Falling apart...?

Baekhyun pov

Day 4

Even though Kyungsoo feed me with medicine and painkillers, I wasn't bale to sleep for long. It was 6 in the morning when I woke up, sun already rising and making everything shine in light blue colour. I felt headache hit me right after opening my eyes and my body ached. My muscles all vent into pain everytime I tried to work them and my bones felt like someone taped them together, all stiff. My left arm was in pain as I felt my cuts on fresh air, now dried and just waited to heal again. I didn't think of covering them or anything, but still decided to be careful with them.

I remembered what had happened at night. What I had dreamt and then Chanyeol next to me. I had gone insane that time, but it hadn't been under my control. I'd been a completly different person that time. I'd been afraid after what I saw in my dreams and furios at him, but I knew my reaction wasn't right. I could be calmer and have control, but all I did was yell at the taller one and forced him away without even clearing things with him.

I yawned and pulled myself up to sit on the bed. There was broken night lamp placed on the table, reminding me of how I hit Chanyeol with it. I didn't regret doing this. That time I was glad he felt some pain, but I knew nothing would be comparing to what I felt. 

Slowly and painfully I stood up and walked to the bethroom. I walked like I was drunk, weak and without orientation. My knees were shaking and I was sure I was going to collapse in any moment now. 

I  looked in the mirror and saw reflection. I looked like I haven't slept in days now, my eyes were all red and under them I had dark circles. My skin was pale and had that sick colour on it, like I was about to die. 

I splashed some cold water into my face and cleaned myself, hoping to get some colour back, but I reminded tired and wasted. I didn't mind taking more care for my face and focused on other things. In the cupboard I took a package of painkillers. I hadly swallowed it up and then just hoped it would help my headache and other pain. Later I washed my cuts under water and then added some cream on. I feared I might get them infected or something after I messed them last night, but it looked fine for now. They were going to heal soon. I only had to control myself and keep them safe, so I wouldn't hurt myself again.

On that I left the bathroom and instead of going to the bedroom I went downstairs to the first floor. It was all quiet in the house, but silence didn't bother me. I felt myself relax for a moment. I headed to the kitchen where I got myself a glass of water. I felt refreshed as water filled my dried throat. I headed to the living room and suddenly my eyes got locked with another.

I expected Chanyeol to be in the room. He was awake on the couch and looked at me coldly. It looked like he expected me to freak out again, but I didn't. I actually felt extremly calm. His expression didn't change as I came and I managed to read no feelings from him. It made me get a feeling like I was not wanted here. I turned around again and decided to leave him alone. I was about to walk away, but before I could do one step Chanyeol spoke.

"Baekhyun," his deep voice echoed through the room. He wasn't mad, not even serious, but his voice made me warm. It got my attention and I turned to look at him again. "Stay here," he added.

I was confused at his words. I didn't know what he ment with that and it made me slightly awkward. He noticed my confusion and just managed a weak smile. He stood up from the couch and walked to me, making our distance smaller. Before I could move away from him, his hands were on me and he kept me in place, but I didn't fight. I didn't feel the hate I used to feel towards him. Maybe it was just becuase I dried all the engergy out of me before, maybe it was just painkillers working on me, or it was just that Chanyeol let out that different energy. He was calm with me. It wasn't the usual rush from him that he usually gave me. In the last 4 days I only thought of those 12 days to end and how we will work out. This thoughts were lost now. It was only this moment.

He looked down to me, making me look up at him as he was much taller than me. 

With no words he lead me to the couch and made me sit. I was sure something was very wrong with me to let him sit down with me, but I didn't feel my energy to do anything against him. Chanyeol hesitated at first, but in only moments I was in his hands. 

"I never allowed you to do that," I muttered, but it didn't leave any effect on him. 

"Please," he whispered through the silence. "Let us be togheter just a bit. Tell if you are uncomfortable and I will leave, but just this time, let us be together," he added. I felt flow of tiredness hit me. I haven't slept well in days now, having nightmares all the time and after all I argued with Chanyeol all the time. I didn't want that anymore. For once I wanted to sleep well. 

It took only a moment for me to give up and my head fell on Chanyeol's chest. I too wrapped my hands around his body. He held me closer and kept me safe as I was leaning on him. I felt his warmth from his body hit my cheek, even making me shiver a bit. I smelt his usual scent, the one that I loved so much, but only missed it in the moment. We hadn't been that close for long now. Even though I felt hate towards him I wanted him. Deep inside me I wanted us to be together again, but it was going to be a long way for this to happen. Even if I missed him so much, my heart reminded broken and my love for him still burried somewhere far away. 

I felt Chanyeol's hands wrap around me and one of them slid down my back. Usually I wouldn't mind him caresing me like that and us cuddling together, but after what he did to me I didn't want it yet.

"Chanyeol no," I muttered quietly and his hand stopped travelling on my body. 

"Sorry," he replied. It was almost strange how careful he was. He usually wouldn't look for this little things, but here he was apologising for only caresing my back. 

I felt my eyes get tired and I couldn't help but close them. I didn't dare fall asleep yet. I kept myself awake in mind by listening to Chanyeol's slow and deep breathing, making my head swing up and down with his cheast.

I felt relaxed here. My mind was away from the bad thoughts of our past and probably destroyed futrure, but it was only present. It was only me and Chanyeol next to me, nothing else. Nothing else was important in the moment. 

My dizzines was beating me up. I couldn't stand staying awake anymore and felt myself fall into darkness. It was better than nightmares. The painkillers took over me and ended my headache, allowing me to relax and I finally in a long time felt safe to fall asleep. Knowing that there was someone watching over me and keeping me safe I fell asleep with no second thoughts. I was tired after the long days full of depression and pain. I finally let myself sleep peacefully.











I woke up because of summer sun shining directly at me, forcing me to move, but already in that moment I didn't feel sleepy anymore. I opened my eyes, blinking as the sunlight blinded me. It was in the middle of the day and I was in the living room, lying flat on the couch. Over me was a blanket and under my head Chanyeol's pillow. But Chanyeol was not around. I remembered how I fell asleep in Chanyeol's hands in the early morning, but now slept until middle of the day. I didn't mind falling asleep next to him. It even made me feel better as I didn't have nightmares and I felt full of energy now. 

I rolled around in the blanket, looking around the room and finding it deserted. There was nobody else in the room, only me. I expected to wake up with Chanyeol, but he was not here. I didn't know how to feel about this. A few hours ago I would be the happiest to wake up without him, but now I only felt empty. I pushed the feelings away. He cheated  I reminded myself and then sat up on the couch, pushing the blanket away.

I sat up straigh and thought of the night before. I missed the old days with Chanyeol a lot and this night made me feel good, but at the same time I was disgusted by it. It only took a second for my mind to get that bad thoughts of him over me again and I regret everything from the night. I suddenly wished that I would just fall asleep in the bedroom, alone and without the taller one around. I still feared that staying with him around more would only break me more. 

Just in that moment the door of the living room opened and he enterd, looking at me with shining eyes and smile on his face. I didn't expect him and jumped a bit, feeling awkward as he looked at me confused. I didn't know how to react on him being in the room and just stared at him.

He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt that showed around his builded arms and ripped denim pants. His dark black hair were messed, but he probably tried fixing them with his hand, making them stand back. On his forehead I found a dark bruise and a bit of a wound, reminding me of how I hit him with a night lap at night. I didn't regret anything I did and he actually deserved it. I hoped it would stand out more, but he still looked pretty much handsome. I envied him how he always looked perfect even if his face got beaten up. He was perfect, while I was ugly even after a small cry. He was ready for the days, while I still had my night clothes on and actually woke up only minutes ago even though it was nearly noon. 

"Good mornin'. I didn't mean to scare you or something," he sighed and then walked to me. I didn't reply him, but just stood up as the taller one aproached me. I made distance between us again, but I said nothing.

"You got no right to be around me now, even though I let you be with me before," I hissed, but in fact I didn't feel this way. I somehow wanted him with me. Right after I woke up I was upset to be alone in the room, but now I felt excited to be with him.

"Yes, sir," Chanyeol joked and then took a step beck too. "I just can't leave you alone too long. You will overthink the last night," he added. I didn't say anything in reply and just glared at him, waiting for anything else than this topic. I really was overthinking before and I was near convincing myself into beliving that what happened was wrong. 

"Can we talk?" he suddenly asked, passing his hair while looking at me with hope. I felt awkward at it and even out of mood for it. I shook my head and looked away.

"No," I snapped and crossed my hands rudely. 

"Oh, since when are you so stubborn?" Chanyeol laughed. 

"You could know me, but seems like you were too busy finding out more about her than me. You can leave before I make your bruised face even uglier," I said bitterly, reminding of Jihyun again and looking at him blankly. 

"Baekhyun, stop pushing her up again. I broke up with her, happy? Focus on us and not her and after all you can beat me up as much as you want. I deserve it after all. Just a quick talk?" he tried again. I glanced at him, looking at him from the top to the bottom. I didn't want to destroy the day before I even started it so I gave up. He didn't give me a chance. Even if I insisted and tried to avoid him he would do anything to be with me. 

"Y-You broke up with h-her?" I got confused at his words.

"It depends whether you belive or not, but yes, I sent her off," he said sounding proud. I just stared at him for a moment, but said nothing. I didn't want to belive him, but a part of me told me that he was saying the truth.

"Can we talk then?" he asked again. I glared at him and got confused again.

"You have more to tell me?" I asked.


I sighed loudly and then nodded, giving him a sign that he is allowed to ask. "Don't waste my time," I warned. He got happier at it and asked directly, not spending a second.

"I want to take you out. Like a date," he said and my eyes went wide, looking at him with shock. I didn't know what to think of it and it made me confused.

"I said no dates," I choked out of myself. Chanyeol nodded again, but didn't give up.

"I know, but you know I wrote down I want to have dates with you and you also wrote that you want to have fun with me. We can do this. It doesn't have to be a real date, just let's go out," he said quickly, explaining everything. 

I hesitated for some time. I didn't really want to agree with going out with Chanyeol, but at the same time I really wanted to do anything else with him than only hang around in this house. At last I nodded. 

"Fine," I said and he suddenly looked shocked. 

"Really?! You gave up quickly? I expected this to be harder," Chanyeol said like he expected to fight for me to agree. 

"I'm just not in a mood to insist," I sighed and then walked away, not daring to look at him anymore. "We can go out, but I don't want it to be a date," I said before leaving the room. I didn't feel like staying with him any longer and the fact that he was probably going to make me go out with him was torturing me already. I regret agreeing to it, but it felt useless to fight against it.

"Let's go out right now," he said with a smile on his face and got my attention again. I choked on fresh air and looked at him like he was crazy to say this.

"W-what?" I asked and took a step away.

"Let's go to the park," he said again.

"N-now?!" I choked out again. 

"Yes, you got anything else to do?" Chanyeol asked. I really didn't have any plans for today and I was probably only going to be bored in this house. I needed some fresh air and I had no excuses ready to not go. 

"No, but...." I tried to get anything from my mind, but failed. I sighed and then nodded, giving up for the second time in the day. "Fine."

"You are easy to convince today," Chanyeol laughed. "How long do you need to get ready?" he asked.

"I will be ready right away," I shrugged. I cleaned myself and threw my clothes on and I didn't think I needed anything esle than my flip flops and then go. 

"Great! Going then," Chanyeol said. I was sure he was going to jump to the Moon because of excitment, but I didn't feel that glad about it. I still didn't like being around Chanyeol and my mind kept telling me he was bed, kept reminding me how he cheated and hurt me.

I sighed again and walked to the front door to get my flip flops. I didn't mind chanyeol who was messing around the house, looking for all possible stuff. 

He was next to me in only seconds, carrying a backpack on his back.

"Let's go then," He said before I could ask why he needed it. He opened the front door and we both left the house. 



Here we go with ChanBaek!!! They both be kinda confused haha. 8 more days to go, but ufff guys I swear it will pass so quickly. I am writing the last few chapters now and omg its so intense! Wait for it, please!

I am sorry for any errors with language and that....

I love you all, thank you for commenting and liking the story so far. Have a nice day~<3

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍