
The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Every Single Day: Echo


Danji woke up to the sound of her alarm ringing. *Oh, yeah. It’s time to return to school.* She hit the snooze button and sat up. Yawning, Danji rubbed her sleepy eyes. She had fallen asleep at three in the morning because of stupid Kai. The thought of him sleeping outside made her uneasy. She was worried about him as well.

Danji stopped and stared at her lap. She remembered why Kai had to stay in the first place.

Luhan was gone.

He would not be back for six more days. Yes, she would be counting.

Danji got out of bed with a sigh. She wasn’t highly motivated to go to school. She even had half a mind to skip out. But that was not like her at all.

When Danji was done washing and getting ready for school, she was back to her senses. She needed the good grades to go to college next year. Danji slung her new MCM backpack over her shoulder and went out. A figure appeared in front of her, and she came to an abrupt halt.

“Ready to go to school?” Kai grinned.

Her eyes popped out. “What are you doing here?!”

“What do you mean? I was here all along,” He stated.

“You really stayed the night?!” She yelped.

“Yeah, it was so cold though. I thought I was freezing to death,” Kai pouted.

Danji looked him up and down. “When did you change into your uniform?”

“I left at dawn to go change.” He answered.

*I can’t believe he actually stayed.* She was stunned.

“Come on.” Kai grabbed her hand. “We don’t want to be late.”

Danji stared at him as he led her away. She was speechless. He looked back at her and smiled warmly. She blinked a few times and then her expression softened. *Sorry, Kai. And thank you.* They arrived at school.

The rest of Kai’s pack was already there. “Good morning, Ji-Ji!” Baekhyun waved eagerly.

She smiled softly and waved back.

Minyoung stared wide-eyed at her. She pulled Danji to the side. “Why did you come with Kai? What happened to Luhan? Did you guys fight?”

Danji shook her head. “No, of course not. Luhan went somewhere for the week, so, er, his cousin is walking me to school.”

“Oh.” Minyoung looked relieved.

“Hey, Danji,” Uishik appeared. She smiled, “Good morning.”

The three of them conversed until the bell rang. At lunchtime, the table felt empty.

Danji looked around the bare half of the table. If Luhan was here right now, he would be sitting next to her. He would feed her jokes, snap at Tao to back off, and kiss her cheek every once in a while. Danji sighed wistfully and poked her fried rice. She had no appetite. Someone plunked his tray next to her.

Danji looked up and saw Kai. “Hello, love.” He sat next to her.

“Finally! We can eat in peace!” Baekhyun grinned. Chanyeol hi-fived him.

Suho gave them a look to be quiet. Danji sighed heavily. *I wish they were here.*

“Why do you have such a long face, love?” Kai asked.

“Like you don’t know,” She mumbled.

“Aww, Danji. Don’t be so sad.” Kai put an arm around her. She stuck out her lower lip slightly. At least he was being sympathetic. “I’m disappointed he’s coming back in a week. Why can’t he come in a month? Or a year? Or better yet, never?” He asked.

Danji glared at him. “Are you trying to make me feel worse?”

Kai lightly pinched her chin. “Of course not. Now eat up. If you’re a skeleton by the time Luhan comes back, he won’t leave me alone. You don’t want your precious Kai to lose his life, do you?”

“Suppose not,” Danji grunted. She picked up her spoon and began to eat.

Kai watched her chew and smiled softly. *Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to fill his empty place. I’ll make you smile genuinely again.*

“Hey, you’re going to the annual trip to Seoul, right?” Minyoung asked.

“Annual trip to Seoul? There is such a thing?” D.O. asked, wide-eyed.

“Yes,” She nodded. “Every year, the school takes a trip to Seoul. It’s this Saturday.”

“A field trip on a Saturday? What fun.” Baekhyun said dryly.

“You’re coming, right?” Minyoung asked Danji.

*I don’t know. Luhan isn’t there, and we went together last year. And that’s where we ran into the coyotes. I wonder if it’ll be safe to go without Luhan. But I always went to the annual trip, even before Luhan came into my life. This will be the last year I’ll be able to go on a trip with Minyoung and Uishik.* Danji nodded, “Yes, I’ll be there.”

“So will I,” Kai winked. *Of course he would.* She shook her head.

When school was over, Danji said goodbye to Minyoung and headed home. She kicked any pebbles that were in her path.

Suddenly, someone whisked her backpack away from her.

Danji looked up to see Kai. He slung her bag over his shoulder. “Why didn’t you wait for me?” “I didn’t know you were escorting me home, too.” She raised an eyebrow.

“Of course I would! I’m your stalker for life!” Kai put an arm around her, pressed her closely against his side, and flashed a broad grin at her. “I’ll stick with you until the end of time, love.”

“How lucky I am.” Her sarcasm flew right over his head.

“I know, right? You should reward me with a kiss.” He puckered up his lips.

Danji responded by shoving her science textbook in his chest.“Carry this, too, while you’re being my ‘stalker for life’.” She walked away. Kai straightened and blinked rapidly. Then he broke into an optimistic grin. “She so wants me.” Kai hurried after her.

They got to her house, and she took her backpack and book back. “Thanks, Kai. See you tomorrow.” Danji hurried inside, but Kai wedged his foot in the door crack. She sighed and charily opened the door slightly wider. “Yes?” “I took you home and carried all your heavy belongings. Won’t you even offer me a drink?” He pouted.

“…If I give you water, will you leave?” She tentatively asked.

“No. But if you give me juice or soda, I might,” Kai replied.

Danji sighed. She allowed him to come in.

Kai followed her to the living room. Danji took the last can of soda from the refrigerator and held it out with a stern look. “Now go.”

“Sheesh, woman. You know how to break a man’s heart. Let me just chill for a second.” Kai sat on one of the stools. He took his time opening the can and drinking the soda. Danji nervously tapped her fingers on the kitchen counter. Why was he drinking so slowly? She sighed impatiently. Kai looked around her neat and impeccable home.

“You’re so organized.” He noted admirably. “Thanks. Your home was clean, too,” She complimented.

“You said something nice to me. I’m shy now.” Kai gave her a goofy smile.

Danji rolled her eyes. “Are you done with the soda yet?”

“Yeah, here.” He gave her the can, and she placed it in the recycling bin.

Danji prepared to say goodbye to him, but Kai invaded her living room. He bounced on the couch. “I like your couch. I could have slept here last night.”

“What are you doing now?!” Danji complained.

“I think I’m going to do my homework, too. I’m a little rusty at math. I could use a little help.” Kai pulled out his homework from his backpack.

*You could be help by leaving!* Danji bit her tongue from lashing out that rude comment though. “You said you would leave after I gave you soda, which I did.” She said through gritted teeth.

“No, I said I might leave, and I have no intention to go. Yet, at least.” He said

. Danji slapped her hand over her eyes. This had to be a nightmare. How could anyone be so stubborn?

“Don’t you have homework, too? I know for a fact you do, because we have all the same classes. Come on.” Kai gave her a demure look and patted the space next to him.

Danji knew it was no use trying to get rid of him now. He would never listen to her. “Let me just go change,” She mumbled.

Thirty minutes later, they were sitting in her living room with their homework, chips, and juice spread over the table.

“What did you get for number five?” Kai asked. “Mmm…” Danji stuck another chip in . “I got -6+4i.”

“Okay.” Three seconds later, he questioned, “What about six?”

She looked at her answer sheet. “3/4+2i.”

“Cool.” He jotted it down.

One second later, Kai asked, “And number seven?”

Danji gave him a look. “Are you asking me every question in the homework?”

“It doesn’t hurt to check answers with you.” Kai replied defensively.

“Of course not, but it hurts if you just write the answer down.” She glanced down at his work. “Look. You didn’t even show any work. The teacher won’t accept your paper.”

He sulked as he started to work out the problems. “I hate my mate being a Miss Smarty-Pants.”

“She sounds cool. Introduce me to her sometime.” Danji worked on the next problem.

“Look in the mirror, and you can meet her anytime,” Kai grinned.

“If you’re going to be a distraction, just leave,” She demanded. “Okay, fine. I’ll shut up.” He pretended to lock his lips.

The sun dipped started to dip in the horizon.

Danji looked at Kai. He was asleep with his head resting on top of his arms. *I guess he isn’t going anytime soon.* Her expression softened. “He must have been tired after sleeping outside in the cold last night,” She whispered. Danji put the fleece blanket over him. She got up and headed to the kitchen to work on dinner. She made enough lasagna for two people. Danji brought the food to the table. She caught a glance of Kai with one eye open. When he saw her looking in his direction, he immediately pretended to be asleep.

An amused smile crossed her face. “I won’t tell you to go home just yet, so don’t have to pretend to be asleep. Come and eat dinner.”

Kai perked up. “Dinner?!” He got up and came to the table. “Whoa…” His eyes widened.

“It’s nothing big.” Danji said, suddenly embarrassed.

“What do you mean? It looks heavenly.” Kai sat down and immediately plunged his fork into the lasagna. He took a big bite. The food melted in his mouth. “Your cooking puts D.O. to shame,” Kai stated.

Danji flushed at the compliment. “Thanks. That’s…flattering, to say the least.” She started to eat also.

When the lasagna was all gone, Kai offered to wash the dishes. Danji started to cut the apples for dessert. She looked up and watched Kai was the dishes for a while. Who knew that such a stubborn, flirty wolf could be generous with housework? She shook her head with a gentle smile.


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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story wanna re-read this story...
745 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????