
The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Exo: Growl (Chinese Version)


Fourth period was physical education class.

Danji and Minyoung went to the girls’ changing room to change. This year, Danji had decided to wear a gray zip-up hoodie, aqua blue tank top, and black shorts for her gym clothes. She tied her pink-and-white sneakers tightly and went out to the field with Minyoung.

Uishik called Minyoung over, and she happily skipped towards him.

Danji walked over to Exo-M. “Hey, guys.” She waved.

They greeted her, but Tao was in an especially bad mood. He didn’t even bother to hug her. He just scowled on the bench the entire time.

“What’s wrong, Tao?” Danji asked, concerned.

“You gotta ask? Isn’t the reason obvious?” Tao muttered bitterly.

“Hey, don’t take out your resentment on Danji. She did nothing wrong.” Luhan pushed his shoulder with two fingers.

“Knock it off.” Kris pushed his hand away with a warning look.

Tao sighed, “No, ge is right. Sorry, Danji. I just…I really hate my new seat. I can’t believe I have to sit with that stupid mongrel! GRRR!” Tao gripped his hair and growled loudly. A few startled girls looked up.

“Sorry.” Xiumin apologized nicely. They looked away, and he lightly scolded Tao, “Keep it down, will you?”

Danji put an arm around his shoulder and patted his arm, “It’s okay, Tao. Just ignore him. That’s the best thing to do.” Tao leaned against her, “It’s hard.”

“I understand. It’s hard for Luhan and me, too.” Danji squeezed his arm. Tao wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her slender abdomen.

“Okay, now you’re just taking advantage of her.” Luhan pulled Danji away.

Tao pouted, “Now I’m sad all over again.”

Danji gave Luhan a look. He rolled his eyes, “Please don’t tell me you’re falling for that. He just wants to get close to you like that damn Kai does!”

Tao gasped, completely offended, “Don’t compare me to that diabolical mongrel!”

“Sometimes I can’t tell the difference.” Luhan muttered.

Tao grimaced sullenly, “Okay, now I’m just pissed.”

“Great going, Luhan.” Kris grumbled.

Danji walked towards Tao, “Don’t be angry-“

Luhan caught her waist with a firm look, “I said no.”

“Okay, enough lover’s spat. Come stand here. I need a picture.” Lay pulled Danji to the side.

“Lay, you really brought your camera out here? For P.E.?” She sighed in disbelief. He shrugged, “You never know when you’ll need to capture the moment. Now smile and look at the camera.”

Danji meekly spread her lips. Lay snapped a picture and waved the photo around.

A wolf whistle came out of nowhere, and she automatically turned her head.

“Looking good.” Kai winked with a grin as he passed by.

Luhan growled possessively as he stepped forward.

Kris held him back, “That’s not a good idea.”

“Why not? I think it’s an amazing idea to kill him right here and now.” Tao said. For once, Luhan agreed with him.

“No.” Kris gave them both stern looks.

This year’s PE instructor came out and directed everyone to get in lines. Danji stood in a line with Exo-M. She was between Kris and Luhan. Exo-K was standing next to them with Kai directly next to her. His eyes traveled down to her legs. Luhan growled lowly. *Look away! Keep your eyes to yourself before I tear them out and shove them in your pockets for you!* He couldn’t stand it anymore. Even Chanyeol and Baekhyun were starting to check her out.

Luhan ped his own gray hoodie and took it off. He wrapped the jacket around her waist. Danji looked down as he tied the arms of his jacket. She looked over her shoulder, “What?” “You’re wearing LONG pants tomorrow.” Luhan said through gritted teeth.

Danji looked up and met eyes with Kai. His lips stretched into a wide grin as he winked at her for the umpteenth time that day. Danji looked away huffily. Now these new wolves were affecting her wardrobe.

After attendance was taken, the seniors were ordered to take a warm-up lap around the school. Everyone started to run. Danji and Luhan ran side-by-side. She felt another figure coming up beside her and turned her head. She almost stumbled when she saw Kai. He smirked, “You’re a good runner.”

Danji glanced at Luhan for his reaction. He was murderously glaring at Kai. She looked back at Kai who was staring at her with overwhelming devotion.

*Oh my god! I’m caught in the middle!* Danji thought with terror.

“Why don’t you off?” Luhan snarled.

“And take my mate with me? Gladly.” Kai agreed.

Luhan hissed, and Kai smirked.

The three of them arrived back at the field, but they were still staring each other down.

“Come on, Luhan. Let’s go over there.” Danji grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

“I hate him.” Luhan gritted his teeth. Danji sighed, “I know you do.”

Luhan shot her a warning look, “Stay away from him, all right?”

“Yeah, yeah, I try, but he’s somehow always there. It’s creepy.” She shuddered. He kissed her forehead and whispered in a low, hard voice, “You’re mine, Danji. Don’t you forget that.” “I couldn’t even if I tried.” She replied back. He smiled, satisfied with her answer.

“Okay. Free play for the rest of the day. Make sure you’re doing something though.” The instructor warned.

Everyone cheered and scattered across the courts.

“Hey, Uishik and I are going to play tennis. Do you and Luhan want to join?” Minyoung asked.

“Sure.” Danji called Luhan over, and the four of them went to a tennis court. The four of them played tennis for half an hour before Minyoung and Uishik gave up and went to take a drink. “We’re going to take our sweet time. I don’t want to play anymore.” Minyoung gasped for air.

Danji, not wanting to risk getting in trouble, went to the join Exo-M at the basketball courts.

Tao was feeling much better. “Mei-mei! Catch!” He tossed the ball.

Danji caught the ball and dribbled it towards the basket. Somebody freakishly tall had to block her path though. She gave him a contemptuous look.

“What?” Kris raised an eyebrow. “Try to throw the ball over me.”

*That’s the thing. I can’t.* Danji was stuck in a predicament.

“I’ll help!” Tao ran over, grabbed her waist and lifted her up, “Throw!”

Danji aimed and threw the ball in the air. It landed clearly in the net.

Xiumin cheered, “You go, Danji!” She laughed as Tao set her back on the ground.

“I GOT IT ON CAMERA!” Lay beamed proudly as he waved the photo in the air. Everyone laughed now.

The seven of them continued to play basketball. The ball bounced too far.

“Tao!” The pack complained. “I’m sorry!” He yelped.

“I’ll get it!” Danji went to retrieve the ball. She bent down to pick it up, but someone stepped on the ball. She looked up and saw Jonghoon smirking down at her. Trouble was written all across his face. Danji straightened up and looked him right in the eyes.

Jonghoon grabbed the ball and spun it around his fingertip. “You want the ball?” Danji nodded and held out her hands.

Jonghoon grasped the ball and yanked it away, “No way. Not unless you get on your knees in front of me.”

Danji gave him an odd look, “Why would I get on my knees? It’s just a basketball anyways.” She strode past him.

Jonghoon grabbed her wrist, and Danji whirled back around. He threw the ball into the tree, and the ball became stuck between the lofty branches. “Now you got to get it back, or else, the teacher will not be happy and you’ll get in trouble.” Jonghoon smirked.

“You’re the one who threw the ball up there.” Danji snapped.

“Well you’re the one who is going to get in because I’m certainly not.” Jonghoon sneered.

“Now that wasn’t very nice of you.” A voice claimed. Suddenly, Jonghoon was bending 90 degrees. He released Danji’s hand with a painful yelp.

Danji stared at Kai who had, once again, appeared out of nowhere. He had firm grip on the back of Jonghoon’s neck. Jonghoon struggled to stand up straight, “Who the hell is this?!”

“Look, stupid human boy. Either you retrieve the ball like the dog you are, or you’re going to lose your head. Got it?” Kai sneered menacingly.

Jonghoon twisted away and straightened up with bewildered eyes, “What the hell is your god damn problem?! All these freaking transfers are always so ing weird!”

Kai stepped between Danji and Jonghoon. “My problem is you. You’re messing with my girl.”

Danji and Jonghoon both gaped at him.

*What did he just say?!* She squealed in her mind. He started to smirk mischievously, “Your girl, huh?”

At that moment, Luhan came running in. “What’s going on?” He looked at Danji, “Are you okay?” She nodded. Luhan strode up to Jonghoon with dangerous eyes, “I told you to stop provoking my girl.”

“Your girl? Huh. I thought she was the new boy’s.” Jonghoon smirked evilly.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Luhan growled. He followed

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story wanna re-read this story...
745 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????