Oh My Friend

EXO:Come Back Home
  • >>>>>>>>>>>>>SUZY POV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  It was really great to meet them but still it was totally awkward.Now,it was the time to know who isthe winner.Mr.Lee looked confiedent.Really?Just wait and see,Mr.Lee Sooooooooo-Man.

 "And the winnerfor this week is..Wow...Really?"MC suprised.What? What"s wrong?Tell me.Tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  "Mianei.Today, the winner is........Jeng Jeng Jeng! G-Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!With his song Who You?.Congratulation!" Oh..that was why the MC suprised.The winner is not EXO like usually.I really sure tomorrow we will have a party for Ji yong.That day,2NE1 did not upset.Maybe because it was Ji Yong who won it and he is one of YG Entertainment secret weapons.I went home really late and I really felt exhausted.When I reached home,Minhyuk was still awake.

 "What are you doing? It's late already.Why don't you go to sleep?"I asked him/

 "Two reasons.First,tomorrow is Saturday.Second,for you.You're late."

Woah...Since when Minhyuk acted like this?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MINHYUK POV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I'm worried about her that time,Okay?

 Nobody want her sister to get hurt or else.She work so hard.She was very busy but I'm glad I have a sister like her.She even spent her one day weekend with me.She supposed to rest and sleep but she always hang out with me and we do many awesome things.If my parents were home when Suzy was working even when her one day weekend,it will be totally boring.Omma and appa was reallly busy.Thay will slept when they were home.I understand it but I lost them.I din't feel the love of them anymore.When they were not as popular as they were now,they spent all their time with ME.

Now,they din't even have time for their children.I did not want Suzy to be like them but luckily,she understood me 3 years ago.We stop fighting and I love her so much.She always there for me.She even help me with my love because I was too afraid to start a conversation.It was really hurt to see her working so much.Honestly,I like Suzy working as an asistant for 2NE1 because sometimes they had a trip to many place and Suzy din't dare to leave me alone so,she brought me with her.I will stay at the hotel? Nahhh...It was boring so I walked and bought many things I wanted to.I think you never met my sister..yet.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SUZY POV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Day by day past.It was still the same so,I do not need to tell you anything..except this.There was one night when Minhyuk stayed at his friend's house to study and I went home late that night.Since tomoorow I do not need to work so,I decided to go to a park near my house.I searched for a place under a huge tree.I wanted to see all the stars but then I saw him.I tried to ignore it.I do not knew why.My bad,I sneezed and he saw me.I closed my eyes.I scared.Okay,This time I made everything and I did not knew why.He walked to me and finally I saw him in front of my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Tall,cool and gentle.If you are a sasaeng I doubt you know this.

"Same as you.Watching the stars.Did I disturbing you? Mianei.I think I better leave you alone.Sorry for disturbing you."

"Did I said you disturbing me?Relax. Lets watch the star together.At least,I got a friend to accompany me." know him?

"Thanks,Kris"so I sat down and talked to him.

"How came you be Chanyeol bes friend?"a question that I did not expected.

"I'm one of his friend from high school.We were in the same class and sometimes,I always be his partner when we were doing group project."


"Do you often came here?"

"Yeah.I feel free everytime I'm here.Like an ordinary guy.You know,not an idols"I nodded.Pity all idols but sometimes Bom's fan being disturbing me too.

 After about half an hour,I went home.And that is the story.The End.You know,this is not the end,right?
                                                                                    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

'Come Back Home...'
'Could you come back home now?'


  "Suzy,can we meet?This is Chanyeol"

 "A crazy people like you only calling his best friend on 3 in the morning.Are you one of that kind?"

 "This is emergency."No way! I click the inbox.

 "The number you had dial is busy.Try again later.No. Not later.Next morning or next month.Thank you."

 "Yah! Bae Suzy!"


 "The Coffee Cafe now"

 "Nae."I hang up.Nu'uh Park Chanyeol. I went back to sleep.

"Come Back Home"


"Don't sleep.Get up."Aishh Park Chanyeol.You really know me.


"Wae? You disrturbing my sleep."

"Really.Oh mianei." he slurped a cup of tea.Wow.


"Thank you for being nice to EXO."

"If that's all,I'm going home."

"Anne,anne..nae that's all"            Erghh!Park Chanyeol!

"Do we want to play a game?"

"What game?"he asked.

"Firstly,we need to decide who start first."so,we play kae bae bo.I started first.I already preapared the equipment to play this.

1.A glass of water
2.A napkin/handkerchief
3.An angry feeling

I hold the glass and pretend to drink and asked him to closed his eyes.

"Oh!The person who disturb me.My sleep.Go!"I splashed the water at him.

"Haha!Good game,Miss Bae.My turn."Oh no!Anne!!!


Ah! I din't got the chance to run.I take the napkin and wiped my face.My wet face.

"You slapped my face!"I yelled.

He was quite for a second.Then,I do not know how.We both laught.

 Chanyeol forced me to meet him after he finished his rehearsal.That means 5.00 p.m..Now..5.10 p.m..He was late for 10 minutes.

"Done! Let's go"suddenly Park Chanyeol came out of nowhere.

"Like this?" just walk beside an idol? I should be shame.I am not ready for it.Soon,my name will be famous in YouTube 'Ordinary girl and Park Chanyeol?Girlfriend?'

"Of corse no." reliefed.We walked to his van and reached a park which was least people  was around.Chanyeol?

"Here! Let's sit here."following the order I been gave I sat at a bench with him.


"I want you to make this guy fall in love with you"he threw a picture.Kris?

"Wae?Anne.I don't want"

"Plaese.You're my best friend,right?You said once you want to do anything to pay back my help.Suzy,you owed me."

"That time I thought you won't remember that"

"Chinca?How rude"he crossed her arm.

"Sorry but I don't want to"

"Please.Bring back EXO's Kris."

"Bring him back?"the word of 'bring back' made me totally confused.

"There was a rumors that Kris going to leave Exo.Even it was just a rumors but I'm scared.How if Kris totally left Exo.He change a lot.He does not smile even more."

"I think about it"

"Don't worry.I paid you.Plus,you can work with us." You need to think more Park Chanyeol.

"My salary is just 80 dolars less than you.Besides,I don't want to quit my work as an asistant."

"Fine but please."

"Okay."What? I already have a second thought.

"Thanks.Really.Thank you Miss Kang.





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