Love Mate

The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Exo-M: Baby Don't Cry


“Kai! Help me! Get me out of here!” Danji pleaded.

Kai looked for a way to get the cage down. He saw the rope that connected to the trap. Kai changed into his wolf form and gnawed on the rope with his sharp canines.

The rope came free, and the cage dropped towards the ground.

Kai caught the cage before it could hit the ground and gently placed it on the ground.

Danji crawled out of the cage. She was finally free!

Danji got up and looked around. “Where did Luhan go?”

The white wolf looked towards the place that Luhan had vanished into.

Danji ran past the trees. She came into the clearing near the cliff and came to an abrupt halt. She felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. “Luhan…” Danji whispered. He was lying on the ground with his eyes closed. He looked…dead.

Danji rushed over to him. She shook him hard. “Luhan! Wake up! Luhan!” He did not stir.

Danji called frantically, “Kai! Kai! Come help!”

The white wolf came running towards her. Her eyes were wet with heartbreaking tears. “We have to get him home fast. He needs help. He’s been hurt badly. He’s bleeding so much.”

Kai nodded. He didn’t wait for further explanations. He bent down, and Danji pushed Luhan onto his back. She also crawled on top of Kai, and he dashed through the forest. Danji held onto Luhan so that he would not fall off. She looked at him with sad, pleading eyes. *Don’t die, Luhan. Please wait. We’re almost there.*

The three of them arrived at Exo-M’s cabin. Everyone was waiting in the front.

“Danji!” Kris spotted her and ran over immediately. Kai came to a halt.

Danji hopped off of him and ran towards Kris. He caught her before she could fall over.

“Oppa, you have to help. Luhan…he’s…he’s not doing so well. He’s so pale…and cold…and-and he’s bleeding so much. Please save him.” She broke into a sob.

Kris’s eyes widened. He hurried over and looked at the comatose Luhan.

“Damn.” Kris swore.

Lay ran over and enveloped Danji in his arms. “Everything will be okay, Danji. Don’t cry.”

“Xiumin! Tao! Get him inside now!” Kris barked orders. They nodded and quickly took Luhan into the cabin.

Kai changed back into his human form. He was covered in Luhan’s blood. His pack members rushed over.

“Are you all right?” Suho asked worriedly.

“I’m fine.” Kai answered quietly. He looked towards the cabin. “I don’t think Luhan is though…”


Tao and Xiumin lay Luhan on the couch. Chen brought a blanket over and pulled it over him.

Xiumin checked his pulse. “He has a fever. His pulse is too slow. He’s awfully cold. And his stomach wound looks deep.”

“,” Kris swore.

“Can we take him to the doctor?” Danji asked hopefully.

“Danji, we never go to normal hospitals. We can’t. They’ll know something is off with us once they take our blood samples and heartbeat measurements.” Lay gently said.

“Then what do we do?! We can’t just leave him to die!” Danji cried out.

The wolves remained silent. Kris tried to think of a solution.

“Someone please do something!” Danji dropped onto the floor and sobbed distressingly.

“Don’t…cry…gongzhu…” Luhan whispered. Danji stopped crying immediately. Eyes wide, she scrambled over to him. She clutched onto his hand. “Luhan.” Danji sniffled, “Are you…are you okay?” He opened his eyes and smiled meekly. “Of course. You know me. I’m strong. I’ll make it through this.”

“You need a doctor,” Danji stated.

Luhan shook his head. “I just need some time.”

Kris stepped in. “She’s right, Luhan. You need some kind of help. You won’t be able to survive otherwise-“

Luhan gave him a look. It was the look that said everything. “Don’t say another word. I don’t want to make her worry. Just give me some time to be with her.”

Kris abided his wish and did not say anymore.

Luhan sat up and cringed at the excruciating pain in his abdomen. “Don’t get up! Just lay down!” Danji shouted.

“I’m okay.” Luhan squeezed her hand. He looked up at Chen. “Get me some clothes, Chen. I need to take Danji home.”

Danji shook her head. “I’m not going home! I’m going to stay until you get better!”

“I’ll stay at your home with you. We can be there together,” Luhan said.

“Luhan, really, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to move-“ Chen stopped talking when Kris squeezed his arm. Subtly, Kris shook his head. “I’ll…be right back.” Chen hesitated before walking away.

After Luhan dressed, he and Danji headed towards her cabin.

“Honestly, I don’t know why we couldn’t just stay at your home. You’re in no condition to be moving around like this.” She frowned deeply.

“I wanted to be alone with you.” He pinched her cheek with a tender smile.

Luhan slung his arm around her neck. Danji wrapped her arm carefully around his waist. She did not complain when he leaned against her.

The rest of Exo-M watched as they left.

“Why is Luhan doing this? I don’t understand.” Chen shook his head in disapproval.

“I do,” Kris whispered. Four heads turned towards him.

Kris kept his gaze on the forest. “He wants to spend his last moment with her.”

“Last…moment?” Chen asked. Tao’s eyes rounded as Lay’s jaw dropped.

“What are you talking about Kris?!” Xiumin demanded.

Kris looked at them. “You all know he’s incapable of using his own power on himself. He’ll have to wait until tomorrow until his natural healing ability kicks in. And judging from his wounds…” He looked back out the window. “It doesn’t seem like he’ll have the time to wait.”

The wolves hung their heads in shock. Was their prince really…dying?


As soon as Luhan and Danji entered her home, he collapsed on her couch.

“Luhan!” Danji got down next to him. “I told you! We have to go to the hospital!” She cried in frustration.

“I’m fine. I just…need to rest.” Luhan stubbornly insisted.

“Come. You can rest on my bed.” Danji grabbed his arm and helped him up. She led him into her bedroom and let him sit on her bed. “Let me go get the first aid kit. I’ll be right back.” Danji fluidly ran out of the room.

Luhan put an arm over his abdomen. He felt very cold. He was shivering, and pain swelled in his chest area. Luhan winced as he stood up. He got up and walked over to her desk. Luhan examined everything: from the post-it reminders stuck on her board to the collection of color pencils she used when she drew on her free time. His gaze stopped on a sketch on her wall.

Luhan took the sketch off the wall and inspected the perfect drawing. It was a portrait of him in both his human form and wolf form. It captured his identity perfectly. Luhan ran his fingers along his face. His eyes grew wet. *My Danji, you’re so talented. I wish I could see you draw me again.*

“Luhan! What are you doing up?” Danji placed the kit on the bed and hurried over to him. She tugged on his arm. “Come back and sit down.”

Instead of doing that, Luhan wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. Her eyes rounded. “Luhan?”

“Do you remember when you drew this?” He asked.

“Of course I remember. It was over the summer. We had set up a picnic at the meadow where we first kissed. You watched m

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story wanna re-read this story...
745 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????