Park Jimin

Good Day

She looked once again at her phone. The message precised well it was here, but there wasn't anyone. She grew anxious. What if someone discovered the thing? She suddenly heard a noise behind her, like a door opening. But before she could make a move, a hand clasped over while a powerful arm dragged her in the classroom behind her.

Her heart skipped a beat. She already had a little idea on who whas behind her, but she really relaxed when she caught on a familiar scent.

"Hi baby." whispered a voice near her ear.

He still had his hand on when he gently nibbled on her earlobe. Then he released her so she could turn around. He stared at her, standing still. Slowly, he put his arms around her waist and brought her closer.

"I missed you so much" he said. She leaned in and crushed her lips on his. "But you didn't have to kidnap me." she pouted. "But it could have been worse if you had screamed." he answered between butterfly kisses.

"Wait." she pushed his shoulders a little. "Are you sure this place is safe?" she asked, worried. He nodded. "No cameras in this corner, and people rarely come here. And..." he rose up a tiny object out of his pocket. "There is a key too." he added with a smirk. "Give it to me." she said, trying to take the key. But the boy drew back his hand. "Yah Park Jimin!"

He shook his head childishly. "No. We are going to stay locked in here forever, where nobody can find us."

She gave him a weak smile and ran a hand through his hair in order to calm him down. "Don't worry, we will find a way. We will always find a way."

"But--" she shushed him with a kiss. "No buts" she kissed the boy once again. He sneaked a cold hand under her shirt. She shivered. When they parted, she hid her head in Jimin's shoulder.


It was their daily secret. She was the unique child of the Wang family, one of the most ancient chinese families installed in Korea. Her mother was a famous architect, and her father was the director of the most well-known school. Her older sister died in an accident, six years ago. Since she was the only child since the accident, all the responsabilities landed on her. Her parents wanted to engage her, setting her on blind dates. But she just couldn't.

Her heart was already taken by the only one who had been able to understand her, to protect her in every way and to comfort her, and she was in the arms of the one.


They met three years ago.

She was late. She was taking the stairs, when she heard some noise. She half hiding and saw three girls, encircling another girl on the floor. The things of the poor one were all around her. One of the bullies put a foot on a paper, tearing it. "You will regret it !" the supposed leader said. She was about to hit the poor one, when someone else suddenly stepped in. It was a boy.

"What are you doing?" his voice wasn't really intimidating, but his eyes were dark. The leader said. "Leave us alone. You don't know all the things she's done to us. The floor is her natural place."

The boy looked at the girl with a provocative stare, then helped the poor one to stand up. The leader yelled. "Let her be!"

"Whatever she has done to you, I don't think it's fair to be at three against one." But before the girls could have done something, she made her visible. One of the three whispered. ", it's the director daughter. We should leave before she denounces us!" So the three girls all left, and the poor one also left without even a thanks.

There was only the boy and her left, staring at each other.

"This is my first time seeing someone saving another person in this school." she finally said.

He simply nodded and began to walk away. "Wait!" he looked upon his shoulder. "What's your name?"

"Park Jimin."

When her parents discovered their relationship, they totally forbade it. Even though they couldn't excluded the boy out of the school without a good reason, they threatened him in every way possible. But not only her parents, it was also the whole school. The students also threatened him.

Because she was the director's daughter, she was considered like a queen. Meaning that nobody could approach her, nobody could touch her, nobody could talk to her.

So Jimin took all the blame. He got beaten up, his things were often found near the trash, and he received many death messages.

So in order to protect him, she decided to broke up. Well, officially. But because she loved him so much, and because he could endure much more torture just to be with her, they decided to see each other in secret.

They weren't in the same class, so it was just a stare, a hand brushing on the hallways. Things slowly calmed down when everyone was convinced they weren't together anymore. That's when they started their secret dates.


But that day things turned bad. Jimin had stared at her more than needed, and some people noticed it. She wasn't aware of the situation until the end of the day, when she heard screams and running. She quickly packed her things and followed the crowd. People have made a circle outside, and in the center of this circle was... smoke.

She coughed, wondering what was happening and grew more and more anxious. And she had a good reason to be. In front of her was Jimin, standing still, arms crossed, watching all his things burn. One of the boys who started the fire lifted his lighter in front of Jimin's eyes, and said. "Aren't we warned you before? No one is allowed to have the Queen."

She gasped and stepped in. She hated bullies but more than that, she couldn't stand seeing someone hurt him. "What do you think you're doing?" she said, and it took efforts to control her voice. Jimin snapped his head towards her, eyes wide open. "Don't!" he mouthed.

I'm sorry. She had to do something. The boy with the lighter was taken aback for a moment, but came closer to her. "This offended me" he answered with a honeyed voice.

"I'm not talking about the boy." her expression darkened. Who this guy thought he was? "Don't you know fire is prohibited inside the school? You guys can be definitely exclude, each of you. And I know all of your names." There were suddenly protests and insults, but the crowd quickly disappeared. Only the boys who started the fire, Jimin and her were left.

"Why do you care about this ?" one boy snapped. "I thought you two broke up."

"I don't care about this boy, I'm tired of your bull. You think you are all good and that you can do everything but you are just a bunch of immature heads." The lighter boy frowned and titled his head. "So if you don't care about him, can we do everything to him?"

She took a step back. "What? Did you even listen to what I've said?" The lighter boy smirked, feeling something was turning in his favor. He took Jimin by the neck and forced him to bend on. He put the lighter dangerously near the boy's hair and looked at her. "And now? Haven't changed your mind?"

She was on the edge of breaking down. "Let him go. He didn't do anything to deserve it." She met Jimin's eyes who was pleading her to not do anything. "Trust me" he said quietly. Another boy suddenly stood up in front of her and looked her up and down, with a luscious glint in his eyes. "If this motherer could have the Queen, why can't we also have our chance?" He reached out a hand, touching her hair. She forced herself to not step back, showing how powerful she was. She wasn't scared of them.

Seeing this, Jimin hissed. "Don't touch her." The lighter boy sneered. "How cute." But in a blink, Jimin had returned the situation. He stole the lighter and was now crushing the boy's arm tightly against his back. The boy screamed in pain. Jimin the lighter and waved the tiny flame in front of the boy's eyes. "All of you are going to listen to me very carefully. No one touches her. She is too perfect for your dirty hands. You hurt her, and I will hurt you twice." And before she could say something to him, he threw the boy he was previously holding to the floor and gave him a kick on the stomach. With tightened fists he turned to the one who touched her and punched him in the face. The other boys quickly left.

She was shaking. "What are you doing...?" The boy avoided her stare. He was still glaring in pure hate at the boys on the floor. So she put herself in front of him, putting her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "Jimin..." she whispered. After what he just did, he was going to be excluded for sure. He gave her a sad smile. So she understood. "You did this in purpose."

"We will find a way, you said it yourself. It's way better this way. We will be able to see each other without others' stares and judgements." Her lip quivered but she still managed to keep control. She had to be strong. All the time. She put her arms around his waist and hid her face on his chest. She hated all the things he had to do for her.

Suddenly screams were heard not far away, so Jimin quickly removed her arms from his waist and kissed her on the nose. "Wait for my message tonight." he murmured. "Now go!" She stole one last glance at him, and he winked at her. She laughed, torn between love and tears.

Why does it have to be so complicated?


The park. She put her phone on her pocket and looked around. Once again, there was nobody. She pouted. This seemed like déja vu. She could almost prepare herself against a surprise attack. Two hands suddenly hid her sight. And even if she totally expected it, she couldn't help but jump.

"Guess who am I?" singsonged his precious voice. She got rid of his hands and turned around. "Stop scaring me!" she protested. He just laughed. His eyesmile made her heart skipped a beat. Then she frowned. "How did it go?"

Jimin brought her closer and gave her a sweet smile. "Don't worry. I'm out of this school, finally. Maybe it was a sign. They can't say anything now. We will be free. Well... for a little while." She sighed and closed her eyes for a second. "Did they hurt you before I arrived?" she asked.

He chuckled. "I swear you are more worried about me than I should be about you." She put a hand on his cheek and titled her head. "Of course I worry about you, because I love you so much."

The boy's breath ghosted on her lips while he whispered. "Nobody can hurt me." Then he gently kissed her. He played with her tongue, quickly leaving her breathless. When he finally stepped back, he put his forehead against hers and sighed. He played with a stray of her hair and whispered. "God, you are so beautiful..."

Yes they will find a way. And no matter how much time it will take, they will win. Because no matter how much time it will take they will be always together.

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Chapter 3: Oh my gosh Jung hoseok omg kyaaaa *squeal* T^T I can't even---- ;____;
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Chapter 7: Love All of them:-D It was perfect ^.^
Chapter 7: jeon jungkook........
dont try to seduce me you little boy.....
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Chapter 3: Jung.Ho.Seok.
i don't know how to deal with this anymore..
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Chapter 7: Min yoongi's my favorite <3
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Chapter 7: Omg <3 loved it
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Chapter 7: These stories just got better and better! Rap Mon, V, and Jungkook's are my favorites! :D