Her Everything; Part II

She Knew




The parents entered the living room, one with a stern looking face.




Seulgi was shaking with enraging emotions, mostly fear, for whatever that’s coming for her love.




“Just so you know, I don’t regret a single thing and I would do the same if time rewinds.”




“Nice meeting you again, Seulgi. Do you mind if you take a leave so we can have some private time with Joohyun? We need to talk to her about some things.”




Like an obedient child, Seulgi nodded at Mr Bae and was ready to leave when Irene held her back by the wrist.




She stood behind Irene who looked unpleased at the sudden arrival of her parents. Mr Bae was angered by his daughter’s disrespect of his words. 




“I’m sparing you some face from the outsider, unlike how you didn’t spare us some so you better grab your chance.”




She didn’t have to ask to know what her dad was referring to.




For the past two weeks, she had been avoiding calls and texts from her parents, just occasionally updating her mum but without details. 




She had muted Ilhoon on communication platforms, so she wouldn’t know and couldn’t care if he had contacted her. She figured Ilhoon was in touch with her father, if not they wouldn’t have known about her running away from him in the midst of a meal. 




“Seulgi isn’t an outsider so she doesn’t have to-”




An earth-shattering slap was what she got even before she could finish her words.




She would have fallen onto the couch if it wasn’t for Seulgi’s grip on her for the strength that came at her was enough to send her stumbling backwards. 




The younger girl felt the pain at her heart when she witnessed it.




It fuelled her but she was as good as paralysed, for she knew Irene wouldn’t want her to blow the matter up. Protectively, she wrapped her arm around Irene’s shoulders.




Seulgi was shaking with enraging emotions, mostly fear, for whatever that’s coming for her love. 




“Dear, how could you!” Mrs Bae rushed to her daughter. “Hyun, let mum take a look!” 




“I’m fine.”




“What was in your mind when you ran away, huh? Not responding to our calls, or his!”




Irene didn’t seem to be listening to her father’s rage, instead, just quietly looking at Seulgi who was on the verge of crying.




She mouthed it’s okay repeatedly as an attempt to calm the latter down but it had a reverse effect when the crystal liked droplets rolled down the pale cheeks.




She hated that she had to put the young one through this.




“Joohyun, your dad is just worried for your well-being.” 




“It’s all because of your pampering. Look at what she has become!” 




“Mum didn’t do anything wrong, okay? It was my decision so why are you pointing fingers?”




“How dare you question me, Bae Joohyun?” 




“Enough!” Mrs Bae intervened. “Joohyun, we have asked Ilhoon out for dinner tonight as a form of apology. Be sure to come.” 




Irene frowned. “I have plans already.”




“With Seulgi?” 




She hesitated, then nodded at her mum’s question.




“Well Seulgi, I’m sorry you have to see all these. Her old man doesn’t have too good of a temper, but I’m sure you understand that Joohyun was indeed in fault this time, if she had told her about it."




Irene clenched her jaw.




"I tell you girls what. Come with us tonight, I haven’t seen you in awhile now so we can use this chance to catch up too, alright?”




Seulgi had absolute difficulty trying to stop her sobs and she couldn’t look at Mrs Bae at all. It didn’t sound like she had any choice or chance to back out from this situation.




Guilt was eating her on the inside, bit by bit, torturously.




All she had to do was be more understanding towards Irene’s state back then instead of walking out on her, then the rest of the incidents wouldn’t have occurred.




Sounds slowly faded out of her world as her crying only had seemed to worsen. She didn’t even realise the departure of the Baes until Irene lunged her into a tight embrace. 




“Are you okay?” Irene kissed her ear repeatedly. “I’m so sorry, please don’t cry…” 




Seulgi tried her best to halt the waterworks, not wanting to burden Irene with her own emotions at such a time. However, luck wasn’t by her side because the flow just didn’t cut.




She cried so hard that she had a hard time catching her breath, only hiccupping whenever she wanted to speak.




Irene was being absolutely patient, rocking her gently with a hand soothing her back, small pecks all over her tear stained face from time to time.




They merely stayed like that; Seulgi cradled and comforted in the arms of Irene until it was the appointed time. 




“Just so you know, I don’t regret a single thing and I would do the same if time rewinds.” 




Irene said firmly when they were in the elevator that was taking them to the level where the restaurant was located at.




As reluctant as she was, she had no choice but to release their hands when they were approaching the table where three were seated and waiting.




Seulgi didn’t think she would be seeing Ilhoon again, let alone dine at the same table, just one seat away from each other. It felt awkward for her to be seeing Mr Bae laughing and drinking so happily with Ilhoon when he was fuming in the noon. 




“Ilhoon, I think my daughter has something to say to you.”




Heaving a sigh, Irene apologised for her previous behaviour though like she mentioned earlier, she didn’t regret a single thing.




The only reason why she was doing so was because she needed this case to rest, so that her peaceful life with Seulgi can resume.




Especially the fact that they were cohabiting, she didn’t want her parents to be showing up out of the sudden without informing, just in case they walked in on things that they shouldn’t see.




Little did she know that her dad was a step ahead of her. 




“I just found out that Ilhoon likes to play golf too so I invited him to join my games every weekend. After which, he would go home with us to have dinner so I’m expecting to see you back at home too, Joohyun.”




“I’m sorry, I wouldn’t be free.”




Weekends only belongs to Seulgi.




“I have plans.” 




“Plans are dead but you are not. So be flexible and change them.”




Mr Bae left it right there and then, tone expressing no room for negotiation. 




“Seulgi, be sure to join us. You are a close friend of Joohyun so that makes you my daughter too.”




Seulgi was stupefied by the fact that Mr Bae was personally requesting for Ilhoon to dine with the family every weekend with an order for Irene to be present too to react immediately.




When her clouded mind processed Mrs Bae’s words, she was quick to decline, only to be countered. 




“I don’t take no for an answer. Like Joohyun said, you are no outsider anymore.”




Little did Mrs Bae know, she had already lost Seulgi who was deep in her thoughts.




Their weekly routine of pancakes breakfast, cuddle noon and pizza night would be completely disrupted.




If she were to go for the dinners, she would have to deal with all sorts of interactions Ilhoon would try to have with Irene. If she chose to stay home, her time spent with Irene would greatly decreased and her mind would be running wild.




Either way, it was a battle half lost even before the start. 




“I really can’t make it. Weekends are always the busiest for the cafe.”




Watching Seulgi’s expression closely, Irene jumped in to challenge her father, which was something she had never done before.




Her dad had always been strict in his rules as an ex full time soldier. His words were like commands at times and it was one of those times then. It was never an issue to obey the elderly all her life because she understood that he was only wanting the best for his child, but this was different. 




Seulgi was in the picture and she wasn’t going down without a fight. 




“Just hire someone to man the business.”




“Manpower on weekends is expensive. It’s just a small cafe that I’m running.”




“Then I will pay for it.”








“Joohyun, take it as an investment. The case shall close.”




His eyes were glaring and from the way he said her name, she knew it was over.




The compromises that Seulgi had to make would be an unimaginable pain to bear in time to come.




She looked over to Seulgi again, only to realise that the appetiser was barely eaten. 




“Are you seeing anyone now, Seulgi?”




They were into their entree when Mrs Bae noticed how quiet her daughter’s friend was, hence the question to get her talking.




It wasn’t that Irene didn’t want to keep Seulgi entertained, but her dad was constantly creating conversation between her and Ilhoon that it kept her so occupied.




She could only glance subtly at her secret lover with evident worries that the latter wasn’t eating well at all.




Seulgi startled when everyone’s attention was turned to her, unaware of the answer she should give when another voice spoke.




“I think she is, look at the promise ring on her third finger. That’s a promise ring, am I right, Seulgi?”




Irene prayed in her heart for a waiter to accidentally trip and pour something over Ilhoon for not minding his own business.




His words only made Seulgi even more uneasy than she already was. All she could do was watch the youngest at the table struggled with a respond, heart aching more at each second.




Seulgi looked to her, as if asking for help. She looked at the ring, then nodded her head, as if granting permission for Seulgi to admit.




“It’s a.. Yeah, it’s a promise ring.”




“Whose that lucky chap?” Mr Bae chirped; effect of alcohol. “He must be charming to attract you!”




“Yeah, she is charming.”








Seulgi panicked, Irene mimicked.  




“I mean, he. He is charming, very charming.” 




“You almost got me right there, Seulgi. That kind of filthy tie only throws this world into an unbalanced state.”




Irene had officially hated Ilhoon when he proposed a toast to her father after he made that comment, as if to agree with the statement. Seulgi squirmed in her seat, face almost planted into her plate of untouched food. 




“I don’t understand what those people are thinking of when they decided that same gender relationship would get them any good. Their parents would probably be so ashamed and disgraced that they would wish to never have gave birth to such troubles.”





That was the last straw for Seulgi. If she were to continue this meal, she would die of suffocation. 




She quickly dapped on , pretending to be texting on the phone before she stood up abruptly. 




“I’m sorry but something cooped up and I have to go.”




“I will leave with you.”




Irene was quick, hand automatically grabbing onto the wrist. 








She had never hated this voice until that junction and she wanted to scream.




She wanted to scream at her dad for forcing her into this matchmaking, for the homophobic comments he made, for the fear he instilled in her and not being able to openly declare Seulgi as hers. 




“What happened, Seulgi? Are you okay?”




“My friend needs my help so I got to go.”




“If that’s the case, I shall see you next weekend?” 




“Maybe, Mrs Bae.”




Her eyes greeted everyone at the table except for one for she knew if she were to do so, she wouldn’t be able to withstand the waves of emotions hitting her.




She turned to leave without looking back. 




“Sit down, young lady.”




“Dad! Can I at least walk her out?”




Irene snapped and didn’t bother waiting for any replies before following after the footsteps of the girl who left as fast as a gush of wind.




Her heart was throbbing in trepidation, afraid that she would lose sight of her target who was heading towards an empty elevator.




She ran as fast as she could in the heels, wanting to catch it before the door closed on her. It was dangerous but she was thankful when she made it right through when it was about to shut. 




There was no way Seulgi was able to look at her companion in the elevator.




All she could do was bite on her nail, hoping for them to reach the first level as soon as possible in order for her to escape this breathlessness.




Irene was in pain while observing the girl who seemed so lost. She too, was at a lost of words.




Seulgi headed towards the taxi stand by the street. 




“Seulgi, say something, please.”




Irene held the hand which had a ring on. A taxi was rounding its way from the opposite and Irene was panicking at how time was running short. 




“Seul, baby?”




“I don’t know what to say, Irene. I don’t know.” 




For once, Seulgi finally looked at the older girl with a pair of forlorn, blood shot eyes. The taxi paused in front of them and one opened the door. 




“You will be waiting at home, right?” 




There was only a sigh heard and nothing else but warm slipping away from Irene’s hand as Seulgi boarded the taxi.




The former stood on the street as she watched the vehicle zoomed away, heart as cold as the night.




Remaining dinner was a pain; her mind being fogged with thoughts of Seulgi, of how the girl was dealing alone.




She was afraid to return to an empty home, so when she was free to leave, she rocketed her way back. 




The stillness in the apartment made her shivered.




No lights were on when she entered but what eased her crazy mind was the pair of shoes which was Seulgi’s favourite, sitting on the shoe rack. She headed straight to the room and muttered a quiet thanks when a figure was found curling on the bed, seemingly asleep with her own strips shirt embraced. 




“I was so scared you wouldn’t be here.” Irene brushed the brow. “I would go crazy if that was the case.” 




Sitting by the bedside where Seulgi laid, Irene let the scenes of the entire day replayed in her mind.




It started off so well with the graduation and cuddles, but all had to ruin just because of a person, who happened to be her parent.




If she thought that she was able to get rid of Ilhoon and away from this matchmaking by apologising, she was deadly wrong. The weekends suddenly became something dreadful. 




"You are my everything, Seul, everything.." 




She leaned in to press a kiss on the forehead, a tear slid down quietly. 




Nobody brought up of that night’s affair and life went on with Seulgi attending interviews and company orientation while Irene busied herself with the cafe’s business, including training for the new manpower her dad insisted on hiring.




It was as if things didn’t happen, until Mrs Bae called her daughter again to remind her of their new weekly schedule. The girls were in a midst of their dinner when the call came.




Mrs Bae asked for Seulgi on the phone, warmly inviting her to attend without knowing that it was as good as pressurising the young one into doing something she would never wanted to. 




“Why do I have to do this..?”




Irene didn't dare to look up from her untouched food because she didn’t have any answers to offer.




Pretending that things were fine between them was no longer lasting, or keeping them afloat. Things weren’t getting any better, especially when Ilhoon still appears at the cafe from time to time, even though Seulgi wasn’t physically there to see it.




But that was what made it worst. 




One year and six months of everything and Seulgi knew, the toughest times were about to start.





First of all, this should have been uploaded over the weekends.
But I ended up writing these realistical short stories for SeulRene's ice-skating date so this only came today.
I think this is the first time I posted a full (kind of) angst chapter while it was mixture of both all along previously. 
Eventually the fluff may lessen, the angst may increase.
Though it means breaking up longer chapters into two parts, I will try to give the best of both worlds. 💖💛
PS. Most of the times I try to not ask for comments because I only want my readers to do what they feel most comfortable doing,
but I do wish to know your thoughts on the story so if it isn't too much of a hassle, please do leave one! It's highly appreciated. :)
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Chapter 6: This is really my most favorite Seulrene story. The things that this story make me feel. I love it so much.
Who0001 #2
Chapter 2: Reread again and again
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 24: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
ellanor #4
Been reading this story over and over again because of how good the story is ^_^
Chapter 13: Totally understandable why Seulgi had given up. Months of emotional torture from Ilhoon and Irene's parents is just too much. Seeing your girl comfortably being held by other man just while being harshly mocked by your girl's parents are something that can drain you. First time they had a fight due to the same cause was during Seulgi's supposed to be a special day which is her graduation and now Christmas. I feel really bad for her. Years of being together yet it seems Joohyun is just giving her empty reassurance with how she can't muster up a courage to put status in their relationship and fully be proud of it. Therefore, if there's someone who hurt Seulgi the most, it's Joohyun. The continuous rejections and their set-up are obviously taking a toll on Seulgi's mental health hence she seems like she's about to explode every time. Joohyun is just all talk but doesn't act on it. She wants to be with Seulgi forever but at the same time, she can't fight the odds (her parents) for her. I also understand Irene and her fear for her parents but she's grown up already, even older than Seulgi and both of them are stable in their jobs too, she could've at least tried to think of ways how to not just give in to her parents and fight for her love. That said, I admire Seulgi for how much she cares for Irene. I love that she stepped up protecting Irene even if it meant for her getting harmed.

I know this story was done long time ago but I just wanted to comment the piece of my mind. LOL.
Chapter 1: so cute 🥹
Newuser0001 #7
best seulrene fic for meee!
Chapter 24: thank you for the great story!
ReneSeul_9194 #9
Chapter 24: the best angst and fluff fic I've ever read in ma life....the writing and the emotions are just chef's kiss...good work authornim
ReneSeul_9194 #10
Chapter 20: we all need a mrs.bae in our lives to be blessed