



I knew the receptionist won't give anyone any information about who checked-in in the hotel. But still, I was really eager to know if Kim stayed here too. It does not make any sense but, it was kind of a big deal to me.


We are already preparing for our flight. Most staffs were at the lobby and we were just waiting for our service vehicle to arrive.


I was getting bored while we wait for the others so I just counted heads to see who's not yet here. And to my surprise, we were almost complete in number. SOmeone was just missing. I could not see any sign of KM in the lobby.


"Hyung. Have you seen KM?"  I rushed to where manager-hyung and asked him.


"Oh her. She went ahead of us. I guess she just landed in Korea right now." Hyung said while looking at the time of his watch.


That woman. Always leaves ahead of us and only inform the manager. Doesn't she know that I worry about her? Well, I think she really does not care about the people around her.


I was about to sit again when our service vehicle came. We hopped in it immediately. I was sitting between Luhan-hyung and Chen.


"Hyung." I called out manager again. "D-do you h-happen to know what time KM left?"


"Wait,  KM-noona left?" Tao asked.


"Geez that KM doesn't really want to travel with us." Kyungsoo commented.


"Yah! So noisy!" Suho-hyung groaned.


I saw manager-hyung laughed before answering. "I guess it was midnight. She said a friend will pick her up at the lobby of the hotel. I decided to go and accompany her to make sure she's telling the truth. We did not wait for long because her friend was there already.


"Friend hyung? Is it a girl or a guy?" Xiumin hyung suddenly asked.


"It was a guy on his 50s." manager-hyung shortly said.


"Oh okay." Xiumin-hyung sighed.


A ding from manager's phone just sounded. I saw him grabbed his phone from his pocket and opened his message.


"Guys. KM texted me. She's in Korea already." Manager said and I released a big sigh of relief. At least she was safe.


We did not notice that we had already arrived at the airport. There were fans who were waiting and bidding their goodbyes to us. There were just few so we tried to spread our arms as we walk to the boarding area. Take it as fan service at the airport. 


I heard the fans screamed our group name and how they 'sarang' us. The screams faded as we enter the plane.


We sat quietly as we look around the surroundings. There were only few people who boarded our plane. I guess these people were the ones who can afford the class A ticket. 


The pilot suddenly spoke through the plane speakers and I guess he was actually saying that may our trip be safe and sound.


I immediately closed my eyes when I felt that the plane was taking off. And I yawned, felt very tired and sleepy so I decided to take a short nap.


I do not know for how long did I take a nap, but all I know was, everybody was screaming in fright and there were also people yelling. They were so noisy so I had to open my eyes and ask them to lower their voices. 


I was about to yell but a man shouted ahead of me.


"SHUT THE UP OR I'LL BLOW THIS PLANE OFF!!" The tune of his voice was really intense.  Then he thrashed and writhed. Everybody was scared, including myself.


Is this a highjack? This couldn't be. We need to go back to Korea. I am not yet ready to die. Not here and not now.


My head automatically looked around. Maybe there's something I can use to fight back. But hell, there was none. And if ever there was, what would be the match of it against those guns?


I sighed. Maybe this is the end of me. End of us. End of EXO. 


Before I could close my eyes, somebody from those highjackers dragged me. 


"Why this ed up homo haven't been tied up?"  Heard him said. 


Homo huh? I was a bit irritated with that but chose not to answer him. Shut my mouth and tried not to breathe for I can smell his cloying breath. This man got a serious halitosis.


After being tied up and taped at the mouth, we heard a shrill. Coming from the pilot's crib of the plane. I think they were harrasing the female assistant pilot after putting our plane into autopilot mode.


The screaming was horrible. It was accompanied by bumping and scratching, punching and clanging of everything. We all knew that those guys were molesting the pilot. Poor woman.


I closed my eyes so that I would not hear anything again. Somebody behind me poked my and when I turned around, I saw Chen and Xiumin. Their eyes were smiling yet I can see that they were frightened too. Beside them were a bunch of other passengers. 


Could there be someone who can help us?


Like the old times where we always have been victimized and there's someone who's gonna pop out of somewhere and rescue us?


Well I think not. How could these people help us stop these bad guys? Most of them are old, and EXO were the only ones who can beat them. That is, if there weren't any guns and stuffs.


Seriously, if Kim was here, these guys were already knocked over within minutes.


I shook my head as I realized that I have been thinking of Kim again. Oh no. I think I have been liking him so much that I unconsciously think of him specially with this kind of situation.


Why does he have to be a man? T^T


I ceased from what am I doing when I heard a guy smashing the door that divides the passenger's seats and pilot's crib.


"Come on man! Don't be selfish!  Want to try the too!" E shouted and continued to smash  the door. 


Within few minutes, he created a head-sized hole at the door and peeked right through it. And then, we heard a cracking sound. The guy did not move and as his co-highjackers ran to him, guns were fired.


They knew that their friend was dead so they decided to fire until their bullets ran out.


Instead of not doing anything, they smashed the remaining part of the door. 


The highjackers were as red as tomatoes. Their teeth were clenching and we were just here on the floor watching how they rage.


In just a snap, they stepped backwards. Their jaws dropped, mine also,  when we saw a woman,  just wearing a black cover on her face. 


Wearing a blank tank top and bikini. Her legs were covered with the black stockings and she was wearing a black boots. I saw how her eyes sparkle and even though I couldn't see his lips, I totally knew she was smiling.


Wait... No... It was not a smile... It was a smirk.


And her smirk resembles Kim's.


 Can she be..... Kim's twin or something?


We all saw the woman stood up from her chair. "You wanted to play? Let's play." She said calmly and seductively.


Then every high jacker ran towards her. We heard cracking of bones, grunting, shouting and groaning.


In just few minutes, all of the high jackers were down. Some unconscious, some were unfortunately, most likely dead.


We all flinched as she sits on a chair just a couple of feet away from all of us victims.


"I am neither a friend nor enemy. Just doing my job." She said and picked up some baggage located at the counter above the chair.


"Who owns this?" She asked us but nobody could answer. We are all afraid plus we still have some tapes on our mouths. I realized it was my things but it did not matter if she gets anything from it. I can just buy again. She decided to release the person near her which is me.


I saw her took out a knife from her... uhm... cleavage and then cut the ties that bonds my both hands and feet.


She gave me the swiss knife and said, "Untie them all." 


She went to the pilot's crib and whispered something to him. Then the speaker beeped. The voice of the pilot echoed.


"Everyone, please go back to your seats as we land to our destination. Before going boarding off the plane, police officers will be asking us some questions about this matter. Thank you."


The pilot was about to turn off the mic but the woman took it from him.


"And please grab your oxygen masks, I'm going to take off first. Thanks."


By that, we went to our seats, grabbed the air masks and fastened our seatbelts. 


We saw the woman, wearing my jacket and a bag, which I think, contains a parachute and some glasses to protect her eyes. Her face was still covered by that black cloth.


Without looking at us, she opened the emergency door of the plane and jumped out without hesitation.


Few minutes have passed and we have landed to Busan's airport. And all went crazy.




"Is everybody all right? I overheard Mr. Soo Man and your manager talked about it." KM ran to us when she saw us at the SM Building.


"Yeah, we're fine." I said. She sighed and I saw her wiped her eyes.


"Good."  I guess I'll be having a good sleep then. She waved goodbye after bowing to us.


Everyone went back to resting while I still looked at her walking away. My feeling was odd but at the same time, I felt happy. It just meant that somehow, KM cared for us.


As I blinked my eyes, KM disappeared in just merely a split second. Weird and creepy.


I shook my head and said. "Maybe I was just tired." Then I went to the sofa and rested there.




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Rosie_May #1
Chapter 11: what will happen between them?
I'm so curious about it.