Snow White

The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Exo: Wolf


Danji woke up and was surprised to see that she was in her bed. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

There was no sign of Luhan anywhere.

*He didn’t stay over last night? I must have made him suffer terribly.* Chuckling, Danji got up and went to wash. After dressing, she headed towards the kitchen to get a glass of milk. From the corner of her eye, she saw a figure in her living room. A red flag waved in her head.

*Kai!* Danji grabbed the rolling pin off the counter and raised it high over her head.

“Danji, relax. It’s just me.” Luhan assured.

“Oh, Luhan…” Danji sighed in relief.

Luhan closed his hands over hers and gently lowered the rolling pin. “I don’t know if I should be worried you’re so jumpy or happy because I know you won’t think twice about knocking over Kai’s head.” He said, amused.

“The first one would be less evil.” Danji placed the rolling pin back on the counter.

Luhan chuckled. He enclosed his arms around her waist and kissed her nose. “You look cute today.”

“Thank you, but you’re biased.” She wrinkled up her nose cutely.

“I probably am, but no one would disagree with me.” He kissed her nose again.

“Because you’ll tear their heads off?” Danji grinned.

Luhan smiled back, “You know it, gongzhu.” They laughed joyfully.

Luhan took her hand and gave it a loving squeeze, “You ready to spend the day with me and a crazy pack of wolves?”

“Yes, sir.” Danji saluted.

“Did you pack your clothes and toiletries? You’re spending the night at our cabin. I won’t bring you back tonight.” Luhan wiped a speck of glitter from her cheek.

“I was just about to do that when someone decided to scare me by popping out of nowhere.” Danji gave him a look.

Luhan kissed her cheek and lightly patted the bottom of her back, “Go pack.”

Danji went into her room and grabbed everything she needed. She also packed the music box and photos of her deceased family members also. Ever since last year’s tragic event with her house going on fire, she never left her treasures at home when she had to stay overnight somewhere else.

Danji swung her backpack over her shoulder, “All done.” Luhan took the bag from her and slung it over his own shoulder, “Let’s go.” She locked up the house, and they headed towards Exo-M’s ostentatious cabin.

“Hi, Danji.” Xiumin was the first one to greet her with his usual friendly smile. "Danji is here!” He announced.

“Thank God! Food!” Tao’s cry of relief came from the kitchen.

Luhan narrowed his eyes, “He better not have just said that right now.”

Danji giggled. She walked into the kitchen, “Never fear. I’m here to make breakfast for you.”

“Oh, mei-mei, you’re a lifesaver.” Tao almost wept.

“Bendan.” Luhan muttered under his breath.

Danji tied an apron around her waist, “Bacon and scrambled eggs okay?”

“That would be amazing.” Tao beamed.

Luhan huffily crossed his arms. He disliked it every time his mate had to play chef for the pack.

Lay entered the kitchen and went to the refrigerator. “Zhao an, mei-mei.” He pulled out a carton of orange juice and poured himself a glass. “Zhao an, ge.” She smiled affably.

Lay sipped his juice as he looked over her shoulder, “Bacon and eggs for breakfast?”

“Yes, I hope you’re okay with that.” Danji said.

Lay smiled, showing off his dimple, “I’m fine with anything you make, baobei.”

“Lay.” Luhan growled in warning. “That’s my cue to leave. Call me when you’re done.” Lay winked and left.

Luhan sighed and came over, “Do you always have to make food for them?”

“No, I don’t have to. But I want to.” Danji smiled genuinely.

“I wish you wouldn’t waste your energy like that.” He pouted. “I’m not wasting anything,” She laughed, “Fine. If you’re so worried, help me pour the juice.” Danji stretched out the carton and shook it. Luhan gave her a look but helped her fill the cups with juice. They set everything on the table, and she called the pack to eat.

“Did Tao make you cook again?” Kris eyed the youngest one who sheepishly smiled.

“It smells delicious, Danji.” Xiumin complimented. “Yeah, mei-mei, you’re the best!” Tao put two thumbs up.

“You ungrateful brats should be happy I have a kind mate who is willing to provide you with food!” Luhan snapped.

“We are very, very grateful.” Lay nodded eagerly.

“That’s enough,” Danji softly chided her mate before smiling at the pack, “Go ahead and eat while the food is still hot!” Everyone gathered at the table and began to dig in.

Luhan was still complaining. “Why does my mate always have to cook?”

“Because the rest of us don’t have mates yet.” Lay chuckled.

“But you all have hands.” Luhan eyed him.

“Too bad we don’t know how to cook.” Chen shrugged. Luhan sent him a look that could fry his brains.

Tao wiped his lips with the napkin, “You should be honored we like Danji’s cooking! I remember when I didn’t even want Holly anywhere near the kitchen-“

There was the sound of glass breaking. Everyone froze and looked in the direction of Kris. His glass had broken and orange juice was dripping off the edge of the table.

“I’ll go get a new cup.” Kris mumbled. He got up and left the table.

“Tao, seriously.” Xiumin sighed and shook his head.

“He’ll never learn.” Chen disapproved.

“Sorry.” Tao flinched.

“Should I go help?” Danji asked. Luhan gently shook his head, “No, I’m sure Kris can help himself.” *He might want to be alone for a few minutes.*

The table had grown quiet. Only a few words were exchanged between Lay and Xiumin. Kris finally came back to the table. Silence spread over the room once again. “I’m fine. Eat. Talk. Do whatever.” Kris muttered.

“…So what do you want to do today?” Lay piped up. “Maybe we can go swimming.” Xiumin suggested.

“I’ll pass. I need to catch up on my sleep.” Chen yawned.

“You slept the entire day after school yesterday.” Xiumin pointed out.

“There you go. I went to school for the day, which gives me a perfectly logical reason to sleep some more. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some sleeping to do.” Chen got up and left the table.

“Lazy .” Luhan muttered. “I heard that perfectly clearly.” Chen hollered.

“I meant for you to hear it!” Luhan hissed. The response he received was a slam of the door.

“Aish, that idiot-“ Luhan got up, but Danji stopped him. “Leave Chen alone. Just finish your breakfast.” Grumbling curse words, he picked up his fork.

In the end, the wolves decided on a leisurely day at home.

After cleaning the dishes, Lay, Tao, Xiumin, and Danji sat on the living room floor and played Monopoly. Kris lounged on the arm chair reading a book while Luhan lie across the couch and fell into an afternoon nap. “Ha! You landed on my acre! Pay up, mei-mei!” Tao grinned and held out his palm.

Danji pouted and slapped a few fake bills on his hand, “You almost have half of the properties.”

“What can I say? I’m a pro at this game.” Tao kissed the fake money and set them in the growing pile of cash.

Danji blew a frustrated raspberry. The next time she rolled, she landed on Lay’s property. She snapped her fingers, “Darn. Why do I keep landing on other people’s lands?”

“It’s okay, baobei. You don’t have to pay. You are free to stay on my properly any time.” Lay graciously smiled.

Danji beamed, “You’re so nice, ge.”

“No, he’s just stupid. You just lost some serious dough.” Tao snickered and rolled the dice. He landed on Lay’s property, and he had to pay double the amount.

Lay held out his hand, “Pay up.”

Tao tried his best cute tactics, “Just cut me some slack just this once, ge.”

“Nope. Like you said, I need some serious dough.” Lay grinned wickedly.

“Evil unicorn!” Tao threw a few bills in his direction. Lay chuckled and gathered the money, “Thank you. Come back again.”

Tao scowled. “I’m done with this game. I’m going to take a nap.” He got up and left.

“I think that sounds like a good idea.” Yawning, Xiumin left also.

Lay remained behind to help Danji clean up the game pieces. “Good game. We’ll play again.” He held out his hand, and she slapped him a hi-five. Lay took the game back to his room.

Danji looked at the two wolves who had fallen asleep in the living room. Kris was sleeping with his head tilted sideways and his book resting on top of his chest. He looked so uncomfortable in his current position. Danji gently shook him. His eyes snapped open at once.

“Sorry to wake you, but,” She winced, “Um, you should go sleep in your room. Sleeping like that will give you a bad knot in your neck.”

His eyes flitted all over the room and then landed on Luhan. Being the tactful one, Kris fluidly stood up and picked up his book, “Yeah, yeah, I get the hint. Enjoy the wide living room to yourselves, lovebirds.

” “I was worried about you.” Danji pouted.

Kris waved his hand without looking back and headed into his room.

*Whatever.* She rolled her eyes.

Danji turned to Luhan. He had not stirred awake in the midst of all this. He must have been tired, she softened.

Danji grabbed a fleece blanket and pulled it over his body. She gasped when he suddenly grabbed her arms and yanked her close. Eyes still closed, Luhan murmured, “Is the game over?” “Yeah, Tao was unhappy when he had to pay Lay $200 for trespassing on his business.” Danji mused.

“Sore loser.” Luhan mumbled. “Want to go for a walk?” Danji asked.

“Mmm…maybe later. For right now,” He pulled her closer so that she was lying on top of him, “I just want to stay like this with my mate.” “Skinship monster.” She teased.

“Call me whatever you like, but I’m not letting you go.” Luhan tightened his grip on her.

“I never asked you to.” Danji rested her cheek against his shoulder and closed her eyes.

A smile spread on his lips. He rolled her over so that they were on their sides.

In each other’s warm embrace, they fell into a serene sleep.


SNAP! Danji furrowed her eyebrows at the sound.

Luhan’s finger twitched on her back. Footsteps could be heard running down the hallway.

“Was that Lay?” Danji mumbled. “No one else.” Luhan mutte

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story wanna re-read this story...
745 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????