
Imagine Collections

You are working late as you finish the last outfit for the day. You are a designer and you make stage outfits for Idols while your sister gets their sizes in the fitting room. You envied your sister a bit, she had just recently started dating Super Junior’s very own LeeTeuk and you wished you could date your dream guy. Who happened to be Super Junior’s HeeChul. Thanks to your sister you were able to become friends with some of the SUJU boys, one of them being HanKyung, who was not only HeeChul’s roommate but also one of his closest friends according to your sister.

She was gone on a date with LeeTeuk today so you had been taking care of the shop all by yourself the whole day. You put the last spike on the shoulder of HeeChul’s soon to be stage outfit. It was the last one you had to finish for their new song titled, “A-CHA” which would lead to a repackaged album of Mr. Simple. You knew these things because you were quite the ELF. You are about to go home when your phone rings as you finish locking the doors. You answer your sisters’ call.

“What do you need dongsaeng?” you ask lightly.

You hear her giggle, “Wanna hang with me and some of the SUJU boys?” she asks then whispers, “HeeChul is here” and then you can tell she is teasing you.

“Yah. Don’t tease your Unnie. Where are you? Ill join you” you say back to her.

“Meet us at Seoul Shopping Center” she says and then hangs up.

“Aish…this dongsaeng…oh well. I’ll just catch a cab” you say as you head towards Seoul.


After an hour in the cab you finally arrive at Seoul and you walk into the shopping center and look around for everyone. You feel someone wrap an arm around your shoulder and then you hear that unique laugh you love.

“Your pretty late missy” you hear HeeChul pick on you as he pokes your face with his finger.

You laugh lightly and look at him, “Better late than never…now that I’m here the party can begin” you tease back at him.

“Hah!” he does his unique laugh. “The party started when I arrived Hun” he said in his diva-like voice. “Your just fashionably late” he adds on and keeps his arm around your shoulder and leads you to the group.

You control your blush so that it isn’t noticeable. You were an expert at that since your job called for you to control your expressions against the rude guests and people who offended your work till they saw how good it looked on them. Then they acted like you were a genius and had nothing but compliments.

You all walk around the mall for a while and buy a few things here and there. You buy 2 pairs of skinny jeans, a couple of shirts, 2 sundresses, and 4 new pairs of shoes. You got a bonus on your last pay check so you splurged just a little. Every girl deserves a shopping trip where she actually buys a lot every once in a while.

You and HeeChul keep picking on each other and goofing off. After a while HeeChul stopped you and pulled you from the rest of the group, “I don’t normally say these things to people but…you’re not half bad as a girl” he said looking you up and down a bit.

“And you have my ideal type of legs and thighs for a girl” he said staring at your legs. “Let’s try dating” he said with his oh-so-famous laugh.

You have to try really hard to control your blush but you say, “Can you handle dating me? I’m not sure if you can” you smirk and put one hand on your hip quickly with the other holding your bags by your side.

HeeChul does his laugh again, “Yep. You’re definitely my ideal girl. Let’s go my girlfriend” he smirks back and takes your hand, pulling you back to the crowd.

Everyone stares at you all in shock. “What’s with your eyes? Are they broken? Stop staring at us like that. It’s not like I don’t date people….so stop being jealous that she’s mine and not yours boys” he said as he waves his hand at them as though telling them to walk as he laughs.

They all listen and start to walk, not wanting to make him brag more than he is already. You just smile and roll your eyes lightly as you both begin to walk with everyone else. HeeChul pulls you with him to the front of the pack of people and you end up being the Alpha male and female of the pack. HeeChul and you lead them everywhere else the rest of the day.

On your way home, while your sister is texting LeeTeuk and making googly eyes at her phone you get a text from someone. You look at the ID and its HeeChul.

‘Kekeke’ is all that he wrote.

You can’t help but to laugh so you simply send back ‘kekeke I had fun to Pabo’ then you sent it.

A few seconds later you get another text.

‘Good. Enjoy tomorrow too’ he texted simply.

You knew he wasn’t one for long texts. Looks like you had a date with him tomorrow. Just the two of you.

And after that day you had so many diva-like dates and eventually the two of you started living together. You are currently waiting for him to come back from army and first thing you’re gonna do when he comes back is tackle him to the ground with a hug and try to copy his confident laugh just to pick on him.

The End.


For all those petals out there~ Hope you enjoyed it~ *^^*


MinHyun out!!

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Chapter 4: Awwww cute story!!!
ReaderByHeart1521 #2
Chapter 15: If only this was me with Minho Oppa :D <3
Could I make another request Hyunnie? :33
bluuuusick #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!! I loved it!!!! Thank you so muuch!!! :*
allkpop4ever #5
Chapter 14: Can you do a EXO Tao?! And also a Kris and Kai and okay just all of EXO?! Maybe? Please! You're really good! I think the name for the stories can be Kim Nana!!:D
Hope you come back & update soon~!
Chapter 13: Thank you for doing the request Hyunnie! :3