Kim Namjoon

Good Day

New year, new town, new school, new people. She hated days like that. She yawned. It really wasn't the good day. The gates of her new school were open, but she was still hesitating. The year had already begun, to make it more difficult for her.

She dug her fists in her pockets and took a deep breath. She had to find the administration office. Luckily it was indicated on a big board, so she wouldn't have some difficulties. But the problem was there was nobody at the office. So she sat on a chair, waiting. Somebody will have to show up some time.

It didn't take long. She first heard a boy protesting, and a woman answering. Then the same people came into the office, appearing to be a boy with silver hair and a woman on her thirties. But the funny thing was the woman was pulling him by the ear, hence the protests. He was holding a red beanie in his hands, probably the subject of the fight.

"Let me go please! I promise I won't do it again." he held three fingers up "Scout's honor"

"You've never been scouts."

"Your point?

The woman pulled more on his ear and he whined. "Don't answer me back! Anyways, you always say that and all the time you do it. I'm done with you Namjoon. You know the rules, two hours of detention. And don't you even dare to skip it."

"But you love me, so you won't tell anything to the director."

"It's not because I'm your sister you will always passing through. And father better know all the bull you are doing."

The girl couldn't help it, she laughed. But she covered with a hand just after, with a sorry look. That's when they noticed her. The woman let immediately go of the said Namjoon and changed totally her expression. She put on a motherly smile and asked her. "What do you want love?"

The boy scoffed. The woman pretended to hit him, he stepped back with a pout. The girl hid a smile and gave her inscriptions sheets to the office woman. "So you are the new student! Well..." she checked one of the sheets "Apparently you are in the same class than Namjoon here, the stupid looking boy with that dumb and old hair color."

"My hair is beautiful thank you very much!"

"Whatever. So as a punishment, Namjoon is going to give you a school tour." The boy didn't seem unhappy to do so. "But noona I have class right now" he puckered. The woman smirked. "As if you needed an excuse to hang out in the hallways. You will catch it up with your detention hours. Now go."

"Follow me new student!" he addressed at her before leaving. She had to catch him up. "Do you really think this hair color is dumb?" he suddenly asked while she was catching her breath. She shook her head. "Not at all"

The boy had a rather cute smile, with dimples showing.

"So... is she your sister?" she asked. "Yep! And as you may have heard, the director is my father. I'm the youngest, the big shame in the family, Kim Namjoon!" he raised his hands above his head. He didn't seem very upset by this title.

By the hour passing, they talked a lot. He asked her where she came from, what she liked to do, what her favorite color was... He was that optimistic kind, and pretty comic. She quickly learned to appreciate him. Eventually the visit finished, and they had to go back at class. Namjoon turned his head to her and asked. "Did this visit please you miss?" She chuckled and nodded with enthusiam. He crossed his arms on his nape and said proudly "I'm the best guide ever! Now this is the worst part, the classroom. But don't worry, people here are cool. If you are still alive after Mrs Seo's class, I will make you meet friends."

"Deal" she laughed. The boy knocked at the door, didn't even waiting for the answer and entered. A young woman with long hair, brushed on each side with a classical style, put her hands on her hips. "What am I supposed to say Kim Namjoon? It's probably the fifth time in this week you are late on my class, on a total of five classes in a week."

Namjoon flashed her a wide and blinding smile and dragged the girl at his side. "I have an excuse this time!" The teacher looked at her, stare smoothing a little. "Funny thing" Namjoon explained "I ran into the new student. Since I have unexploited guide talents, I decided to give this pretty lady a tour of our school. Oh Mrs Seo, you have a beautiful dress today!"

The teacher glared at him. "Praises don't work on me, Namjoon. I'll let it pass since you are with the new student. But don't influence her!" The boy made a mocking salute with his hand. The teacher rolled her eyes and told him to sit. He did it without much complain, but not before highfiving one boy. The teacher then made the girl also sit somewhere near the window, at the opposite of Namjoon.

Mrs Seo was really nice, but not interesting at all. The girl found herself trying several times to fight the sleep. When her stare landed on Namjoon, she saw him entirely to his chair, chatting with two others boys. He suddenly turned his head and winked at her. She fought back a laugh. He was an idiot, and a pretty funny one.

As promised he took her outside to meet people. Actually, he was the popular guy, the one everyone knew about. Many people called him by his name, saying hi, asking him one thing. Each time the boy stopped and took the time to answer them, knowing each one's name. She was honestly amazed.

"Sorry" he said with a sheepish smile when he came back to her side, after a girl asked him if he was coming to a party. She waved a hand. "Don't worry. You seem very demanded." she chuckled. "It's because of my handsome face, I can't help but attire people." She lightly hit his arm. "Okay next time remind me to buy you a meal. I owe you one." he added.

Soon her first day of school ended and for the first time she didn't want to come back home. "So I guess we have to part." said the boy while simulating a crying face. "Hopefully you don't seem scared so I think it's sure to say see you tomorrow!" He waved her goodbye and after a blink was gone.


She was late. She knew it too well. Yet she made her bag the night before, like children. But she even had to skip breakfast she was so late. It was her second day of school in this town and she already had to be late. She wanted to slap herself in the face. She ran a little on the road.

She finally arrived in front of the school, with gates closed. She closed her eyes and sighed.

Too late.

Then suddenly, she heard someone whistling to a recent song. She snapped her head to the person who was coming her way. It was a very familiar person. With a red beanie on head. The boy finally saw her, and smirked.

"Oh, are you late too?"

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Chapter 3: Oh my gosh Jung hoseok omg kyaaaa *squeal* T^T I can't even---- ;____;
HajarHashemi1 #2
Chapter 7: Love All of them:-D It was perfect ^.^
Chapter 7: jeon jungkook........
dont try to seduce me you little boy.....
Fakkof96 #4
Chapter 3: Jung.Ho.Seok.
i don't know how to deal with this anymore..
Naughtyqueen #5
Chapter 7: Min yoongi's my favorite <3
Naughtyqueen #6
Chapter 7: Omg <3 loved it
shllebyy #7
Chapter 7: These stories just got better and better! Rap Mon, V, and Jungkook's are my favorites! :D