Falling apart...?

Chanyeol pov

Day 4

I was up all night and after that kept my eyes open while Baekhyun was in my hands. I was afraid he might fight and wouldn't stay, but he gave up and fell asleep next to me. It gave me that little hope that we could still be together and that he still didn't give up on me. 

I felt too happy to have a chance to go out with him again. I was excited to have him next to me as we left the house and took our way to the park that was near us. 

Baekhyun looked fresh and full of energy, but he didn't show it. It was obvious that he got some good sleep after a long time. His skin was glowing again and he didn't look like death took him anymore. I loved Baekhyun's look. He was cute and small, but still had mans posture. After all this years of training for a solider he got muscular and manly, but never managed to beat my bigger and built body. He still looked nice. 

"It's in the middle of summer and you got no colour on your skin," I commented as we took our way under the shining sun. 

"It's your fault," Baekhyun sniffed.

"I like you this way more," I said and gave him a smile. i wanted to make the day as bright as possible, but it was nearly impossible since Baekhyun didn't enjoy anything with me.

"You look burnt," Baekhyun returned the comment. 

"It makes me hotter," I smirked. 

"Explains why everyone falls for you," he sighed, suddenly becoming sad. I wasn't going to stand him sad today. I was going to do anything to make him happy today.

"That's why I got my boyfriend here," I said and then I did something for what I expected to get beaten up. My hand sized around the smallers waist and then I pulled him closer until his body was touching mine. He didn't fight to get out, but just looked up suspiciously, even shocked.

"I never allowed you to do that," he hissed, but he wasn't really mad. 

"I know," I replied, looking in front of us on the road. Baekhyun didn't say anything else. He only hummed and didn't fight to remove my hand and make distance. He let us be like we were and we walked on in silence. 

Only once we were in the park I spoke again.

"Baekhyun," I said and got my attention. 

"Mmm?" he hummed and waited for me to speak on, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I am sorry for what happened at night," I said in a low voice. I looked down to smaller one, but his eyes were fixed on the ground. He tensed as I mentioned the past night, but didn't react in any other way. He took his time to think about it and after a while he answered.

"Alright. J-just don't do any of it again," he sighed, his voice trembling a bit.

"Never. I promise!" I went directly, not spending a second to promise. For a moment he hesitated and spoke again.

"What happened when you left with Jihyun?" he asked and then he too looked up to me. I knew he would ask this soon and I didn't spend my time to answer. 

"I asked her to stay away from us and explained some things. I told you already, I wouldn't pick her over you. I am sorry if I made you feel unwanted or anything. You will always be my number 1, Baek," I said and he hummed again. He didn't say anything probably not beliving my words, but I had no power to convince him. It was his choice whether to belive me or not. 

"You can be stupid," he commented. "You better get your head together, becuase I will be leaving sooner other way," he said.

"I said I will prove you I love you, so don't worry," I said and a moment of silence came. Baekhun obviously didn't agree with it, but the topic was disgusting and I didn't want to continue it either. "Let's stop here," I said when I found a nice place to sit down. 

"Stop? I thought we will only walk," Baekhyun got confused. 

"No, I brought food, since you didn't eat breakfast and it's lunch time," I explained and got my off my backpack. I was ready for anything in the moment. I walked to the said spot and then pulled out a thin blanket which I unfolded on the grass for us to sit down. 

"There are bences for this," the smaller one laughed as I struggled to get the blanket on the grass nice. 

"Yes, but it's not illegel to be on the ground either and I like it here more," I said and then I collapsed on it, waiting for Baekhyun to add himself next to me. "Come down, " I said as he still stood and looked at me with confusion.

He siged and with no words he sat up, making hiself comfortable on the blanket. I went to work on my backpack again. I got out sandwiches, adding 2 coke cans and the placed the backpack down. 

"Eat up," I said and handed one of the sandwiches. He accepted it and muttered a quiet thank you, which sounded like he was choking, but it made me laugh. "You don't have to thank if you are not thankful. It will choke you up," I commented as I unwrapped my sandwich. He shook his head at it.

"Thank you," he corrected himself, glancing at me. "Batter?" he asked as I was satisfied with his answer. I nodded and directly went to try the sandwiches. 

"You did them?" Baekhyun asked before asking. 

"Yes, anything wrong with that?" I glanced to his side.

"No no, just asking," he said and glared at the sandwich in his hands.

"I didn't poison it if you wondering," I shrugged. The smaller one rolled with his eyes at it. He too took a bite and then on my surprise he let out a humming sound, but it wasn't from how it tasted. He chewed and swallowed before talking. 

"I see you got rid of cucumbers," he got out a weak laugh. 

"Surely I did," I replied proudly. I knew he hated cucumbers and he would remove them later anyway if he got them in his mouth. I was glad he noticed too.

"I miss the times when we were out like this," he muttered while chewing his sandwich. He loooked upset for some reason, his eyes fixed on the green grass in front of him. 

"I miss them too. That's why we are out, right?" I replied, trying to keep up the atmosphere. 

"This is not the same. I still hate you," he said giving me his black look.

"Ahhh you could go easy on me," I sighed, but wasn't really mad or upset because of it. I knew Baekhyun wasn't going to get on with me for some time, but I felt him getting closer with me.

"Nothing for you. You deserve it," he bit on his sandwich again. He then remembered the coke cans that I brought and he took one in his hand. He put down his sandwich and then opened the can. 

"Who got the idea of this outfit?" I glacked at the side, catching his shing white skin, barely covered. He had on a denim shorts, those girly style of shorts and black and white tshirt with 2 chains on each of the short sleeves. He also had a bracelet and his hair made stand on the side, showing some of his forehead.

"Mmm? What do you mean?" he glanced at me.

"You are a solider, but somehow shorts make you a totally different person," I smirked.

"You could complain in the morning when we left and I could change," he shrugged.

"Ohh no, I don't want you to change!" I said and leaned closer to the smaller one. He first glanced at me like I was threathning him, but didn't act. Once I was just a bit away from him I whispered "I love it, in fact," I smirked and saw how the other one blushed. 

"I-" he cracked and once he found himself unable to speak he slapped his cheeks between his hands. He turned away and tried to get the blushing away, but it was useless. I knew he was going to be red for some nice time now. I couldn't help but laugh at how embarrassed he was.

"That's my blushing boy," I commented and have a peek on his red cheek. He looked like he was going to cry from so much blushing, but only pouted with his rosy lips.

"It was ment to be a weapon against you, but you use it against me. It's not fair," he complained and crossed his arms. 

"Ohh you are trying to kill me?" I laughed at the thought of him trying to destroy me with his half covered . "You need to try a bit more, Baek," I laughed on as he kept blushing on. I however did have a weak spot on him. My stomach was filling with butterflies as he sat here next to me, teasing with his body. I just had to keep my focus away or I was going to get a here.

"I can't be in that soliders uniform all the time and I think my old outfit looked like trash on me. I don't know how you could fall for me in that bags!" he explained.

"I don't care in what you are. I only love you, not your clothes," I smirked and for the hundreth time he started blushing. 

"Well, you could try some new outfits too! You keep having that oversized shirts and hoodys. I think you look stunning in suits and you should wear them more often," he commented trying to put the topic on me. 

"They are for special occasions and I can't wear a suit all the time through the day. Imagine me workouting in a suit, haha no thanks," I mentioned. 

"But then just change. You aren't wearing the same clothes after work out, are you? Stinky if you do," he shrugged. 

"Alright I do change, but its harder to put on a suit than to put on a nice fresh and oversized shirt," 

"Stop looking for excuses," he laughed. "It's my win today," he said proudly.

Right after we ate our sendwiches I took my backpack again. I brought out a bar of chocholate while Baekhyun just watched me curiously. 

"You are making everything too much. I said this is not a date," he complained right away. 

"I can keep the chocolate if you don't like it that much," I said and was on my way to keep the whole bar for myself, but he quickly shook his head.

"Whatever, share," he rolled with his eyes. I was glad how I got him in a trap and in only seconds we ended up eating chocolate. 

"I would prefer lying in bed and eating this, with a cold fan blowing on me," the smaller one sighed and then he lied down on his back. I glanced around to him and watched for some moments down at him before I lied down too. We were now eating chocolate while looking up to the sunny sky and trees that were in the park. 

"It's nice here too," I said sleepily.

"Mmmm I want to go inside," Baekhyun kept the teme up. 

"Stay here for some time," I muttered and then closed my eyes. The smaller one too decided to rest a bit while we both ate the chocolate. It was nice and quiet. Only a few people were around, but non of them paid us attention. I was relaxed and Baekhyun's presence was making me happy too. 

"Chanyeol," I heard Baekhyun, ending the silence. 

"Yes?" I peeked to the side where the smaller was lying.

"Open up," he said and I noticed a small piece of chocolate in his hand. I didn't expect him to really offer it to me.

"Since when are you doing this?" I laughed nervously.

"Ohh common, since when don't you accept food from your boyfriend?!" he rolled with his eyes and moved the chocolate bar. 

"As you say," I shrugged and then moved closer to bite the chocolate, but got disappointed as the chocolate suddenly disappeared and Baekhyun laughed as I bit into the air. 

"You fool. I am not going to feed you yet!" he said and I got a slight punch at my chest as the smaller one was laughing. I could expect it. Baekhyun still didn't like my presence and he surely wouldn't do any of this. He wouldn't be that close with me yet. 

I still acted on my own, getting mad a bit as I got fooled. 

"You will pay for it," I said as the piece of chocolate was already in his mouth. He hummed to tease me more and laughed on. He didn't realise me getting my revenge over him. I moved closer to him, getting over him and trapping him in my hands under my body. He panicked at it and tried to move, finding himself unable to get away. 

"You were a bad boy. Bad boys deserve punishment," I simrked, but just on that he kicked up and made me loose all the air I had in me. I gasped and moved away to breathe again. Baekhyun crawled away and made distance between us. 

"Don't touch me," he fought, upset agian. I didn't think he would act this way after so good day, but unfortunatelly he still didn't like me that close.

"Sorry Baekhyun, I didn't mean to..." I said, but my words didn't appear anymore. I didn't know what I even wanted to do, but something told me Baekhyun thought I was going to kiss him. It happened a lot of times that I kissed him when we ate chocolate and he probably panicked becuase of it. I sighed, but didn't say anything. Just leaned back down and then shut my eyes close. I was upset too. I was mad. I didn't like how even those little moments I liked with him got destroyed becuase of my cheating. It was torturing myself and I was ready to jump off a clif only to get one of those beautiful moments with the other one back. 

I felt how Baekhyun lied down agian, but this time a bit away. 

"I-I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to react this way..." he said quietly. I peeked down to him, still feeling the anger towards myself only.

"It's non of your faults," I said. "Let's just go somewhere else," I suggested and he agreed. 

Hello my Readers! I just want to mention this kind of scene happened in the previous story For you now.  You can read it on the link here ( and maybe read the whole story haha. However its not a must to read this, because it doesn't affect the plot of the story. Thank you! If you decide to really read it, please subscribe to it, upvote, COMMENT¨!!!

We walked away from the park and decided to head back home. I still felt anger towards myself, but didn't want to make everything screwed up so I did my best to at least keep a conversation with Baekhyun going. We talked a bit, commented on things that we saw around. I didn't hold Baekhyun close to me anymore and after the previous scene I even didn't dare lock our looks anymore. I was embarrassed and mad for doing it. I had no purpose to kiss Baekhyun, but he saw it this way and he was more than against it. 

Once we came back home I calmed down already and I hoped that Baekhyun forgot about the park too. I didn't want him to think that I wanted to rush things or posses him. I only hoped this wasn't going to effect us. 

Right after we entred the room and got our shoes off I headed to the kitchen. Baekhyun was busy doing his things, while I walked to the fridge. There I found the two lists that we wrote with Jongdae and I took mine off only to work on it. I crossed the first point and then I attached it on the fridge door again, feeling proud to do it. 



1. Focus 100% on you

2. Become a better person in your eyes

3. Take you out for dates

4. Have exciting in different places Tell you truth all the time

5. Prove you I love you


 The rest of the day was pretty much calm. We both just spent our time around the house until it was bed time and we started to prepare for sleep. Baekhyun looked more cheerful after realising that I crosses a point on the lists ad I too felt like I was going to explode from happiness.

For some reason he came downstairs again after he showered and then enterd the kitchen. I didn't mind him. I was in the living room, ready to break my back on that couch again. The smaller one didn't took long and soon hurried upstairs again. 

"Good night," I said before he escaped and he nodded at it. He disappeared to the second floor and from my curiousness I had to check what he did. I walked to the kitchen and looked around for anything. He probably just went to drink something I thought until I finally noticed why Baekyhun came here. He didn't drink or eat. On the lists he crossed out one of his points.

1. Get comfortable around you again

2. Have fun together/spend time doing what we like

3. Sleep in the same bed again

4. Kiss like we used to

5. Trust you

He had decided to move on too and it made me happier. I loved to see both of us working well to make us real again. I kept glaring at both lists, thinking how to cross out all the other points in this 8 days and convince him into staying with me. It was going to be a long way. 

"Chanyeol?!" I heard Bakehyun's voice call this time. I walked out of the kitchen and dining room to the hallway, still downstairs.

"Yes?" I replied, wondering why he called.

"What if... ummmm... You came sleep upstairs?" he asked this time, making me numb at it.

"But you are there?" I got confused and with a hand I ruffled my hair.

"Am I the problem now?!" he pointed out, sounding offended. I just realised how very silly I was with that. I did a step back for a moment and hesitated. 

"But... I mean... Well.... Yes, sure," I finally decided. "So I just come up?" I was still confused and didn't understand how I was suddenly going to sleep upstairs. 

"Bring your blanket and stuff, I am not sharing mine!" he replied from upstairs, annoyed as I hesitated so much. 

I nodded and cursed over myself for being like that. I almost tripped over my own legs as I tried to get my blanket and pillow, feeling to excited to finally sleep in the actual bed. To sleep next to Baekhyun. Once I was finally unpstairs I found him sitting on the bed. I was not sure whether he really ment me sleeping here again, but once he gave me a weak nod I aproached him, placing my pillow and blanket down. 

"Just sleep here. Nothing else. You will move down again if you do anything else," he said, making me roll with eyes as he was so bossy. 

"Yes, sir," I joked and then climbed on the bed.

"Good night," he greeted and turned off his nightlamp, the only one since he destroyed mine with hitting my head. The room fell into darkness and I whispered another good night for him. I rolled into my blanket and then turned to face the smaller one, disappointed when he turned his back to me. I got more than I expected today, but still felt empty as we were still so cold for each other. 

I didn't shut my eyes close, but just kept staring at the darkness in front of me. I wanted the time to last and never end again. The smaller one didn't look like he was up to sleep too. He kept moving on the bed, looking for good positions, but just didn't feel satisfied with any. He kept his back towards me, but didn't give peace as something constantly bothered him. I was up to as what was wrong, but something stopped me. Baekhyun rolled on his back and sighed up in the air, like he just took a rest from a fight.

"Chanyeol?" he quietly asked and got my attention. 

"Yes?" I asked, worried for him. I didn't like how he didn't fall asleep and he sounded very cold right now.

"Did you bring her here?" he went directly. I hated that question. I didn't like it at all when we talked about Jihyun, because I knew nothing good would come up with this. I kept my head on the pillow, but looked in the smallers direction. I only saw his profile in the weak light from outside. 

"Baek, don't bother with it now-" I tried, but he interupted me.

"I asked you, you answer me. Did you bring her here? In this room? Bed?!" he asked, getting mad and annoyed now.

"I-I ugh- does it even matter?!" I protested, but only made him more mad.

"You answer me!" he hissed at me, making me shiver as I feared that a fight was going to start in any second now. I sighed and gave up.

"Yes. She was here," I breathed out. In just that momet I got Baekhyun's pillow smashed into my face. He threw his into me and furiously stormed out of bed. I sat up on the bed, feelig stupid and guilty again. 

"YOU LET ME SLEEP HERE ALL THIS TIME WITHOUT LETTING ME KNOW THAT YOU BROUGHT HER HERE!" he yelled at me, stomping and making noise, spreading his anger. He shook himself at the bitterness he felt. "DISGUSTING! YUCK!" He went out of the room, mad and shut the door before I could do anything.

"Baekhyun!" I jumped off the bed and followed him. I caught him by his wrist on the end of the staircase, pulling him back. "Why are you so mad now?! You know I was with her and it didn't matter where she was until now. Can't you just ignore it?! It's not a big deal." he snapped my hand away from him and then pointed a finger at me.

"I CAN'T IGNORE THAT! I can deal with you cheating, but knowing that you two ed in that bed makes me sick! I can't sleep there, knowing how you made others loved and not me!" he got his point. "I CAN'T BELIVE I SLEPT TEHRE ALL THIS TIME! Can't you at least not destroy the places were WE used to enjoy with others!!!" he yelled and got away, walking to the front door and then putting on his shoes, still in his pjyama.

"Wait?! Where are you going?!" I suddenly panicked as I saw him getting ready to go out.

"Somewhere else. I am not going to sleep here," he said and then got a hold of the latch, but I stopped him again, shutting the door close and locked him between the door and my body, not letting him move.

"The only problem here is bed, which I can fix and you better not give up now. Right now you better calm down and stop messing around," I said, but got a hit into my chest, from the other one.

"It's not just bed! God knows where else you ed, or what furniture you wanted to break under her! Its the whole house! Just the thought of it makes me so horribly disgusted," he fought, but I didn't let him move. 

"Stay here. What can I do to keep you here?!" I asked desperately. The smaller one hesitated at first, but then he shot me his mad look and spoke.

"I don't know. I don't want that bed in the house anymore. Just do something about it," he hissed. madly. 

"You aren't sleeping on the same sheets," I shrugged, but got another hit from him.

"Better not!" he said and then moved from me, removing himself from my hold. "I am sleeping downstairs. Only one night I will keep myself on that couch, the next night I am leaving if you keep that surface here!" he moved to the living room.

"Baekhuyn-" I cracked behind him. I felt guilt and embarrassment both build inside me, making me panick at the same time. "Bakehyun, I don't think you would... Really want to be there too," I kept cracking behind him. He stopped on his way as he was walking further into the living room. He was showing me him back and stared in front of him, staing at the couch.

"You-" he started, hesitating. "You two were here too." I couldn't help bit sigh and nod, not wanting to answer him with words. It was painful to admit it. Now I hated the fact that I brought Jihyun home. I hated what we did and I hated to hurt Baekhyun with this. He turned around and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Then where can I be?! I can only leave! You couldn't keep a bit of place for me," he yelled at me. He had a point with that, but I didn't want it. I hesitated, grunting what to do or say, but nothing came from me. I did a step away, lowering my head and cursing over me quietly.

"Car," the smaller one spoke.

"What?" I looked at him again.

"Tell me your car is still clean from her," he sighed, tired from everything. 

"Yes!" I answered proudly, but it made me feel even worse as I realised, Baekhyun was going to spend a night there. He was going to sleep in my car. He only went to get his pillow with no words and then he left the house, entring my car. I wanted to stop him, to tell him to sleep anywhere else, where he would be more comfortable, but nothing came from me. I could only watch him as he walked past me, mad and hurt again. I was doing so good and belived our way on would go only up, but it went down again. It was Baekhyun suffering again. That he decided to sleep there was actually only good for me, because I knew he was only a second away from leaving the house completly, probably only coming back to get his things. 

I didn't go to bed again. I was going to change things the way they were supposed to be.



Another chapter to bless you all.

Happy Soo day!!!

I hope you like it!!!

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍