Unrequited Love

The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Suzy: I Still Love You


Danji and Exo-M, including a wary Kris, headed to the wide frozen pond.

“Is it safe to skate over?” Chen raised a skeptical eyebrow.

Xiumin checked the condition of the ice and nodded. “It seems pretty safe to me.”

They all buckled their skates on and went on the ice.

“OOF!” Chen slipped and fell. “HAHA!” Tao pointed as he gracefully passed by.

Chen scowled, “Why did I agree to come again?” “Because Xiumin ge made you,” Tao snickered.

Chen resentfully glared at his friend. “Why do you always make me do the stupidest things? Like that Pluto costume?”

“Oh, come on. What else would you have been doing at home? Sleep? How boring,” Xiumin snorted. “Besides, the Pluto costume was awesome. Admit it. A lot of girls thought you were cute.”

“I don’t care about the mortals’ opinions.” Chen got up and dusted the ice bits off his clothes. “No offense, Danji.”

“None taken,” She chuckled.

Luhan glided towards her and placed his hands on her hips from behind. Gently, he pushed her foreword. She held out her arms and squealed with glee.

“Awww, look at the two lovers. I should have brought my camera.” Lay snapped his fingers.

Danji almost stumbled forward. Luhan caught her in time and straightened her up. “That was close.” She hugged his arm. They met eyes and smiled with affection. With the new intruders, their relationship had only grown closer. Danji giggled as Luhan lightly bopped his forehead against hers. She looked ahead and saw Kris skating by himself. He seemed to be deep in thought.

Judging by the bags under his eyes, he seemed to not have gotten a good night’s sleep either.

“Hold on.” Danji excused herself. She skated towards Kris. “Oppa.”

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at her.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Danji meekly smiled.

“I don’t need pennies. Why have pennies when you can have dollars?” Kris skated away.

Danji caught up with him. “Fine. I’ll be straightforward. Is something wrong? You look like you have a crisis on your hands.”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” Yet, he slowed down. She peered up at his face.

“Are you checking me out again?” Kris sighed.

“Please,” Danji snorted. “Don’t be so full of yourself. I already told you. Luhan is the best-looking to me. You’re hardly worth a glance.”

“Are you saying I’m hideous?” Kris pretended to be offended.

“Oops.” Danji covered and blinked innocently. “I didn’t mean to hurt you with the truth.” She screamed as he chased after her. He lost his footing and fell onto the ground.

“Oh, man. That has got to hurt,” Tao winced.

On the cold, solid ground, Kris scowled.

Danji skated back to him. “You okay, big bro?”

He gave her a dry look. Smiling angelically, she held out her hand. “I’ll help you up.”

Kris whacked her hand away. “I don’t help from someone who thinks I’m an eyesore.” He tried to get up but fell down again.

“You do need my help. Don’t be stubborn. Come on!” Danji held out her hand.

Kris sighed. He slipped his hand into hers, and she was surprisingly strong enough to haul him up. Kris dusted the ice shavings off his jeans.

“Don’t be afraid to take my hand, oppa. Or anyone’s hand for that matter,” Danji said. He paused and looked at her. She held out her hands and looked around. “There are six people who care for you a lot and want the best for you. Well, five wolves and one human girl anyways.”

Kris softened. He respected her a lot because of her mature, caring behavior. Danji never stifled anyone. She always gave them room but let them know that she was always there for them. Kris gently ruffled her hair. “Thanks.”

Danji grabbed his arm and hugged it tightly. “Come on. Skate with me. That way, if the ice breaks, you can change into a wolf, and you can become my personal float, like Tao is.”

“What?! What are you saying?” He started to laugh. She finally got him to relax and have fun.

“LUHAN!” The same voice from yesterday called him.

“Oh, no.” He groaned.

Danji looked up and saw Suzy running straight for Luhan. She wasn’t even wearing skates, yet, she managed to gracefully run on ice. Suzy pounced on him and hugged him tightly. “I missed you!”

“What the hell! Get off of me! And you just saw me last night! GET OFF DAMN IT!” Luhan snarled and shoved her off of him.

Suzy pouted. “Hannie, you’re mean.”

“So you keep telling me.” He got up and frowned. “I thought you left.”

Beaming, she shook her head. “Not yet! Nope!”

Danji felt Kris stiffen beside her. She looked forward and met eyes with Jia. Jia was giving her a callous look.

Why is she glaring at me? Danji wondered.

“Even ask Kris. Jia from Miss A used to be in love with him. Actually, I think she still does.”

Her eyes widened. Jia used to be in love with Kris! From her killer glare, it seemed as if she still was.

Danji gulped and released Kris. “I’m going back to the cabin,” Kris muttered. He left the rink and vanished into the woods.

*Coward.* Jia thought bitterly.

“Seriously! Stop following me!” Luhan barked.

“No! I’m going to spend as much time with you as I can!” Suzy determined.

“ARGH!” Luhan roared in frustration. He skated towards Danji, grabbed her hand, and tried to get away from Suzy.

Suzy, however, was much too fast. She blocked their path, and they skidded to a stop.

“Suzy! You almost caused Danji to trip!” Luhan snarled.

Suzy blinked at Danji. Danji felt uncomfortable under her scrutinizing gaze. She gave a meek smile. “Um, hello. I’m Danji.”

“And I’m Suzy. You’re very pretty,” She complimented.

Danji blushed. “Thank you.”

“But I still don’t like you,” Suzy claimed.

Danji gave her a befuddled look. “Suzy!” Luhan hissed.

“I don’t think you’re right for Luhan. To be honest, I think I’m the only one who can complete him. We would make a cute couple. Don’t you think?” Suzy asked bluntly.

“Um…” Danji was speechless.

“Suzy! That’s enough! Go skate somewhere else! Better yet, just disappear all together!” Luhan dragged Danji away.

“She seems to really like you,” She whispered.

“Yeah, well, I don’t like her. Not in that way, at least. And I’m starting to not like her platonically either,” Luhan grumbled.

“JI-JI!” A happy voice called her name. Danji looked up to see Exo-K skating towards her.


“Mine!” Kai grabbed Danji and skated away.

“HEY! COME BACK HERE!” Luhan started to pursue him, but Suzy stopped him. “Perfect! You and I can be together now!” She beamed. He scowled when she hugged him again. * you, Kai. God, I hate this. Everything is a mess!*

“What are you doing here?” Danji asked.

“I came to rescue you from heartbreak,” Kai grinned.

She rolled her eyes and looked back. Suzy was clinging onto Luhan like a koala bear.

Danji felt Kai’s arm wrap tightly around her. “You look so warm today. I wouldn’t mind snuggling up with you in bed.” He whispered in her ear. She shot him a look. “Behave, friend!” “Yes, friend!” Kai saluted. Danji couldn’t help but laugh. She looked up to see Sehun just standing there.

“You look like you’re having a lot of fun,” Danji stated.

“Yeah. Totally. I’m having a blast.” Sehun said dryly. She chortled. He looked up just in time to see Luhan pass by with Suzy on his tail.


“No, Hannie! Don’t try to run away from me!” She held out her hands with a sad pout.

Luhan tried to run away from her, but Suzy hugged his waist from behind. He stopped and hung his head low with an exhausted sigh. She giggled with a victorious peace sign. “I got you!”

A strong wave of jasmine hit Sehun directly in the chest. *Where the hell is that sweet scent suddenly coming from?!* He irritably looked around. He looked at Suzy again. When she smiled, a red flag rose in his head. Something about her made his heart beat terribly fast. His pulse quickened, and the blood rushed through his ears. A foreign soft and warm feeling wiggled its way into his heart.

His eyes widened as his lips parted slightly.

Something was terribly wrong. His heart was telling him…that he had found his mate.

But where on earth was she? He could smell her scent, but he could not see her.

The only thing he could stare at was the devious, flirtatious fox in front of him.

Sehun clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. *My mate better not be a freaking fox who is head-over-heels for that prince!*

“Hi, Danji.” Suho and D.O. skated over.

“Hello,” She beamed.

“Luhan, um, seems to be having a lot of problems.” Suho coughed and tried to hide his laughter.

“Yeah, he is,” Danji mused.

Kai slung an arm around her. “Don’t be jealous, love. You’re way more beautiful than her.”

“Says you. From everyone else’s point of view, she’s the beautiful one,” Danji stated.

“No way! You’re far prettier than her! You outshine any woman! Right?!” Kai glared at Suho and D.O. who nodded right away. “Yes, Danji, you are very beautiful. There is no question about that.”

Sehun raised an eyebrow. *I don’t know. The fox actually seems more attractive to me.* At that thought, he grew startled. What if Suzy really was his mate? D.O., Kai, and Danji skated away. Suho was about to follow, but Sehun grabbed his arm. “Hyung, I need to ask you something right now.” He seemed to be in panic mode.

“What is it?” Suho asked in wonder.

“Um, it’s about our mates,” Sehun fidgeted. His eyes flitted towards Suho. “Is it, er, possible that our mates are outside are species?”

“It’s rare, but it happens. Look at Luhan and Danji. She’s a human. Actually, this might be the first case that a wolf mated with a human.” Suho pondered out loud.

“Okay, well, is this mating process gradual or out of the blue?” Sehun asked. *Like now?*

Suho gave him a quizzical look. “Um, well, it can be either one. You can come to know about her even if you have not seen her once before. Or something can trigger within you after you meet her, and you’ll have found your mate for life.”

A queasy feeling stirred within Sehun. *Oh, .*

“Are you all right? You look pale.” Suho frowned worriedly.

“Nothing. I’m fine. Actually, I’m going home.” Sehun hurriedly

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story ...so wanna re-read this story...
745 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????