Kim Taehyung

Good Day

She was cleaning the tables of the little coffee shop she was working at, when she heard a knock. Looking up, she could discern a boy at the main door. But they were supposed to be closed. Why was someone there? She watched in silence when the owner headed to the door. The woman opened by a little the door, only to ask. "What's wrong boy? We are closed, you can't come in."

"Can't you do an exception please? I-I'm really cold and-"

"I'm sorry but we are closed. Go home kiddo." The girl tried to see the person attached to that deep voice. She could only catch on some dark haircolor, since it was night outside and there were almost no lights.

She frowned. It was raining like no tomorrow. How could the owner be that heartless?!

Soon the owner closed the door. Apparently the poor boy was sent back outside, under the rain. "Hmm... can I go now Miss Seo? I've finished all the cleaning." The woman nodded and disappeared in the back of the shop. The girl wiped one last time the table and quickly changed. She left the coffee shop, umbrella in hand. The weather was awful. It was raining, but there was also thunder.

She searched for the boy, although it was dark, but she eventually found him. She was really curious about that boy. Why did he decide to come to the coffee shop, in the middle of the night under a heavy rain? She ran after him, and thankfully he wasn't quick. He rather had heavy steps. She wasted no time to stand in front of him, totally surprising him. And she put the umbrella above both of their heads. The boy's eyes were wide open.

"What-Who are you?"

She pointed behind her and said. "I was working in this coffee shop. I was there when Mrs Seo didn't let you in."

The poor boy was soaking wet from the rain, wet hair falling on his eyes. He was going to get sick if they didn't find a warm place. The boy scoffed. "Oh. This place." The girl frowned and made sure the umbrella was still above the boy's head. "Can I ask you what you are doing here?" He looked away. "It's ... nothing." She titled her head. "They say sometimes if you tell all of your problems to a perfect stranger you will get better."

They stared at each other in silence before a small smile cracked up on the boy's face. He opened his mouth, but then the girl felt a drop of water on her neck so she quickly cut him off." You know what? I'll buy you a coffee." She began to walk, but seeing he wasn't following, she held onto his arm and forced him to walk. "I promise you this coffee shop is always open and they do the best coffee out there."

The sad look in the boy's eyes was already fading as he laughed a bit. "Shouldn't you be supposed to say the opposite?"

"Come with me and you will find out the truth." she answered with a smile. Her 'plan' worked actually. He followed her, more like he was forced to stay next to her and under the umbrella.

After a little while, her arm hurt. She was too small for him so she had to stretch her arm up and it was tiring. But somehow the boy managed to see her struggle. He just took the umbrella, their hands brushing. Under her surprised eyes, he looked away once again and said out of the blue.

"By the way, I'm Taehyung."


"Woaw, you didn't lie." he took another sip of his drink. She laughed. "I never lie." The boy turned his head to the window. "I do it all the time." he said with a bitter smile.

She furrowed her eyebrows then decided to change the discussion. Something was clearly bothering this boy. "So Taehyung, mind to tell me your story?"

"I'm not sure it's interesting enough." She put her elbows on the table and her chin in her intertwined hands. "We have all night. Literally." He took a deep breath and played with the spoon before staring ar her. "I had a fight with my father."

She stayed silent. She knew discussions like that meant no judgments, no comments. He told her everything, about how her mother and older brother left them six months ago. Out of the two brothers it was the older one who got all the favors. According to his parents the older was the most intelligent, the most talented, the most perfect. So nobody wanted Taehyung with them. "But law is law." he explained. His father had to take him at home and everyday he threw the blame on the boy. "It's because of me my mother left, it's my fault if we are living like this... I can't do anything right, I can't even work properly. This night it got worse. That's why I ended here. Better anywhere else than at home."

She honestly was short of words. "Do you want my point of view?" she finally let out. The boy looked up at her, a surprised expression drawn on his face. She tried to offer him her sweetest smile ever and replied. "Your family don't see the treasure under their nose."

And he chuckled. And she swore she never saw such adorable smile.

The conversation went smoothly after that. It was past midnight, and they realized they had to finally go back to their houses. Taehyung insisted on being the first to get out the shop, just to make sure it wasn't raining anymore. He turned to face her. "The way is safe my lady. Do you want me to you to your house?" She shook her head with a small smile. "I would love it, but it's okay. My house isn't that far, and you need to hurry or else your father will worry." The boy looked at the sky with a melancholic look. "I won't be so sure on this last point."

Then she put her umbrella in his hand, forcing him to take it. When he stared at her with incomprehension she replied. "It's your father. It's your family. Even though he doesn't show it, he will be always worried about you."

She walked away reluctantly before saying one last time. "Oh and that umbrella is named 'give it back to me'. Tomorrow, at the same hour? Wait for me at the coffee shop until I finished my shift ok?" The boy scrunched up his nose. "Please, like I had a face which wait for girls. Don't you dare to be late!" he warned.
It was funny how he managed to keep a serious expression while making fun of others.


Since that day -or rather night- they would always crush at the coffee shop at night, talking during hours. Of course, she found herself more and more tired, but it was nothing.

One day, her coworker caught her yawning. "Hey" he called out for her. "Are you okay? You seem tired." she waved her hand. "It's nothing. Nowadays I only sleep later than usually."

"Can I at least know why? Do you find another cheesy romantic drama to watch? Like where you identify yourself to the main character who works too much under her bossy boss and she dreams of the ideal boy who will take her away and make her discover new horizons."

"Yah, I'm not that desesperate. And I swear you are the one who watched too many of those dramas. I only stay outside because I'm meeting up with a friend."
"Now that's interesting. Is it a boy? When did you meet him? How old is he?"

"Definitely older than your pitiful 5 years old. Or younger than your 80 years old. You are worse than my grandmother! Yes it's a boy and no, I won't tell you anything. Go back to work!" Her friend pouted and mumbled something like "I won't be surprised if he ends up running away from you with that behavior."
That's when she hit him with a rag.


The next week she had a bad surprise. Not only he didn't came at the coffee shop, but he also didn't answer to his phone. She still waited for him though, because she knew he would never leave her like that.

Twenty minutes later, she heard some mumbling. Worried, she turned her head only to see a familiar someone. "Taehyung!" The boy walked towards her, hands in pockets. He seemed a little off. She scrutinized him carefully and she eventually noticed the bruises.

"I'm sorry I couldn't reply to you. I did my best to not be late."

"Apparently you didn't do your best to stay fresh and handsome." even though she made some kind of joke, she wasn't in the mood to kid around. "Are you kidding me? We are not going to the coffee shop, you will scared all the ladies there."

She took his hand and made him sit up on the nearest bench. She ruffled his hair and asked. "Now tell me what happened, little Beast."

Taehyung looked at everywhere except at her. "I... may or may not kind of getting involved in a fight..." She raised an eyebrow. She wanted to ask him if he was joking like usually, but seeing his multiple cuts and wounds, she highly doubted it. She wanted to make a sharp comment, but when she looked at him, she only wanted to take him in her arms. So she didn't say anything. A comment was inappropriate. She wasn't her mother, she was even younger than him, and she didn't have the right to jugde him. She just sighed and tried to remove the hair from his eyes.

"You know what?" she suddenly stood up. "I'll take you to my home. Let's clean all this face before someone faints seeing your ugliness." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Yah."

She sent him an innocent smile.


She titled her head. "Woaw, you look much better without all this blood, I swear you could have gone for the spiritual son of the Joker!"

He touched one of his freshly cleaned wound and winced. Then he glanced at her. "Won't you ask why I fought?" She bit her lip. "Of course I want to ask. But I can't. It's like inserting myself in your life. I know that if you want to tell me something, you will simply tell me without asking."

This time the stare changed into an amazed look. "Can I marry you?" he suddenly asked on a dreamy tone. She chuckled nervously. "What? Wait-" she stood in front of him and held up four fingers. "How many fingers do you see?"

He blinked. "...six?" She dramatically sighed and patted his head. "That's what I thought. We lost the poor little Beast." And then Taehyung laughed, laughed with all the contents of his heart, laughed like she bet he never laugh that loud before.

"I should have met you earlier, seriously." he admitted.


She finally told to her coworker about Taehyung. He seemed even more excited than her about this new guy. "And...?!"

"And what. We are friends, good friends. We understand each other, it should be enough."

"And you are not... like you know, this kind of relationship?"

She heavily sighed and glared at him. "Why people always assume the wrong things? Just because I hang out a lot with him nowadays doesn't mean I'm totally in love with him! I mean when two people meet each other, they are not forced to be attracted. I like him a lot yeah, but that doesn't mean I fell in love with him."
She suddenly felt a hand around her shoulders and a familiar scent. "Yeah love can come later."

She widened her eyes and turned around. "Taehyung!" The boy had a huge smile on. "What are you doing here?! In the middle of the day?"

Woaw, she never noticed his purple haircolor was this beautiful. "Am I not allowed to buy you a visit?" he opened his mouth in fake comprehension. "Oh no, did I ruin all your vampire fantasies?" He then opened his jacket and put it over his head and howled oouh oouh.

She stared at him. She seriously tried her best to not laugh. She wanted to show him she was mad at him for teasing her, but then it wasn't very successful. Her coworker smirked and told her. "I can see how much he is perfect for you." She hit his arm while making a face. "Just go back to work you idiot!"

She turned to Taehyung who was looking at her with a boyish smile and sparkling eyes. "Of course I'm happy we are finally meeting in the middle of the day, dummy. It just surprised me. Do you want... a coffee?" The boy looked all around him, like it was the first time he has seen it. "Woaw do you even make coffee? I've never thought you made coffee in this coffee shop!"

She put her hands on her hips. "You are just pretty stupid, you know that?" 

He beamed. "Do you really think I'm pretty?!" She laughed out loud.

It was amazing how he was more at ease with her since a few months. He changed so much. He still talked about his father, but she could see he was barely listening to his father's blame. His words didn't hurt him anymore. And the boy was making efforts to let it go.

"Wait" he held her back by the hand when she was giving him a cup. "Can you sit for thirty seconds? I promise I will count so that you can go back to work." She sat down, curious about what he wanted to say. He took a deep breath and stared at her. "Do you want to build a snowman...?"

She rolled her eyes. "Kim Taehyung!" she protested. She had to work or else she may lose her job. He giggled. "Okay I'm sorry. Tomorrow you have a day off right?" She nodded. "Perfect. I'm taking you to our coffee shop where-" he leaned forward and whispered "-they made the best coffee, but shuush!" he put his finger on his lips and winked. "It's not the right thing to say in a coffee shop." She made the gesture to seal her lips. "So be ready for an entire day with the almighty Kim Taehyung."


"It still feels weird to meet at day. You really broke my vampire dreams."

"Please, what do girls even find in vampires stories? Do you think drinking blood all night and be dead is y?!" He then made a weird face while passing his tongue on his canines, testing it. "Anyways, I thought it was better for us to meet at day, the two of us will be exhausted if we continue at night. Am I not a genius?"

She patted his head. "Yes you are little Beast." she took a step back and watched his messy hair with an amused look. "... or little lion?" He glared at her. "I'm not little. I'm two heads taller than you."

Taehyung crossed his arms behind his head. "I have another plan after this. We are going to see a movie." He dragged her outside, after paying for the both of them. She frowned, but decided to stay silent.

Outside though, the weather began to get worse. There was already dark clouds, so she said. "Is the cinema still far? I don't believe we-" she was cut off by a rain drop on her cheek. That raindrop was followed by more raindrops. And she widened her eyes when suddenly the rain dropped. It wasn't a few raindrops, it was the heavy rain. She squealed as she tried to protect herself. Taehyung had a hand over his head, but it was useless.

The boy took her hand and they ended running under the rain. They finally found some kind of roof. Taehyung took off his jacket and put it over both of their heads. When they met each other's eyes, they bursted in laughter.

"Seems like we have a thing for rain." Taehyung said. She nodded. Then he stared at her, with a serious expression on. He always had a serious face, but this time it was... different.

"Seems like I have a thing for you." he suddenly added. She watched him leaning forward in silence. His lips were as soft as she had always imagined it to be. She ran a hand through his wet hair. He pulled away for a second only to glare at her. "Don't you dare to call me little beast again." he grumbled on her lips. She smiled teasingly. "Or else? You will roar at me little lion?"

"I swear you are asking for it." He put his hand on her waist and brought her closer. He kissed her again, lips gently moving against hers.


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Chapter 3: Oh my gosh Jung hoseok omg kyaaaa *squeal* T^T I can't even---- ;____;
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