



"Finally! You're here!" KM went to where Mr. Jung is standing and hugged him.


"Tss. Miss Song, your money was deposited in the bank by the big boss. Finish your work now and you can leave the country." Mr. Jung ordered KM and the latter followed.


"Okay then. At last, this work will be finished." KM cackled. But then, she looked at Zhang Yixing with lust in her eyes.


"Hmm. Before I leave, I really want to do something." She walks towards the tied up Yixing, puts her hand on his chest and leaned over to whisper something. Then she gave him a super hot kiss. Her tongue gained access and every part inside Lay's mouth while caressing his well toned abs. She went down further until she reaches his belt.


"Stop that Miss Song. I need to start working. You need to leave now." Simon interrupted KM.


The woman hissed but continued to kiss Lay on every part of his face even though the man keeps on resisting.


"Just few more minutes Simon. Uhmm." KM was getting excited not knowing that Simon gave Mr. Jung a meaningful look.


Lay saw that Mr. Jung held out his gun and loaded it with bullets.


Just as KM was finished flirting and satisfied with all the showering of kisses into Lay's face, she smirked. She turned around and was surprised by the gunshot.


She was shot on the chest thrice and she knelt down on the floor. Her blood started tosquirt and she fell down with her eyes open, not moving.


"You have been arrogant nowadays so you deserved this." Mr. Jung said to the unresponsive body of KM. He took one of KM's arm and pulled her out of the room. There were bloodmarks on the floor.


Lay couldn't believe his eyes. He thought Mr. Jung liked KM because he follows her everytime. But it seemed like KM was just followed to check if she's doing her work well.


Lay could not take the scene so he vomitted right after she saw those marks of blood, KM's blood.


 The door was closed and those who remain inside the room were EXO and Simon.


The latter took out some case and opened it. There were equipments like scalpels, different syringes, bandages and others.


Simon wore his sterilized gloves and was ready to start when some men bounced inside the room. The door made a loud sound. 


"Ooh. Welcome Kimmy!" Simon said as he saw Kim tied up. Her face still wearing a mask that covers half of her face.


"Boss said you should freeze this er too. But before that, you should get Kim's DNA. Boss wanted to have sons and daughters with so much skills."  


Simon stopped for a bit and walk towards Kim who is currently held by the men. Simon slapped one of them before shouting. "You ing moron! She's bleeding! Go get me a ing syringe now or else her blood would ing dry up, it will be useless!"


One of the men ran and immediately gave a 10ml syringe to Simon. After the extraction, they were asked to clean Kim in another room. Simon doesn't want to freeze Kim's body unless it is clean. 


"Tch. Now let's get back to work." Simon said as he fix his gloves but then he heard a loud bang. 


Trying to focus on Lay's body,and  on how to start with the operation, he was disturbed by another loud pounding of the door.


"What the are you d--" he did not finished what he wanted to say because of Kim who barged in and shot him on the head.


Too much bloody scene for Lay but his stomach still turned that he vomitted again. 


Lay saw Kim getting a long piece of cloth and tied it on her abdomen to prevent the bleeding. Though Lay was curious where Kim got the wounds, he did not open his mouth to ask. He kept quiet and  waited on what would Kim do.


"The dead guy said 'she'. Could this be? All along, Kim really is a girl?" Lay talked to himself.


"Who-whoever you are.. p-please. U-untie us!" Kyungsoo pleaded.


After taking a short break, Kim stood up and started untying Lay since he was the only one whose eyes were not covered. 


"Untie your friends." Kim said coldly as she sit back to the chair again. Lay did what he was told to.


"Good grief. W-what is this? Why does it have to be us always?" Suho breaks into tears.


"Why EXO?" Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol patted his back.


"A-and why are you always late when saving us?" Kris complained as he wipes the tears that were about to come out of his eyes.


Kim did not open . She did not answer any of the questions the boys had asked.


Groaning and crying and sobbing is what they could hear from their co-members. 


Kim stood up and signalled them to follow her. EXO walking behind Kim then heard loud sirens from outside. Kim then lead them to another room and instructed them to stay put, wait for the rescuers, while she goes to the restroom and clean herself.


In few minutes, men in uniform barge inside the room and rescued EXO.


"Twelve counts! The hostages are complete!" One of the man shouted as they guide EXO out of the room.


"W-wait! Our friend. Our friend was at the bathroom!" Lay struggled and tried to get back to the building.


"Sir, we checked the bathroom before going out, there was no one inside but a dead body." 


Lay's heart skipped a beat after hearing what the man said. He was carefully dragged to a vehicle where his co-members are now sitting. 


"Okay soldiers, do the clean-ups. If there are no dead bodies left inside, you can blow up the whole building." Lay heard a man shouted. There, he broke down in tears as he thinks of Kim.



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Rosie_May #1
Chapter 11: what will happen between them?
I'm so curious about it.