Yoon Shi Yoon

Imagine Collections

You jump quickly over the stairs on your skateboard and land gently on the sidewalk as you and your close childhood friend Yoon Shi Yoon race on your skateboards. You are both laughing and bragging at how you’re going to win.

You do a 360 kick flip as he grinds on the railing beside the road. You both jump your boards over the bench in your way on the sidewalk. He pulls ahead of you by a little and beats you to the finish line. You reach the end only 1 second after him. You flip your board with your foot and catch it in your hands at the same time as him. You glare at him jokingly then say, “The bench slowed my board. Or I would have won” you joke.

He laughs lightly and nods, “Yes yes, shame on that bench for letting me win” he smiles.

You both laugh and start to walk. You walk behind him a little. You had been friends since you were both in primary school. He was the first person to stand up for you and was the nicest person you had ever met. He didn’t know but, honestly, you had the biggest crush on him. You could probably even say you were in love with him. You were scared to tell him because you didn’t think he saw you as anything more than a sister. Plus, he didn’t get a lot of free time from acting so you didn’t want to distract his mind from his job. He was pretty good at not mixing his work and his personal life together. But, you were a very cautious person so you didn’t dare tell him.

You could feel yourself blushing as you stared at his shoulders and his muscled back from behind him. Even though he had a shirt on you could tell he had gotten more muscles since the last time you had seen him on a day off of his. He had become the only guy you could bring yourself to stare at and notice everything new about him. His small compliments and just the smallest sign of affection to you made your heart pound and would make you feel like his girlfriend. But, you knew he probably only saw you as his sister…which only made you sad.

You don’t notice him stop and run into his back lightly. You step back and rub your nose lightly, “Ow…nice warning” you joke.

He laughs lightly and looks at you with his cute and kind smile, “Ah, sorry about that, ______-ah.”

You shrug, “it’s all good” you smile back at him. Then you look to see why he stopped. You see a box of kittens sitting in the very back of an alley. There are 2 of them, one solid black kitten and one solid white kitten. You smile lightly knowing that he had a soft-heart when it comes to anything being lost or abandoned. You were in fact attracted to that side of him~ so you didn’t mind his sudden stops sometimes. It also gave you a reason to be even closer to him. You both walk into the alley and pick up a kitten. You get the white long-hair kitten and he takes the black short haired kitten. They both mew and cuddle into each of your arms as though happy to have someone with them. You both smile to each other and decide to keep the kittens.

He laughed lightly, “We have kittens as our couple accessory” he joked.

You laughed lightly, “yeah~ cutest couple accessories ever!” you laughed and smiled but inside you wish he meant those words as more than a joke.

You both get to your apartments and wave before you walk in. You were neighbors; his apartment was right beside yours. Even so, you still hardly ever saw him. You place the kitten down and let it cuddle on the couch. You go out to get some cat food and what it will need to live at your house. Luckily, your apartments allowed animals.

You walk out and see Yoon also walking out from his apartment for the same reasons as you. You both gasp jokingly and say, “it’s been ages~” then you both laugh lightly and walk to the store for supplies.


You come back joking with each other and begin to walk into your houses when he lightly places his hand on your wrist after laying the cat things by his door, “hey…____-ah….about the couple thing I said earlier-“ he goes to say.

You stop him and say, “oh no its fine. I know you were just kidding” you fake smile and go inside, closing your door behind you before you let you tears fall silently down your face. The small kitten walks up to you with a little mew and you pick it up and hug it close to you after you lay the kitten accessories and things on the floor. You lightly sit in the doorway with your back to the door and just cry as the kitten cuddles up to you.

After a little while you get up and let the kitten walk around in the apartment. You wipe the remaining tears from your cheeks and set up all the kittens’ things. You then go into your shower and get ready to sleep to go to work the next day. You were a model for a not so well known agency so you didn’t get a lot of jobs but it got you enough money to get by and not have to rely on someone else for money, so you didn’t mind your job.

As your about to go to sleep your apartment doorbell rings. You look at the eye hole and see Yoon standing in front of your door with the small black kitten. You prepare your feelings and open the door.

“Hey” you smile the best you can.

He smiles back, “Hey…this little guy was meowing like crazy at the door…I think it misses its sister” he said as he let the cat down and the two kittens played together. “Can I…come in?” he asked a goofy smile on his face.

You nod lightly, “yeah, sure” you said lightly and step aside to let him in.

Once he is inside and the door is closed he hugs you tightly. “…You cried didn’t you?” he asked with concern in his voice.

You muster a small laugh, “What do I have to cry for?” you ask and without your wanting, more tears fall down your face slowly and gently…just as he pulls away from the hug.

He takes his hand and slowly yet gently wipes your tears away, “Hey~ what’s up? Did I do something wrong?” he asked as he cupped your face in his hands.

You look down letting your hair cover your face and you lightly take his hands away from your face, “….it’s not that you did something wrong….it’s just….it’s just me being a coward” you finally admit.

He has a confused look on his face, “…What do you mean you’re being a coward?” he asked.

“Well…the thing is….I really really like you, actually no, I love you. But I was scared to tell you because I thought you would get distracted and would reject me and start to distance yourself from me because I thought it would freak you out and I thought you would-“he suddenly cuts you off with his lips on yours.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear those words” he says after he reluctantly pulls away.

“You wanted me to say I thought you would get distracted?” you joked trying to calm your feels. Your heart trying to rip out of your chest and fly away.

He laughed lightly, “no. I was waiting to hear that you love me” he says as he leans his forehead against yours. “I’ve been distracted in my acting already because I was thinking the same things as you…we’re really big dorks aren’t we?” he laughs out loud as he hugs you close to him.

“Yeah…probably the biggest dorks in the world” you said smiling and sniffling from your previous tears.

The kittens are meowing like crazy and cuddling on the couch when Yoon says, “….They have a good idea” he smiles and takes your hand basically skipping to the couch. He pulls you onto his lap and cuddles against you.

You can’t help but to laugh and cuddle back. You place your head on his shoulder and he gently places his head on the top of yours.

“So…now that I’ve confessed, it’s your turn~” you smiled to him.

He thinks for a second and you can already tell he’s gonna try to go funny. “Ok….knock knock” he smiles.

“Who’s there?”


“Yours who”

“No…I’m saying I’m yours, I just used the joke to hide it” he blushed as you both laughed.

The End.



For all those fans who like Yoon Shi Yoon. If you don't know who he is, he is an actor from Flower Boys Next Door *^^*


MinHyun out!!

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Chapter 4: Awwww cute story!!!
ReaderByHeart1521 #2
Chapter 15: If only this was me with Minho Oppa :D <3
Could I make another request Hyunnie? :33
bluuuusick #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!! I loved it!!!! Thank you so muuch!!! :*
allkpop4ever #5
Chapter 14: Can you do a EXO Tao?! And also a Kris and Kai and okay just all of EXO?! Maybe? Please! You're really good! I think the name for the stories can be Kim Nana!!:D
Hope you come back & update soon~!
Chapter 13: Thank you for doing the request Hyunnie! :3