
Imagine Collections

You sigh heavily as you leave your after-school activity, the theatre club, and head home for the day. As your walking home an ice cream shop catches your eye. It was a bit warm and you had some extra allowance money left over so you decided to buy yourself some ice cream. You walk into the building and sigh in relief as the air-con hits your face and body immediately cooling you off from the hot weather outside. You finish ordering your vanilla/chocolate mixed ice cream and walk back out into the heat reluctantly. You walk down the road staring at the sky, eating your ice cream, and listening to your IPod. You had Infinite’s new song “Man in Love” playing on repeat.  You’d had it on repeat for almost 2 days now. You liked it so much. You started to think about how cool it would be to meet infinite one day, mainly SungYeol whom happened to be your IDEAL kind of guy. As you turn the corner, still deep in your thoughts, you bump into someone, the small remainder of your ice cream falling to the ground beside you and you landing straight on your . “Owwww…” you groaned lightly as you looked up to see a hand reaching out in front of you, a man in sunglasses and a cap mouthing words that you couldn’t hear, due to your IPod still playing. You take your earphones out as you lightly take his hand, “I’m sorry?” you said lightly asking him to repeat what he had said.

“Ah…I was just asking if you were hurt anywhere?” the man smiled lightly.

His voice sounded familiar to you, “Oh…um…I’m fine…thank you. How about you? Are you alright?” you asked looking the man up and down for any ice cream stains or injuries.

“Ah. I am alright. Do not worry for me” he smiles. “No one can hurt me. I’m invincible!” he joked holding his arms up in a super hero pose.

You can only laugh lightly, “Ne. If you say your fine then that is good” you said relieved he hadn’t been hurt and that he wasn’t angry with you.

“-our name?” you hear him lightly.

“Eh? Sorry? What was that?” you asked lightly.

He chuckled lightly, “What’s your name?” he smiled as he asked.

“Oh! Sorry. My name is _____. And you?” you asked.

“Eh? You don’t know me? Oh…wait…I’m in disguise. I’m a secret agent…come with me. I cannot reveal my identity to just anyone” you could tell he winked as he said this behind his sunglasses. He lightly takes your wrist and pulls you into a blocked off and deserted ally way. He checked the surroundings and took off his sunglasses and hat. Then he smiled.

Your heart nearly stopped as you saw your dream man, SungYeol of Infinite, standing right in front of you with his dorky smile stuck to his face, “My name is-“he starts.

You finish his sentence for him, “Ahhh~ Your SungYeol of Infinite, correct?” you smile happily.

He nods happily, “Ah you do know me then? I’m glad I don’t have to explain then….by the way…sorry about your ice cream. I’ll make up for it next time” he smiles and hands you a piece of paper. He then walks out of the alley way and back to the street with his disguise back on.

You stand there blinking for a moment then look at the paper. It has his number and a little note on it. ‘Text me when you feel free ;P’ and then you register what he said, “Next time? Meaning…a…d-d-date?!” You can’t help but to smile like a hopeless little kid who just got their favorite toy ever.

You meet SungYeol a week or so later and then the two of you start dating and have a loving relationship for many, many years before deciding to get married and have 2 kids~.

The End.



Hope you liked it for all you sungyeol biased inspirits *^^*


MinHyun out!!

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If you are subscribed you may request an Imagine whenever you like. Just let me know and I will write one and add it here! Thank you! Means a lot to me! ^^


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Chapter 4: Awwww cute story!!!
ReaderByHeart1521 #2
Chapter 15: If only this was me with Minho Oppa :D <3
Could I make another request Hyunnie? :33
bluuuusick #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!! I loved it!!!! Thank you so muuch!!! :*
MinMiShine94 #5
Chapter 14: hehehe gomawoyo XD I like it :3
allkpop4ever #6
Chapter 14: Can you do a EXO Tao?! And also a Kris and Kai and okay just all of EXO?! Maybe? Please! You're really good! I think the name for the stories can be Kim Nana!!:D
MinMiShine94 #7
can i personally request a MinhoXMia imagine XD
Hope you come back & update soon~!
Chapter 13: Thank you for doing the request Hyunnie! :3