and a bartender at the club was calling him.

"'Hey, Chansung"

"Hey, Jay. *cough cough*"

Jay jumped away from the phone, startled by the coughing. He carefully held the phone slightly away from his ear. "Channie, what's up with you? Is it allergy season or somethin?" 

His friend grunted into the phone in response. "Yeah, I forgot to take the stupid medication and I feel like I've got the flu. I can't come in today. I didn't really wanna ask, but boss will kill me if I try to come in sick. Will you cover for me? Please?? I'll treat you to some Mexican food?"

Jay sighed, hearing his friend's please. He shook his head, knowing he'd regret his decision when he got to the club. "Yea, I'll cover for you, but I'm holding you to that Mexican food, got it?" He heard Chansung sigh in relief.

"Definitely! Thanks, Jay, I- *cough cough, cough*" Jay pulled the phone away from his ear again as the call was interrupted by a fatal sounding coughing fit.

"Dude! Drink some hot tea and get your girlfriend to bring you some medication. You sound like you're about to die." He heard Chansung mumble in agreement, probably trying to hold the coughing at bay as he hung up. Jay sighed, throwing on some jeans he hadn't worn and a white v-neck. In a half attempt to look nice, he threw on a leather jacket before he headed out the door. "Don't wait up, Peatry." He always said that to his dog, even though it wasn't as if Peatry was his girlfriend.


Jay sat behind the bar, absent mindedly watching the dancing figures in the center of the floor not noticing as the manager approached him, followed by an unfamiliar girl. "Jay!" He blinked and shook himself out of his daze as he turned to the manager. His attention was immediately captured by the girl behind him. She was partially hidden behind the manager, her hands folded in front of her, head down and a slight blush on her cheeks. Jay was amused to see she was very shy. He tuned into the manager's introductions, waiting for her name. "Jay, this is a new employee, Goo Ji Na. She's a few years your junior and a student at the local university, please treat her well. I'll leave it to you to show her the ropes, since Chansung is out tonight." Jay nodded, offering the still shy Ji Na a smile. "Hi, I'm Park Jae Bom, but please just call me Jay. Chansung is the usual bartender, but I'm filling in for him tonight. Nice to meet you." He offered his hand, hoping she'd stop being so shy and look up. He smiled when his wish was heard. She slowly looked up at him from beneath long dark lashes, and smiled shyly. As she took his hand and shook, Jay noticed how small her hands were.

"Goo Ji Na inmida." She took a step back to bow deeply. "I've never worked in a club before, so please take care of me!" Jay smiled, noting how light and musical her voice was. Her honey brown hair fell across her shoulders as she straightened to look at him. 

"Don't worry about it. Working the bar is actually a pretty fun job. The customers are pretty nice, even if they're drunk. I'm not really the best at bartending either, but I'll help how I can."

Ji Na's tinkling laughter was soothing to his ears, "That makes two of us!" formed an 'O' of surprise as she put her hand over . Her eyes shined as if she knew some special joke, "Let's hope the customers don't get mad at us!" Jay laughed along at her humor. He was starting to forget his reluctance to come that night in the face of this sunny girl when a flaming red caught his eye. Unconsciously, he turned to it, freezing when he recognized Kiyeon. She was twirling a strand of hair around her two fingers like she did whenever she was pissed, and she seemed to be glaring at him and Ji Na. Jay was unable to register why she may look angry compared to her usual taunting attitude when Ji Na grabbed his hand in hers. He turned back to her to see a worried look on her face. The innocent joking girl melted away from her face as she regarded him with suddenly wise eyes. "That girl was someone important to you?" He didn't answer, feeling all of his thoughts and emotions reveal themselves on his face. Ji Na smiled encouragingly, still holding his hand. "Nae, Jay. Show me how to mix a margarita?" She smiled innocently, batting her long eyelashes at him. He laughed aloud, feeling the stiffness roll off of his shaking shoulders as he slowly forgot Kiyeon standing only a few feet away as her glare transformed from annoyed to enraged. Her fatal gaze was deflected by Ji Na's presence alone as she kept Jay occupied, making him laugh as he helped her with the bartending. While Jay worked away at fixing drinks for a couple sitting at the bar, Ji Na turned to face Kiyeon. Her innocent charade fell as she looked at the angered redhead solemnly. She leaned against the bar, never taking her eyes away from Kiyeon's. Her gaze hardened, Leave him alone. You've done enough damage, Demon Kiyeon. 

Kiyeon's lips curled up slightly in a feline growl. She hid her anger behind her trademark challenging smile. Enough? I haven't even begun.Stay out of my way, Angel Ji Na, or I may just have fun with you two. I hate when your kind interferes with my fun. Ending their silent feud, Kiyeon abruptly flipped her hair behind her shoulder and turned away, pulling the nearest guy to her and crushing her lips to his in a lustful, intoxicating kiss just to taunt the new girl. She threw a smirk her way before dragging the grinning guy along to the dance floor by the front of his jeans. Ji Na watched in annoyance, turning around to make sure Jay hadn't witnessed the two girls. She sighed in relief to see that he was cleaning up the counter, his back still to the bar. She smiled and went to stand next to him, their arms brushing against each other. He looked down at her with a smile on his lips, oblivious to what had just happened. "So, am I going to be doing the bartending all along tonight, Jiji?"

Ji Na blushed, embarrassed that she'd left Jay to do her job, and delighted that he'd already given her a nickname. She bowed quickly, taking the rag from him and washing down the counter and the bar, even though the night was still young. "I'm so sorry Jay! I got carried away watching the crowd.." It was a lame excuse, but she didn't want to remind him of Kiyeon; she liked his happy expression much better than the one she'd seen when he saw Kiyeon. Ji Na had no reason to worry as Jay accepted her excuse with laughter.

He leaned against the bar, crossing his legs behind him as he looked at her. "It's okay, it's only your first night. Besides, you'll have free nights and breaks to go out and dance yourself." He grinned, seeing the delighted surprise on her face. 

"Really ? We get to dance to??" She covered with her hands again, struggling to hide her excitement and not seem so childish. As Jay laughed at her reaction again, she ended up trying to cover her cheeks as well. 

"Yes, we do. Just not very often, or else who would serve drinks and take care of the music? You're so excited, Jiji." Jay had a feeling he'd grow to like teasing Ji Na. He already felt unusually comfortable around her. 

Ji Na blushed even deeper, pulling her hands down and ducking her head as she gave up on covering her blush. "Don't tease me so much Jay... aigoo.." She pouted softly, peeking up at him. "Soo..." she began, not sure to ask about her new nickname. "Jiji?" 

Jay scratched the back of his head, realizing he may have been a little forward. "Well, it fits, and you're so bubbly." He observed her expression, hoping she wasn't upset by the nickname. Luckily, she grinned at him. 

"I like it!" She giggled happily. "But if I'm Jiji, then you have to be.... Bommie?" Ji Na tilted her head, hoping Jay would like her nickname for him. She watched anxiously as he hid his laughter behind his hand, supporting himself by leaning on the bar. Catching his breath, he nodded. Her eyes brightened, "I can call you Bommie??" He nodded again, shaking his head at her puppylike eagerness, she squealed and jumped, clapping her hands. "Bommie!" She said it now more for fun instead of calling him. The night passed, turning into early morning without further confrontation between the former couple. Kiyeon passed by the bar once more before Eclipse closed, eyeing the two at the bar. Jay was unaware, bent over to Ji Na as she told him about a joke. JI Na, facing the crowd, acknowledged Kiyeon with no more than a hidden glare or warning, not changing her animated expression. Kiyeon uncharacteristically heeded the warning, passing the bar without another glance as the same guy from earlier trailed after her, his eyes watching her sway beneath her tight skirt. If Jay had noticed the exchange, he would have noticed Kiyeon's eyes glow a bloodred color and Ji Na's flash golden. But he remained unaware, and he came home that morning at 4 am happier than he had been in weeks. 

A/N: So how was it? I hope this chapter was a lot longer and explains the supernatural tab. So yea, since it's based partially on "Demon" by Jay Park, Kiyeon is a demon, which is why she's evil. Ji Na's an angel, just so Jay won't suffer ^^ I dunno for sure who I want him to end up with yet though... I do GREATLY appreciate feedback! Criticism, comments or anything, since this is my first fic v.v Yes, this does have an angel and a demon, but I'm not planning any Hell versus Heaven wars, even if it is over Jay Park. XD Anyway, here's a profile for Ji Na now! 



Goo Ji Na

23, same age as Kiyeon, yes.

University student, part timer at Eclipse as another bartender

Quiet and shy at first, but very energetic and bubbly once you get to know her. She is not as naive as she seems, though she is innocent. Ji Na is very observant of people's personalities and actions, and extremely loyal to her friends.

Angel, her eyes flash golden.

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One more chapter for JayNa ;A;


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b2utiful_jwalker #1
Chapter 10: More cute Ji Na and Jay scenes? :3
b2utiful_jwalker #2
Chapter 9: O;; i think you should make TOP kiyeon's friend..
Update soon :-)
b2utiful_jwalker #3
Chapter 8: Maybe the first one? (:
BeautyIsPain #4
Chapter 8: I like the first one :)
b2utiful_jwalker #5
Chapter 6: Updatee pleasee
BeautyIsPain #6
Chapter 4: As long as Jat keeps listening to JiNa he'll be fine. I swear I hate Kiyeon more and more with each chapter -_-
BeautyIsPain #7
Chapter 1: Can I kick Kiyeon in her face? B i t c h.