With Kai

The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Exo-K: Lucky


In the middle of November, the science teacher gave the seniors a project.

“Make a diagram of all the important organs in the body. Please be as creative as possible. You can do it on a poster or even make a body out of clay. It will be due by Monday, and it will count as 15% of your final science grade.” The teacher claimed.

“But then we only have the weekend to do it.” One male student pointed out.

“That is why you should get started on it sooner than later.” The teacher stated. The students groaned.

“Now, I’ll add in a little bonus. You guys can do this with partners.” The teacher said. Everyone perked up.

Danji looked back at Luhan who gave her a wink. Of course, he would be her partner.

The teacher had to crash their plans though because he added, “But I will be choosing the partners.”

The room was filled with groans once again.

“And your science partners will be your desk partners.” The teacher announced.

Danji stared at Kai who smirked. “So. Your place or mine?”


“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Luhan roared. Danji cupped her hands over her ears and winced at the tremendous volume. She was just glad they were off campus.


Danji turned to him with a sigh. “It was either his house or my house. I don’t trust him alone at my house, so I thought it would be better if I went to his place where the rest of his pack is.”

“Still! It’s a no! Just don’t do the project!” Luhan snapped.

Danji crossed her arms. “And fail science? I’m sure the colleges would love that.”

Luhan sighed, “Of course I don’t want you to fail.” His frown deepened. “I don’t want you to be with Kai either.”

“It’ll be fine. I’m sure Kai won’t hurt me.” Danji stated.

“I’m not worried about him hurting you. I’m worried that he’ll act upon the lewd ideas in his head.” Luhan grimaced.

“Don’t worry. I’ll bring my rolling pin, just in case.” Danji teased.

He was not laughing. She cupped his face and looked into his eyes. “Don’t worry, Luhan. This is just a project. It’s strictly platonic. Besides, you have to work on your project with Jonghoon, too.”

“Joy.” Luhan sarcastically muttered. Danji chuckled at his reaction.

“Fine. I’ll let you go on one condition.” He said. She nodded, “You name it.”

“You let me walk you to their home and bring you back. I want you out of their house before night falls. Got it?” Luhan asked.

Danji nodded, “Sounds fair.” Luhan nodded.

They began to walk towards her house. Suddenly, he checked his watch. “Wait, what is today’s date?” His eyes widened when he realized what tomorrow was. “! IT’S THE FULL MOON TOMORROW!” And he was about to send his mate to another wolf who wanted her just as much as he did.

Double .


The next morning, Danji opened her eyes to be face-to-face with Luhan. This was a common occurrence, so she was not even surprised. She waited patiently for him to say something.

“Don’t go.” Luhan whispered. Danji blinked in response. “I don’t want you to be with another wolf today. I want you all to myself,” He murmured.

“Is this the full moon Luhan talking?” She teased.

“No, it’s your mate Luhan that’s talking.” Luhan rolled on top of her and pinned her wrists down. “Stay, Danji. Let’s stay in bed together, yeah?”

“No. For one, you’re squishing me. For two, I want to pass science. Now can you please get off? I can’t breathe,” She struggled.

Luhan sighed and swiftly got off of her. Danji sat up and patted his knee. “I’ll be ready soon.”

Luhan watched as she got up and headed to the bathroom. He wondered if it would be too much if he locked her up in the bathroom for the day. Shaking his head, he went to get something to drink.

“I’m ready to go,” Danji smiled.

*I’m not. I’m not ready to let you go. God damn it. She looks especially beautiful today.* Luhan almost wept. How was he supposed to send her off to Kai when she looked so dazzlingly gorgeous today?

“Do you want me to go alone?” Danji asked. “No!” Luhan blurted. “W-we’ll go now.”

They left her house and headed towards Exo-K’s home. Luhan had to fight every urge to just whisk her away and lock her up in his bedroom. *I hate the full moon. I hate the full moon. I hate the full moon.* He chanted in his mind.

“Is that Kai’s house?” Danji asked. Luhan stopped. Before he knew it, they had arrived at Exo-K’s home.

Although it was not a two-story home like Exo-M’s, the house was just as exquisite and grandiose. There were different parts of it, too. The bedrooms seemed to separated from the kitchen and lounging rooms.

“Welcome to my home!” A cheerful voice greeted.

Luhan narrowed his eyes. *Kai, that bastard.*

Grinning, Kai came forward. “I could have escorted here you myself though.” He eyed Luhan who scowled.

Danji turned to him and patted his shoulder. “I’ll see you later tonight, okay? Work on the project with Jonghoon, and don’t lose your temper.” She started to walk away but was held back by Luhan. He refused to let her hand go. If anything, his grip tightened.

Kai raised an eyebrow in agitation. “You might want to let her go. She wants to come to me.”

Luhan growled. He hated how Kai said it like that.

“No, I just want to finish my project.” Danji shot Kai a look. She turned to Luhan, and her expression softened. “Luhan, it’s okay. I have to do schoolwork. You trust me, don’t you?”

His eyes shifted to her, and his hard eyes softened at once. “I do.” *I just don’t trust that bastard.* His eyes flickered to Kai.

“Come on. We’re wasting time.” Kai jerked Danji away.

Luhan’s jaw tightened as his eyes flashed an icy blue. “Don’t be so rough with her!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Kai dragged Danji into his home and shut the front door with a loud bang.

*I’ll be back, you jerk, and if I find out you touched her in any way, you’ll respond to my fist.* Luhan glared at the cabin for a few seconds before walking away.

Danji pressed her hands on the window and pouted sadly. She hated to see Luhan in distress.

“Hey, love. The view is better over here.” Kai snapped his fingers.

Danji turned around to see him grinning.

“Welcome to Exo-K’s den. Lavish, isn’t it?”

She looked around and realized it was. Everything seemed comfy but luxurious. She was once again awed by the interior design. “Do you want anything to drink? We can go to the lounging area. Come on.” Kai led her out of the first part of the house and into the second one.

Danji carefully closed the door behind her. “Where, um, is everyone else?”

“Suho hyung is sleeping. He’s hard to wake up during the full moon. I think Baehyun, Chanyeol, and Sehun are in their rooms. As for D.O…” Kai came to a halt.

Danji stopped and looked in the direction he was staring. She gasped when she saw what mess the kitchen was in. D.O. was fervently mixing chocolate batter.

“He’s cooking, as usual.” Kai sighed.

D.O. heard them enter and turned around. An excited smile lit his face. “You’re here!” She could see a hint of uneasiness in his eyes though.

“Um, yes, I am. Hello, D.O.” Danji smiled worriedly.

“Hello! Did you eat breakfast?” He asked with hope.

“Um, no, but I’m okay-“

“I’LL MAKE YOU SOMETHING!” D.O. practically threw the bowl of batter somewhere else. He reached into the fridge and pulled out a box of eggs along with bacon and biscuits.

Danji frantically waved her hands while shaking her head. “No, I’m fine! Really! I’m not hungry!”

“No, you should eat.” D.O. said firmly.


“Just let him cook for you.” Kai winked at her. “It makes him happy.”

“Oh. Okay then.” Danji didn’t try to stop him anymore.

“D.O. HYUNG!” A loud cheerful voice came from the entrance. Danji and Kai saw Sehun skipping into the kitchen.

“Are you cooking breakfast?! Can I have some, too?”

“Of course.” D.O. nodded. Sehun clapped happily, “Yay! I love your cooking!” He saw Danji staring at him as if he had suddenly sprouted a second head. Beaming, he walked towards her and cupped her hand between both of his. “Welcome, Danji. Make yourself at home.” Sehun gave her a sweet eye-smile.

“T-thank you.” Danji was shocked by his sudden change in personality. She glanced up at Kai who gave her a shrug. “What can I say? We turn a little bizarre during the full moon. Well, except me. I’m the only sane one around here.” He took her hand. “Come on. Let me show you my room.”

Kai led her out of the second part of the house and took her to the third one where all the bedrooms were located. He opened the second door to the left. “Welcome to my cozy room,” Kai smiled. “Feel free to stay as long as you want.”

“Charming,” Danji snorted. She stepped inside and looked around his spacious r

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story ...so wanna re-read this story...
745 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????