Kim Seokjin

Good Day

Tick. Tack.

Time was precious. She walked quickly through the crowd. She was trying to avoid the others. No one had to remember her face. She let her hood loosening slightly on her dark eyes, and disappeared around the corner of a street.

Once she made sure she was alone, she dared a smirk. She lifted her palm up, discovering the three-pearls-beads bracelet. This one had been one of the easiest to stole.

There was suddenly a scream. Finally. The storeman had finally noticed the disappearance of his precious jewel. The girl snorted. He was a little bit long to react. She slipped the chain in her pocket, and turned around.

And gasped.

A boy was in front of her, watching her with big eyes. How did he manage to stay silent? She didn't even hear him. She had always been so careful and had the best instincts. But this time, not only he surprised her, but he'd also seen her with the bracelet.

Cries resounded. Guards. They were coming for her. The merchant had probably made the connection and called out the guards after her. Protests and orders were heard from every side, mixed with the sounds of animals and moved carts.

She made a face. She had to flee, but she wasn't sure about the boy's reaction. Who by the way was still staring at her. Was he going to let her go, or report her to the guards? She only knew the answer when the cries came closer. The boy suddenly held out his hand and said.

"Come with me"

His voice was soft, like his aura. It was like he had whispered "don't be afraid". She slipped her hesitating hand in the boy's one, who wasted no time to run to the other side.

Her hood had fallen. Her long hair floated with the wind. The boy stopped abruptly, almost making her fall. He put a finger on his lips, turned his head to the left then to the right, staying silent during a few seconds in case there were some other noise. But there was nothing to be heard. She stared at him, following all of his movements. How did he plan to get them out? And where exactly were they?

As if he heard her mute question, the boy met her eyes.

"We're safe. It's the most isolated place in the city, where the blacksmith lives. Trust me, guards will never think about coming there. You must be out of your mind to attack the weapon smith."

The light-browned hair fell perfectly on his eyes. His pink lips were luscious, temptating. His coat had slipped by a little with the run, making visible the sharp and pale collarbones. She almost missed his question while staring at him.

"Do you live by yourself?"

Well that was the last thing she thought he asked. When she looked at him suprised, he only shrugged. "It's actually easy to deduce the whole story. You are a professional thief, because the merchant didn't even notice the missing jewel until now. It must be some man who saw you and told him, because you know you can't plan everything. Then I don't think a girl who lives with her family will steal a jewel, when they are craving for food. Am I right?"

The girl stayed silent.

"I think I am" then said the boy with a shadow of a smile. "I'm Seokjin, by the way. Son of the blacksmith." His eyes sparkled when she shaked his open hand.
"... maybe you are right."

Seokjin looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "I'm a poor, poor lonely girl." She had that mocking tone. It happened all the time. She already knew the end of the story. "Are you going to pity me now?" she asked with a more agressive voice.

He pouted slightly. "You could be more thankful. I saved your life, you know."

"Don't surestimate yourself, Saint Big Head Seokjin. I was perfectly doing fine without you." She turned her back to him with a scoff and started to leave. But Seokjin grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall. Before she could protest and defend herself, he put his hand on her lips to shut her up.
"Listen" he mouthed. Then she heard it. Orders from the guards. It was the second time she was so incautious. And all of this began when she met this ing Seokjin. There was suddenly a shadow on the ground, barely two feet away. She wanted to escape, but Seokjin held her. He brought his face closer and whispered. "Trust me."

Then he put his lips on hers.

"There are kids here!" gushed a voice.

The girl panicked and closed her eyes. But Seokjin reassured her by sneaking an arm around her waist, and brought her closer. And he kissed her deeply. And for some reason, she drove anxiety deep within her.

"Yah kiddos, can't you do your business somewhere else?" Seokjin winked at her while he stepped back. He then faced the guard, putting on a guilty face and rubbing the back of his head, as if embarrassed. "Sorry sir. What's the matter?"

"We're searching for a famous thief in the town. Have you seen a girl running?"

She frowned and hit lightly the boy's arm. "See? I told you it was a girl! I saw her along the river, heading to the north. But that idiot didn't believe me!"
Seokjin let out an awkward laugh, and the guard totally bought it. "Thanks for the information. Now get out of here before I do it myself."

She took Seokjin's hand and led him out of the street. Once she made sure they were out of danger, she turned raging to the boy. Seokjin stared at her with a deep gaze, staying silent. And without warning, she kicked him in the knee.

"OW" he screamed in a rather unmanly way. "What's wrong with you?!" He groaned in pain, holding his knee.

"Why did you do that?!" she yelled. "I didn't ask you to help me! I'm this famous thief, I always pass through the traps."

"Apparently this time you didn't! You needed me, you can't deny it!" He was still wincing, and muttered something like "what are you a ing warrior or a real monster"

"I didn't" she was fuming. She didn't want to accept the truth. She really was doing fine without him. Well ... until he decided to be in the same street than her. She blew on the hair which had fallen on her eyes and warned. "Now get away from me before your other leg pays for the kiss."

Seokjin scoffed and tried to stand up as much as he could. "Please. Like you disliked it."

"Excuse me?!"

"You were almost begging me to not stop."

Her hand tightened into a fist. Seokjin rolled his eyes and carefully took a step back. "Gosh calm down, I was kidding."

"Apparently we do not have the same sense of humor." she replied smugly. "Believe everything you want, but except yourself to not see me anymore. I'm better alone."

"So that's it. You are going to run away."

She faked a smile. "Yes." She then saw him his lips, a mischievious glint in his eyes. Funny reaction for someone supposed to be upset. Her heart skipped a beat.


That was enough to make her go, away from this guy. She walked down the avenue, heading to her refuge. But she didn't make more than three steps she suddenly had a bad feeling. Why this Seokjin didn't say anything? After all this stupid cinema to make her stay, he simply let her go without doing anything. So yes, maybe it annoyed her more than she wanted it to. She dug her fists into her pockets.

She froze.

She didn't feel anything. At all. When she was supposed to feel the cold metal of the chain bracelet. There was anything.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

She turned abruptly only to meet a pair of beautiful eyes, who were looking at her. Between their two bodies was suspended a little bracelet, with shining pearls. How...?

"Impossible" she whispered. Seokjin smirked. "What are you doing?" she wanted to take the bracelet, but he drew back his hand. "Give it to me" she hissed.  
"Uh uh" he had a boyish smile. "I want to make a deal. I will give it back to you, if you promise to come here tomorrow."

"Why here?"

"It's my place, remember?" She rose a suspicious eyebrow.  "How can you be so sure I will come once I have the bracelet back?"

"I'm sure you will." Of course he wasn't sure. His voice was demanding. He took her hand and placed the jewel in her palm. But he doesn't completely let go of it. "Deal?"

She made the mistake to look up, only to meet his damn beautiful eyes. She didn't know what to say else.  "Deal" she said bitterly.  He then came closer before she could blink and delicately put his lips on hers. But it quickly became less gentle when he nibbled on her inferior lip. He wasted no time to invading . She lost it when she felt his hands on her hips. She passed a hand in his hair, trying to brought him closer. Her legs were weak but Seokjin was there to maintain her in balance. That was even better than the first time.

When they finally parted, Seokjin only said with sparkling eyes. "Deal sealed"

He finally let go of her hand, and turned around. She stared after his leaving figure, breathless. Why did he leave her in this situation?! She knew he did it in purpose. So she would come the day after.


She whipped with the back of her hand, and put the bracelet in her pocket with more strengh than needed. And her hand never left the pocket for the rest of the day.




She watched carefully the entry of the street. Both of them knew she would come back. However, she chose to not show herself, not yet. It was a proof she wasn't that eager to see again his beautiful face, his shining and dark eyes, and his lips, his pink and delicious lips...

She shook her head. Not those thoughts again. Then she lost the boy. She had to look somewhere else for one second and he had to disappear. He was incredible.

"What are you looking for?"

The voice was near her ears. She jumped, only to see the boy she was previously spying on. He was watching in direction of his house - the same place where she was looking. She placed a hand on her chest, trying to calm her heartbeat. "Are you crazy?!" she hissed. He had that stupid innocent face on, blended with curiosity. She wanted to punch him. "You almost gave me a cardiac arrest!"

He had a cheeky smile. Not even sorry. "Why are you so tensed? Were you hiding?"

"Why would I ever hide from you?"

"I never said it was from me." he replied, visibly holding his laugh. She bit her tongue. Stupid brain. She aimed a fist against the arm of the boy, but he held her hand with his own before she could hit him. "Are you really that famous thief?" he scrunched up his nose. "Even your attacks are weak."

"Oh my gosh" she said, flustered. "Just shut up!" Seokjin released her and laughed out loud. "You are cute"

"I said shut up" she crossed her arms and looked somewhere else, avoiding his stare. "Actually... I need you for something", he suddenly said. "Will you help me?" She tilted her head, first driven by curiosity, but then shrugged her shoulders like she didn't care. "Depends on what."

"I highly doubt you will dislike it. I want your help to steal something." Her jaw almost dropped. "W-what?"

"I need you. Will you help me?" She didn't think twice. Well, her whole life consisting on stealing. "Sure, but--" Seokjin didn't let her finish her sentence by pulling on her hand. They only stopped when the crowd was seen. It was market day. The boy pointed on a certain shop and turned to the girl. "I want to steal a necklace."

Oh. That was all?


"Are you suddenly aware of your feminine instincts?"

Seokjin glared at her. She smirked. "It's for my mum, you idiot" She scoffed. Then she looked at the shop, observing the movements of the merchant. "So what do you want me to do?"

"You will follow me and acting like we were together okay?" She took a step back, and gave him a sideways glance. "You are really searching for all kinds of pretends to be with me, aren't you?"

"What if the answer was yes?"

She opened but nothing witty came to her mind. She wanted to slap herself in the face. "Whatever" she whispered. Seokjin hide his smile. "Come with me and trust me."

They soon arrived in front of the shop. There were so many jewels- it will be a piece of cake to steal only one. But she was curious. How will he proceed? She looked at him, he winked.


"I can do it!" he then yelled. "Why can't you believe me?"

She just watched him, yelling at each passant he could do 'it'. He even tell it at the merchant. "She's supposed to be my girl and she doesn't even believe me!" he whined. It was almost funny. The merchant threw a judging look at her. "There goes all the women, my boy" he said.

Well go yourself.

"What is the matter?"

"I want to be a great magician, but nobody wants me to prove it."

"Try it, kiddo."

The girl crossed her arms. "It's not that good" she replied. "It's really pathetic."

"See?!" the boy protested. "Come on" the man insisted, not looking at her. Seokjin asked hesitantly at the merchant, if he could do it with a necklace. The man accepted. The necklace he chose was simple, with a thin metal chain. It was not much, but that simplicity made it more beautiful than the others. Seokjin placed it on his palm, then closed it. He then did some movements with his hand, and singsonged. "Guess where it goes?"

He didn't do anything else,  just pulling the necklace out of his opposite pocket. Everyone around them who watched it were amazed, someone even whistled. He replaced the collar back at its place, and bowed a little looking proud and happy.

"Congratulations boy" said the naive merchant. "You should pratice more." He then continued his commerce, happier as the little show had brought a lot of people, therefore more customers. Seokjin left the shop, and she had to run to catch him up.



They were installed at his house, safe and sound. They were seated at a table on the opposite of each other.

"Why didn't you believe me?"

She rolled her eyes. "Drop the act. All this time, the fake one was in your pocket?" The boy's eyes sparkled. "You are smarter than I thought."
He bit his lip to contain his scream when she hit his leg. "You're mean" he pouted. "And you are a stupid kid. How did you make the fake necklace?"
"My father is a blacksmith, remember? When you left yesterday, I went back to the market. I saw this necklace, so I thought of this little scenario."

"Wait. You did that all by memory? And why can't you offer the fake to your mother? It seemed very alike, according to what I saw."

"It's better with real gold, isn't it?"

"Gold?! Are you crazy? What if the merchant notices it? He knows your face!"

"Calm down sweetheart. He will leave the town tomorrow, he said it himself. He won't have the time to notice." He stood up, in front of her. "I have a thing to do. Turn around."

The girl was dumbfounded. "W-what?" He heaved a sigh. "When will you listen to me?"

"Excuse me, I'm not your horse, nor your girl. I do what I want to do." She didn't excepted he'd smiled. "I know" he replied. "Let me just do it then." He sat up behind her back, and pushed her hair over her shoulder. "What are you doing...?" She felt a cold sensation on her skin. When she looked down, she saw the precious necklace. She ly to see the smug face of the boy. "I have wonderful tastes" he said.

"Stupid idiot. It was for your mother." Seokjin smirked. "I highly doubt it. You see, I have no mother since birth. I lied, because you wouldn't help me otherwise. When I saw this necklace, I knew it was made for you. I'm really amazing."

She almost pushed him off the bench.

She put her hands to her neck to remove the jewel, but Seokjin stopped her. "No. This belongs to you, and always will."

And not really knowing why, she laughed. "It's the first time someone actually give me something. I have usually serve myself." Seokjin removed her hands from her neck and kept them in his. He forced her to link pinkies, and said. "From now, you just promised you won't leave me."

"When did I?"

"When you accepted the necklace. Don't you dare to take it off!"

"You are really weird. And pretty stupid. But you're funny. I'm used to live alone, so I can't promise you anything. I can try though , but not for your pretty eyes."
"You really don't know how to thank people, do you? I saved you, I gave you a present..."

"You didn't save me, you saved your cute little , because guards would have thought you were with me."

"I didn't!" he protested. "You did."

"I didn't!"


Stupid kid.

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