



It was their sixth day and Kim could not believe she made it up to this far. After the days of hiding her identity, she was a bit tired. And this very last day, she couldn't hide her excitement on getting out of the island and nervousness when the men in black comes to fetch their so-called boss, who is already dead.


Kim was just quietly sitting at the branch of a tree and staring at EXO who were running back and forth from the blue sea to the shore. The twelve idols were playing something and she was just there to look for them.


It was already sunset, and Kim was so sure that, within few more hours,  men will come to the island. She will try to be more keen as possible.


"Kim!" Kai just called her for dinner. EXO insisted that they  should be in charge of cooking dinner since their second day of stay in the island. Kim agreed to it.


After eating their dinner, they gathered around the bonfire and entertained themselves by singing few happy songs. The twelve boys were eating candies.


"Kim, do you want a lollipop?" Lay asked, giving Kim a pink lollipop. The girl shook her head and said that she does not eat lollipop unless it is color green. There were no green lollipops available so she refused to take what Lay is giving her.


They were about to sing another song when Kim instructed them to shut their mouths. They looked at Kim, confused.


Kim was acting weird because she stood up and poured water to the bonfire. She ran to her hut and took her things with her.


"Kim, what's the matter?" Lay asked Kim.


"They're here." She said without looking at Lay. She was so serious. Her eyes were focused at the dark part of the sea. Lay and EXO looked at the dark sea and could not see any sign of danger.


"Go into the woods. Count five trees from here, you will see a big tree. Climb it and shut your mouths." She said using her disguise voice.


"I am going with you." Lay was worried.


"No. Just follow what I've said." Kim firmly ordered them. 




"No more buts Zhang Yixing. If you want to survive, just follow my orders and don't act like a hero." Her words shut Lay's mouth. 


Within few seconds, Kim and EXO heard voices from a coming water vehicle. The lights of the yacht were already visible.


"What are you still doing here? Go!!" Kim pushed EXO to the woods.


She wasn't expecting this. The coming of the men in black was too early as she expected. Luckily, she got a back-up plan.


After making sure that EXO went into the woods, she hid herself behind a tree. She was holding her gun, and the bolo was hanging on her waist for a back-up weapon in case she ran out of bullets.


The yacht's bottom already reached the sand. Few hunky men went out of it, all were holding high kind of armalites. They started spreading when they noticed that their boss wasn't there.


The number of men were most likely, twenty more or less excluding the ones who were still at the yacht.


Before the men vould reach the line  that connects the woods and the shore, Kim shot her gun four times. Although the place was very dark, Kim managed to take down four men. Instantly, they died after getting shot at their heads. 


Kim's shooting sound alerted the other few men. She ran quietly into another place to hide and fired her gun six more times causing the other six men to drop dead. 


Kim had only two shots left and there were more people to shoot. While looking for a mew place to hide, Kim stepped into the part of the woods where twigs were scattered. The men then shoot the place when they heard the sound made by Kim.


Luckily, Kim ducked the bullet by laying down with her chest touching the ground. She heard footsteps coming towards her so she fired her gun for the last two times and two men were killed.


For the other men, Kim carefully and quietly ran and stabbed every men she bumped into. When she was sure that all men were dead, she walked out of the woods.


Men from the yacht started to panic when they saw Kim. The men do not have guns, but have their bats, knives and swords instead. They did not bother to go down the yacht because Kim was already there.


Using the bolo as Kim's weapon, she killed four men. The last one was standing holding two special kinds of swords but then threw it away and challenged Kim.


"Let's fight like real men!" He last man in black shouted at Kim, thinking that the latter was as same as his gender.


Thrilled with the situation, Kim threw her bolo. She raised her left hand and moved her fingers, giving sign to the man to attack her first.


The man quickly ran towards Kim and gave her a punch. Kim avoided that moved and started to grab the man's arm and twisted it. The man then raised his left leg and gave Kim a spinning kick. 


Kim did not expect that move so she was hit hard right on her cheeks. Though she was wearing her mask, she can feel that blood started to flow from the side of her lips. That made her more aggressive. 


She attacked the man by jumping on the grills of the yacht and giving the man a solid kick. After that, she went behind the man, grabbed the arm and twisted it as she climbed his shoulders. Kim's right foot at the man's right shoulder and Kim's left knee on the man's left shoulder.


Kim was holding the arm of the man and twisted it under she heard the man's bones crack. The man groaned for pain, and used his other arm to reach for Kim. The latter repeated what she did to the man's other arm.


For the finish, Kim held the man's head and she was ready to twist it when someone caught her attention.


She saw Lay, looking at her. Behind Lay was the other members.


"Enough!" Lay pleaded. 


Kim started to get weak, but her grip on the man's head was still firm. The man couldn't move his hands so he  started to shake his body to make Kim fall from his shoulders. But it didn't work. 


Kim was still holding tightly onto the man's head.


"Kim!! Please stop!!" Lay begged.


But Kim was so hard-headed. "Turn around!" Kim ordered Lay. But the idol did not follow her.


"Turn around!!" Kim shouted once more.


"No!" Lay shouted back.


Kim's grip was started to loose. If she let this man's head go, the man will probably be getting Kim's bolo which is just a few inches away in front of him. 


She gathered her strength and held the man's head even more tighter as she shouted at Lay for the last time.




Lay and the others did not follow. Kim had no choice but to do what she thinks is right. She twisted the man's head so hard that the cracking sound from the man's neck was heard by all EXO members who were 50 feet away from the yacht.




Everybody was quiet. Nobody dares to talk for half an hour.


EXO was still shocked for they saw. From the moment they climbed the tree, they all saw Kim's movements. They saw how Kim killed all those men. They saw Kim's cruelty.


After few minutes more, Lay broke the silence.


"You shouldn't have done that." Lay said, obviously he was talking to Kim who's currently driving the water vehicle. He didn't get any response.


"You should have just talked to them. Killing is not the solution Kim. You should have spared his life." Lay continued. But still Kim did not talk. 


"You can protect us in any way but please don't steal people's lives. You can save us in other ways. Good ways."


Still, Kim's mouth was shut.


Lay scoffed. "Are you even listening to me?!" He shouted. "I-I thought you were different. But it turned out that you are just like those men who want us dead. I shouldn't have trusted you." He added.


 Kim did not defend herself for she knows that she did what was right. She let out a sigh before taking a wired phone and dialed someone. A speaker was connected to the phone so all members can hear the ringing of the line.


"Come on man, it's already 4am!"  A man's voice was heard complaining.


"Shut the hell up. Fix yourself. We're on the way back." And Kim ended up the call.


EXO did not know who was it and what was the conversation about because Kim used a different language to communicate. They did not bother to ask her because they were afraid of her.




At last, they reached Han River bridge. They saw a man wearing a suit, leaning against the van. The man's arms were crossed, his face was clearly seen by everyone. Lay noticed that he was familiar.


Kim walked out first from the yacht and was followed by EXO.


"Whoa whoa whoa!! E - X - O!" The man said while doing the popular handsign of the letters. Lay then remembered that it was done by a man who always followed their translator, KM. "Welcome back man!" The man added as he opened the door of the van.


Kim just fist-bumped the guy and went directly into the passenger's seat. The man told EXO to come inside the van and said that they were going back to the SM Building.


As they travel, the man talked. "So how many and how long?" 


Kim looked at him, and answered. "Twenty, more or less. Under ten minutes." She said in a husky voice.


"Wow! You're getting better than me." He chuckled.


"I am better than you." Kim said that the man bursted out laughing.


"Okay, okay. Hahaha."


EXO did not understand the conversation for it was, again, in another dialect. They were just looking at the two in front of them.


Lay noticed that Kim did not wear the mask offf even though they have reached the building. He also noticed that the man who's driving was looking clean and looks like very decent.


They have reached SM building. There were no other people outside the building so they went out of the van. Kim insisted to stay.


EXO were asked to opened the door by typing the password. They followed the man's order and led him to Soo Man's office.


To their surprise, the CEO was already there currently taking a  sip of his coffee.


"Oh! Good morning!" Soo Man stood up and greeted everyone. They offered seats for EXO and the man.


"So Mr. Jung, how was the shooting?" Soo Man excitedly asked looking at the man.


"Sir, we had actually had a problem." The man said. "We were informed that we had technical problems and because of that, we have not filmed any part of the reality show."


"There was one videocam we set up and this contains personal stuffs. The boys were recorded running around the island etc so we are not going to air this. The video that I am holding right now is the only copy and I assure you that because we did not go anywhere else before going here. You can ask the idols if you want." The man added. 


Soo Man looked at his boys and they nodded.


The man stood up and took out a small hammer. The man then hammered the videocam and its tapes. Soo Man was shocked.


"To prevent this from leaking, this was ordered by our head. And for the damage caused by us, we are giving you this." The man took out a briefcase and opened it. The case contained cash in dollars.


"We deeply apologize for causing this issue. Our staffs had a wonderful week with EXO and took the chance to rest for that whole time. We thought that, since we were not able to cover and do the shooting of the reality show, we just pay them for their vacation instead."


The man explained further information as if he was there. And his informations was exactly like what happened to Kim and EXO.


After the explanations, Mr Jung bid goodbye to Soo Man and EXO. Before going out of Soo Man's office, the man meaningfully looked at EXO. They knew that the man wanted them to keep the real happenings as secret.




 EXO did not go to their dorms. Instead, they decided to stay at the practice room of SM Building.


They were talking about Kim and the Mr. Jung.


"Do you think they are colleagues?" Kyungsoo asked.


"Of course. If they aren't, then why did Kim called him?" Suho said intelligently.


"And who is this Mr. Jung?" Kris held his chin while looking at the ceiling.


"That Mr. Jung...." Lay caught the attention of his co-members. "...he was the one who always follow KM." He said.


"You mean.. the one we saw when we ate somewhere?" Xiumin raised the question.


"Yes. That one." Lay confirmed.


"But, why do Mr. Jung need to follow KM? Why is he stalking her?" Chanyeol asked.


"Maybe because KM was our translator?" Kai answered his hyung's question with another question.


"That's it!!" Suho stood up and smiled like he just solved a difficult math problem.


"What?!" The others chorused.


"That Mr. Jung followed KM because she was our translator. Somehow, he can get some EXO information from her. And if Kim, was in charge of protecting us, then that Mr. Jung might be in charge of KM's safety." Suho briefly explained.


"How about those who kidnapped us? Why are they after us?" Sehun asked.


"Because they want us dead. Those who kidnapped us said that before setting us on fire." Luhan said.


"But why us? We are idols. We just give happiness to the people." Chen stated.


Everyone went into silence. They do not know how to answer Chen's question.


"Come on guys. Just rest. Don't stress yourself out with what happened. We have Kim to look for us. Though, we still need to be more careful." Suho calmly said. "From now on, if someone will go out, he will be accompanied by three other members. No one will go out alone. Understood?" 




"Now wash up and take a rest. Mr. Soo Man will have to talk to us after lunch.




Everybody was seated. They were waiting for Mr. Soo Man to tell them his plans for the group.


While chatting with another members, Lay noticed envelopes at the table. A small brown one, and the other is long.


He was about to stand up to check what are the files inside but Mr. Soo Man already entered the office.


"Hello! Did you have your lunch already?" The CEO greeted them with wide smile.


"Yes." Everybody answered back.


"Then, you can now go to your dorm and pack your things up. You have a meet and greet plus fansign event for two days." Soo Man said with a wide smile.


"W-wae?" EXO asked simultaneously.


"What do you mean why? You just had a one week vacation, of course you need to work after that. I'll be giving you this day off for your complete rest."


After saying that, someone knocked at the door.


"The door is unlocked. Please come in." Soo Man said. 


The door opened and everybody saw a woman with a cast on her left arm.


"KM!!" EXO shouted.


Lay stood up and gave his seat to the woman. "What are you doing here?" He asked. But instead of answering back, Soo Man interrupted them.


"KM will be your translator tomorrow. Her cast will be removed later so she can freely move." Soo Man informed them.


KM just smiled to them, not saying anything.


"I already deposited the money on your charity's bank." Soo Man said to KM.


"Kamsahamnida. I aassure you that I'll do my best to translate Filipino words." KM finally spoke.


"F-filipino words?" Lay asked thinking which country  uses filipino as they language.


"Yes. We are going to Philippines tomorrow." KM said surprising all of the group members.



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Rosie_May #1
Chapter 11: what will happen between them?
I'm so curious about it.