
Imagine Collections

You are working at the theme park as the tiger mascot. You run around and dance and play with the children. In costume you do not talk and simply act goofy. You let yourself go and forget all your stress. You’re on beak and you look over to see someone sitting on a bench looking a bit sad. You notice him sigh. You sit beside him suddenly and, since you still have your mask on, you try to cheer him up. You stand and dance and roar lightly.

He looks up for a moment and then smile and laughs. He joins you in your dorky dancing. He doesn’t seem to mind that people are staring at him and he just smiles, laughs, and dances like there’s no tomorrow. Then you both sit down after a while.

“Thanks tiger-sshi” he says lightly with his dorky smile on his face.

You just nod and growl.

He laughs, “That’s right. Tigers can’t talk. Even though…I wish you could” he says as he sighs again and looks up to the sky. “Hey…tiger-sshi” he looks at you. “If I talk will you listen…even though we are strangers…I just have some things I want to get off my chest” he says still looking into your eyes…or so he thinks since you have a mask on.

He doesn’t know but you’re blushing because he is in fact looking you dead in the eyes. His dinosaur looking face is actually very handsome, not to mention he is your idol. You have always liked DongWoo of infinite. After a moment you just nod and gave a thumbs up to him.

He smiled lightly and starts to talk about all kinds of things. He tells you about how being an idol is a lot of work and is very stressful. He talks to you about getting into an argument with his friend, Myungsoo, who you know as L. He asks how he can patch things up with him and then starts to rant about random dumb things he could do to make him forgive him. You just sit and listen and nod every now and then.

After an hour or so he says, “ah I’m sorry….you were probably working.” He looks down a bit.

“I get off at 7 if you don’t mind waiting. I can listen if you need me to” you smile inside the tiger mask.

He looks up suddenly, “Ah….really? I’d appreciate it….” He smiles relieved and happy to have someone to talk to who doesn’t mind.

You try your best to nod again in the tiger outfit. It is currently 5. ‘2 hours to go’ you think to yourself.

-2 hours later-

You are changed and refreshed from having to wear that hot costume all day. You quickly go to the gate. You look around for a bit but don’t see DongWoo anywhere.

You feel someone lightly place their hand on your shoulder. You jump, caught off guard, and turn around. You see DongWoo there smiling nervously. “Um…are you…Tiger-sshi?” he asks.

You nod, “Yes. I am” you smile.

He suddenly relaxes; “oh thank you…I thought I got the wrong person again” he laughs and seems so much more relieved than when he was a second ago.

“Haha. Well, it’s me” you smile and hold your hands out like your introducing yourself on a stage.

He laughs and nods then does the same motion, “and of course it’s me~” you both laugh.

You walk down the street and talk with each other for a while. You listen to his problems and suggest some things he could do. You both go into the coffee shop and get something to drink. It’s getting darker so the chill of night is starting to set in.

You end up exchanging numbers and you talk to each other about many things when you need help.

One day you get a call from him.

“Hello? DongWoo Oppa?” you ask into the phone.

You hear rough breathing on the other side of the phone, “Ah. ____-ah…I need some help…can you meet me at the park by your work?” he asks breathlessly.

“I’ll be there soon!” you say and you hang up worried. You get dressed quickly and sloppily. You run out the door barely grabbing your keys. You run to the park, feeling it would be faster than to grab a taxi.

You arrive and see DongWoo lying on a bench. His face is very pale and his breathing is heavy and looks like it’s difficult for him. You quickly run over and place your hand on his head. He is burning with fever.

“DongWoo Oppa, wake up. Come on…let’s go back to my house!” you say. He lightly opens his eyes and just nods. You pull his arm over your shoulder and get a cab quickly and tell the cab your address. You arrive at your house and help DongWoo inside and help him onto your bed since it is more comfortable than the couch.

“____-ah…thank you” he says weakly as he tried to smile.

You cover his mouth, “Can you not even be quiet to heal?” you joke. He laughs lightly and lightly places his hand on yours. You place your other hand on top of his till he falls asleep. You go into your kitchen and get the water, towel, and medicine. “DongWoo oppa” you say waking him lightly after you place the wet towel on his forehead. “Here’s some medicine” you smile gently. He nods and you hand him the glass of water so he can take the medicine.

He ends up staying the night to heal from his sickness. You answer his managers’ call and tell him where DongWoo is and that he is sick and should rest for a few days. The manager knows you well now and agrees to allow him rest.

You end up taking care of DongWoo all night and call in sick to work saying you won’t make it. You say it’s the cold but you are actually just taking care of DongWoo. He sleeps till almost 1:00 pm the next day. He wakes up feeling a lot better.

You had fallen asleep by his side while taking care of him. You hand your arms folded on the bed, as you sat on the floor, and your head lightly rested on your arms. It wasn’t the most comfortable position but you hadn’t really cared since you didn’t want to leave DongWoo’s side while he was sick.

You wake up to someone lightly your hair. You open your eyes lightly and see a smiling DongWoo, who happens to also be staring at your face. He looks a little shocked when he sees you wake up and look at him. He stops rubbing your hair and you didn’t notice his blush since he turned away quickly.

“Hmm” he said as he lightly cleared his throat. “Um…” he started to say.

“Are you feeling better now Oppa?” you ask lightly with obvious concern in your words.

He looks back at you and then smiles gently and nods, “Yeah. Thanks to your doctor skills” he jokes and lightly takes the towel off his head. “I was just exhausted from being over-worked for our comeback” he said lightly.

You nod and without knowing what you’re doing you suddenly hug him, “You really scared me you know!” you scold him. “Try not to overwork yourself to much from now on. Or next time I’ll make you walk here instead of picking you up!!” you joke.

He blushed but hugs you back and places one hand around your waist and the other on the top of your head, “Right. I’ll try not to worry you so much next time” he smiles.

You both cuddle for a while then suddenly he says, “So _____-ah….since you have said I can come to your house again when I’m sick…can I also come back to pick you up for a date? As my girlfriend?”

It takes you a second to register that in your mind. “Eh?! Really? You want ME to be your girlfriend?” you asked shocked.

He nodded with an obvious blush on his face. “Um…duh!” he smiled shyly yet confidently.

You laughed lightly at the look on his face then you hugged him tighter, “Of course you can take me on a date as your girlfriend!! Any time you want~”.

You both smile and cuddled the rest of the day, being dorks and watching TV and acting like the MC’s to let DongWoo heal a little more.

The End.



Hope you like it for all you DongWoo biased inspirits *^^*


MinHyun out!!

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Chapter 4: Awwww cute story!!!
ReaderByHeart1521 #2
Chapter 15: If only this was me with Minho Oppa :D <3
Could I make another request Hyunnie? :33
bluuuusick #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!! I loved it!!!! Thank you so muuch!!! :*
allkpop4ever #5
Chapter 14: Can you do a EXO Tao?! And also a Kris and Kai and okay just all of EXO?! Maybe? Please! You're really good! I think the name for the stories can be Kim Nana!!:D
Hope you come back & update soon~!
Chapter 13: Thank you for doing the request Hyunnie! :3