Falling apart...?

Chanyeol pov

Day 9

I had been planning a trip with Baekhyun for a long time now and finally got the opportunity to make it come true. I feared he might not agree to it and I wouldn't be able to insist if he disagreed. Luckily after some hesitating he agreed to it. 

I didn't tell him where I was taking him even though he asked me a lot. I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted to make him happy with it and enjoy ourselves on it. I thought this was the best opportunity to do that. 

I told him to pack his things, since I decided we were going to spend a night somewhere else. I wanted us to get some bigger memories together and a trip is a good chance for it. Baekhyun didn't look so up to it, but still looked pretty excited and nervous too. I kept telling him that everything will be allright and that he was going to like it, but he still kept his nervous face, which didn't really bother me. I knew he was going to be smiling soon and enjoying every moment of himself. 

I, on the other side, wasn't nervous at all, but very much optimistic and excited for the trip. Even though Baekhyun still didn't trust me well and didn't like the fact that I cheated, we got along pretty well. We didn't argue that much and started working together, nearly spending the whole days together. 

In some time we both were ready and in the arternoon we packed everything in the car and went on the road. Baekhyun was sitting on the passengers seat and bit his lower lip as he was nervous of where we are going.

"Hey, I told you, you will like it. It's not something big to be nervous about it," I said, but the smaller one just hummed and shook his head

"You can just tell me where we are going and maybe I will stop being that nervous," he said, looking at me with his shining eyes. 

"Awww, but then it won't be a surprise!" I reminded and got a tired sigh from the other one. 

"Whatever. I can't go back now, can I?" he asked and I shook my head immediately.

"No way. You are staying here now. Too late to change your mind now," I said and gave the other one a bit of a smirk.

"Fine, now keep your eyes on the road, because I won't like it if this is a trip to hospital," he pointed a finger at me.

"Yes, sir," 

"You are a general and still call me sir, like I am on a higher position. I like it this way," he laughed at the thought. 

"Oh don't worry, I will make sure you will work well even though we are on a trip. You will have plenty of time to call me 'sir'," I smirked in reply.

"Even if you make me work, it won't be torturing," he shrugged like my threats of training him were a good treat for him. 

"How come you find it so pleasing?" I asked and dared to take a look from the road to the smaller one who was smiling brightly.

"Well, to say. Major Park's trainings were horribly hard, but general Park," he said and hesitated a bit to find the words to describe me. "He is soft," he laughed.

"Excuse me?!" I choked on fresh air. I was anything but soft. "You should stop finding me soft. Don't you see me. Students fear me," I shook my head.

"You heard right. You are soft," he giggled. 

"Let me remind you that major Park and general Park are the same person!" I tried to protest, but the other one just laughed on.

"Then I don't know why I feel like cuddling with general Park and like dying with major Park," he said and kept laughing on.

"You are putting yourself in trouble. I will make sure you get every drop of energy out today," I threatened, but nothing made him stop laughing.

"You know Junmyeol taught me well and I don't think that you can have any harder traings than him. You can just make it scary with your looks while traing, but everything else is pretty easy with you," he commented.

"So you are telling me that you enjoyed yesterday when I made you run kilometers and train like an animal. You ended up sleeping on the end!" I reminded him.

"I slept because you let me. I could work more if you made me work," he smirked at me. It was then that I realised he was tricking me the day before. I really was soft with the smaller one.

"How can I make you work more if you looked like collapsing in any moment. Junmyeon tortures you there or something?!" I didn't think Junmyeon would do anything like this. He knew the limits of his soliders and from his trainings I knew he didn't make soliders suffer, neither did they complain over him. I however always received bad comments from soliders that I trained and nearly nobody liked my trainings.

"Oh he just makes us get our spirits up and this way we can archive more. You just stomp on everyone and tell them that they are useless like you did with me the first day. I think you throw that confidence away and then your soliders archive less, since they belive that they can't do anything right," he pointed out and his words actually made sense.

"But I trained you and you were getting better! It was the other soliders that didn't want to work with me and get better," I tried to protest, but the smaller one quietened me.

"I didn't get better with your trainings. I got better only when Junmyeon started training me. With you I was just a solider that can't catch up with its unit," he said and got serious now. 
"You say I trained you badly?!" I widened my eyes.

"That's what I ment, yes," he said. "Look on the road!" he screamed as I kept looking at him.

"But why didn't you work with the unit then? You had a free way to leave me afterwards!" I reminded. That time Baekhyun agreed to have trainings with me all the year and never had he complained to change me and go to his unit. He never mentioned me as a bad trainer, but here he was and telling me that I made him miserable with trining.

"That time I was in love with you, now is different," he muttered.

"You still love me," I said confidently, like I know what he felt. On that Baekhyun hesitated.

"I-I don-" I stopped him with my rised hand, making him quiet.

"Don't say it," I told him and he did so. He just turned around and looked out of the window, his lips in a pout and eyes mad.

"Tell me more about the campus. How is the life there?" I asked, not wanting to stop the conversation.

"Mm its fine, I guess," he muttered.

"You guess?" 

"It's a bit empty and boring last days," he said.

"How come you feel this way," I asked, suddenly feeling worried like he was not enjoying himself.

"It's kind of empty without you and boring because I have nobody to annoy, like you. Since the day you were gone I felt like feeling much much more bored and annoyed by training there," he kept muttering.

"So you do want me there!" I felt happy by the fact that he at least missed me.

"So what? Kyungsoo likes to spend a lot of time with Jongin and I don't want to disturb them, so I feel lonely. I had you before, now you had to go to that univerity and train for other things. Nobody was there to pay me any attention, lets mention that coming home was not that pleasaint too, since you didn't pay attention too," he explained. I sighed at his words, feeling regret at that.

"I am sorry, Baek. I will make sure that you won't feel this way anymore," I promised to myself. He shot me a mad look and then said bitterly.

"Like you can come back to the campus and major level. You are a general now, you can't just give me, only a solider, company while training," he pointed out, but I shook my head.

"There are ways to fix this," 

"And how are you thinking to do that. Sneak out from your university and come to the campus. I am not hiding you in my room if you mean this," he said and I laughed at it. He didn't see what I ment, but I didn't mean to tell him yet. It was going to be a surprise. 

"I won't sneak out," I told the smaller one, who got confused.

"Then wha-" he started, but I quietened him.

"First things first," I said and obviously made him mad, but he didn't protest.

"When are we going to arrive?" he asked instead. 

"Oh very soon, don't worry," I smirked, but it tuned out different.

The way to my distance was far away and in an hour and a half the smaller one started complaining aloud and whining about the long ride.

"I will die in here. Where are you taking me?" he whined and covered his eyes, like he was suffereing.

"Just a little more, can't you wait?" I laughed at the smaller one who seemed to like the way less with every second. "They learn you to sit in a freezing sea for hours without dying, but you can't sit in a car with sun shining at you and wind cooling you," I commented and on that the smaller one let out another whine.

"I am not a solider while holidays," he complained.

"I see. I wonder what Junmyeon would think of your outfit. It is the opposite of a strong solider," I smirked.

Baekhyun ignored my comment and just turned away, leaned his head on the window and looked out again. Every so he complained again, but in some minutes I found out that he fell asleep. His eyes were shut close and his mouth slightly open as he rested his head on his arm that was pressed at the cars window. I couldn't help but laugh as his head kept falling down and interrupting his sleep. I didn't wake him until I finally parked the car where we were about to stay. I leaned to Baekhyun's side and carefully shook him by his shoulders. He woke up immediately and went into a big strech and yawned along sinde. He then rubbed his neck and whined.

"I can't stay here anymore. My body feels sore and its" he said, but kept his eyes closed.

"We are here. You can leave the car," I said and opened my side of the door. The smaller one took longer and lazily left the car, rubbing his eyes and yawning. 

"My neck and muscles hurt" he complained.

"Oh I am sorry for that," I laughed. 

Baekhyun looked around himself and noticed where we were, but nothing made sense to him.

"Where are we?" he asked. Around us there were only colorful houses and people walking around, some turists, but it was not too crouded. There were a lot of plants and flowers around, trees that made everything look fresh. It was hot, but some wind made everything better.

"That's where we will be staying," I pointed at one of the bigger buildings around. It was in nice light blue colour and on it was a sign telling the buildings name.

"H-hotel...?" he said and I nodded. 

"I suggest that we get inside first and then I can show you around why I brought you with me," I said. 

"I don't know where I am so, I guess I have no other choice, but follow you around," he sighed and then his eyes fell down on the ground.

"Hey, why are you sad now? You didn't even see everything yet!" I said and on that I took Baekhyuns hand into mine.

"I want to go home," He whined. I was busy taking out our lagguage and things we needed, but his words made me mad. I didn't want him to complain this way and I was getting tired of his acting.

"Bull. Come here. You will like it, so stop giving up now," I said and pulled him with me to walk to the hotel. He didn't complain but walked with me, hand in hand and bit his lip.

In the hotel I got keys of our room that I booked before and then I lead our way to the room. It was not far away as we reached the second floor and the door to enter. I opened the door and then let the smaller one to enter first. He hesitated and entred very slowly, like I was going to trap him there.

Once he was inside there came a gasp and his mouth opened as he saw the room. There was a big light blue room, with king sized bed in the middle and bright furniture. The most important was the window that went through the whole lenght of the wall and showed the view of the sea that was shining in front of it. Baekhyun stepped to the big window and gasped at the view, covering his mouth with hand. 

"C-Chanyeol- Its so beautiful!!!" he said and kept his eyes on the sea. I stepped next to him and glared out myself, but my eyes were more interested in the smaller one. I glared at him and his shining eyes that were full of happiness. He noticed me staring and looked at me, so our eyes met and he blushed.

"Thank you," he said immediately and then stepped closer. In only a moment his hands were wrapped around me and hugged me closer. I didn't hesitate to hug him too and laid a kiss on the top of his head, making him whine a bit, but didn't fight me. 

"I told you you will like it!" I said and looked down at the smaller one who was still blushing. "So... At first I thought of taking you for a walk on the beach, but you insulted me in the car that I am horrible at training, so you bought yourself a good run on the beach," I said and he immediately whined, but soon he agreed and a smirk creept on his face.

"Try me, general Park. Let's see whether you deserve general's name!" he said and kept his smirk. 

We quickly changed into sports clothes and then immediatelly left the hotel, running side by side to the beach. It took us some minutes to get to the sand. Baekhyun stopped on the beach and looked at the sun taht was now near setting, since the ride took us a long time. The smaller one stared at the sun and inhaled the fresh air of the sea, relaxing at it. I couldn't stop looking at the smaller one as he looked so pretty in the yellow and orange light of the sun. His body was beautifully carved and he looked so calm that it made me warm in my own heart. His sould was even more pure than his body. He could be so nice with me and I found it comforting to spend my time with him. I didn't want to loose him.

"Baekhyun, come," I said, but he didn't responde and kept his look on the sea. I just rolled with his eyes and sighed. "You aren't obeying me," I said and then got a hold of the smaller one's hand, dragging me behind me.

He yelped, but couldn't stay on the spot as I started to run again and he followed me, soon catching up with me. 

"Y-Yes sir," he said and smiled as we took our way on the beach. It was not crouded only with a few people and young couples that came here to spend their holidays. It was very relaxing to be here. 

We ran the whole lenght of the beach and then I turned around to run back to where we came from, but Baekhyun stopped at the spot. He was breathing heavily, but most of it he was interested it the view of the sea.

"Let's stop here," he said and pouted. "I am tired."

"You dare complain to me?" I rised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"Chanyeol, I don't want to only run here. Let's do anything else," he kept complaining.

"I am general Park or sir for you and no, you will think twice next time you decided to offend me about my trainings. You run now!" I ordered, but he didn't move.

"No!" He kicked sand at me and looked down stubbornly.

"I wonder how Junmyeon convinces you into working. Comon kid, run," I raid rougher, but I wasn't mad at the smaller one. I more wanted to see how very serious I had to be to make him work.

"I said I don't want to!" the smaller one said and for the second time he kicked sand at me so it splashed my pants. At that I lost my patience.

"You will see how it is to have sand on you, you little brat!" I said and on that I seized down to the sand and made a ball out of it. Baekhyun noticed what I was doing and immediatelly went for a run. I threaw the ball, like a snowball in the winter, and it hit his back as I aimed perfectly. His shirt was now dirty. It was a mistake for him to take white one. He stopped on the spot as he realized that he was too late with the run and got hit by me.

He turned around, his fists clenched tightly and look in his eyes murderous. In the next moment we were throwing sand balls into each other and trying hard to not be hit. Soon we were fully covered in wet salty sand and our game went into a fight. We stopped making balls and ran into each other. 

 I acted first as I managed to grab the smaller ones hand and easily I threw him aroung my back until he fell on his own back and whined. There were some people around that gasped, but I didn't mind them. I and Baekhyun knew martial arts well and it was like a game for us to fight this way. Even though Baekhyun whined in pain, he didn't mean to give up so fast. That whine was only supposed to soften my general Park attitude and stop fighting him so roughly. I was not going to fall for his traps.

He got a hold of sand next to him and threw some into me, which made me back away and he had enough time to stand up again, covered in sand and dirt. This time he attacked me. He ran into me and then I felt his fist bury into my stomach, making me gasp for air. He didn't stop and kicked at my feet, making me trip and I fall on the sand. He kicked sand into me and I had to close my eyes to prevent it to coming into my eyes. In only a moment I felt the smaller one's hands turn me around and push me on my stomach, so he got on my back. Soon my left arm was pushed on my back and twisted in almost impossible way so I let out a painfull groan and cursed. My other hand was under Baekhyun's foot, keeping it to the ground. I cursed quietly as I got on the ground by him so quickly. He got really well in the years of training.

However, I was not going to give up that fast, so I aimed an attack at Baekhyun too. Since he was very light I managed to lift myself and the smaller one off the ground, cursing loudly as I felt my left arm being twisted even more, but  his hold soon left my arm because he fell off my back and ended up with his on the sand. I didn't wait this time and grabbed him by shoulders and turned him, so he was facing the sand. I was behind him and held him close to me, with his back pressed at my front. He tried to fight me off, but failed.

"Hold your breath and close your eyes," I said at last, but the smaller one didn't obey.

"Why?!" he asked and tried to kick at me to get free.

"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to," and on that I got a hold of his head and pushed it deep into sand. I heard a gasp just before his head touched the sand and I knew that he obeyed and held his breath and eyes closed at that. I let his hands out of my hold, but kept his head in the sand for some more seconds, his arms fighting to pull himself out to air. 

I laughed at him and soon enough let him free. He gasped for air as he managed to pull his head out of the sand, rubbing the sand out of his face and eyes so he could see. He shot me a mad glare as he was still trying to remove the sand away but failed.

"You , I could die there!" he said madly.

"I am general Park or sir for you!" I said and on that smirked "You want to taste the sand again?" I added.

"No!" he said and then hesitated. "N-No, sir," he said at last, but I laughed it off.

"I still want to do it again," and I stormed at him to push his head into the sand again, but he ran away just a moment before I could touch him. 

"You can't run forever!!" I screamed and ran behind him. It was just then that I realised he was running into the sea. He only knocked off his shoes as he ran into the water. When his knees were in the water he stopped and waited for me. I didn't think twice when I too knocked off my shoes too and ran behind him. 

Just as I came near him he splashed a hands full of salty water into me and made me back away for a moment. I was ready to aim at him the bigger amount of water, but he surpriesed me as he stood just a step away and then pulled me up into a hug. I was shocked to have him in a hug for the third day today, but I accepted it all and hugged his back. He buried his head into my shirt and reminded in the hug for some time. 

"T-Thank you Chanyeol," he said quietly.

"For what?" I asked as I didn't understand why he would say anything like this. 

"For making my day bright. It started horribly today and it's one of the best ones now! Just don't push my head into things again," he said happily and looked at me with his shining eyes. 

"I am glad, Baek," I said and rufled his hair, getting the sand out. 

"The sun in setting!" he reminded then and there really were only minutes for the sun to disappear into the sea. We reminded in the sea and in each other's hug for the sun to set. I wasn't looking at the sunset, but at the smaller one whose eyes were on the setting sun, that made the sky in red and orange colour. He shined with warmth and happiness. I loved to see him that happy and it made my heart race at the sight of him. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I wanted to claim the smaller one as mine. I wanted to show him love and make sure he is always so happy. I wanted him to feel what I felt right now. 

"Chanyeol you will miss the sunse-" the smaller one said, but he stopped as he noticed that my eyes were fixed on him. He too glared at me curiously. 

A thought came into my mind as I saw him this way and I wanted to make it come true. I saw him so happy today. He felt sad and broken in the morning and now we was happy and cheerful, but I wanted to make him feel love. I wanted to show him my love. I wanted him to know how much I loved him!

"I only want to see you, happy, and so bright. Baekhyun, you know you are beautiful to see this way. Don't be ever sad. Being happy makes me go crazy over you. But more than feeling happiness, I want you to feel loved," I said truthfully and his mouth opened slightly, but he said nothing and closed them again, making a smile for me. I smilled too, but then I leaned closer to him. Luckily he didn't fight as I leaned to him, bending a bit to get to his level. The next moment our lips were locked together. I moved carefully on his lips and tasted him, feeling his soft lips on me. I relaxed as he didn't end the kiss. He wrapped his hands around my shoulders and tried to get our height difference smaller. I deepened our kiss and kept tasting him. Baekhyun didn't kiss back or move his lips, but at least I knew that I was allowed to kiss him. I felt warmth spread through my heart as I kissed him and kept him in my hands. I was happier than ever. I missed this feeling so much and finally I was getting his heart back.

It was the end of the sunset when Baekhyun pulled away and immediatelly buried his face into my shirt again. 

"Baekhyun, I love you," I said and caresed his white hair that shined in red colour of the reminding light. The smaller one reminded where he was and said nothing.

We stayed in the hug for some more moments, enjoying each other. I kept caresing his hair and back, loving the moment. Even though he didn't reply me the love words I felt us getting closer. He let me kiss him and it was the best thing that I could get so far.

It was getting dark when we finally decided to leave the sea. Sky still had a bit of red in it, but the beauty of the sunset was starting to fade away. 

I walked hand in hand with Baekhyun out of the sea, but he tripped on the was and fell face first into the sea. He whined as he got cimpletly wet. I pulled him on his legs again immediately, but the damage was done already.

"Are you alright?!" I asked worried that he hurt himself. For some reason his teeth were clenched together, but I didn't think he would be hurt by the sea water. It was pretty warm and there was only sand underneth us, which couldn't harm him. I noticed that Baekhyun held side of his chest and didn't seem to get off it. I wondered whether he hit himself here. 

"What's wrong Baekhyun?" I asked and got a hold of the hand that was holding his chest, but he snapped me away.

"I-It's nothing. I just tripped. I am alright," he muttered, but something seemed to be bothering him. There was something wrong with him, that he didn't want to share. 

"You are hurt-" I said but he only shook my hand off him that was helping him stand and he backed away a bit. He was mad and annoyed, but mostly something was hurting him.

"I am fine, I said!" he said madly and looked away. He closed his eyes for a moment and calmed down by taking a few deep breaths. I wanted to say something and know what was wrong, but he made me quiet by walking out of the sea alone. He didn't wait for me and once I caught him he already collapsed on one of the benches that were nearby. He kept his look down and now he looked like he was about to cry.

"I am cold," he said quietly and I sat next to him.

"Come here kid," I said and then pulled him into my hands, which he didn't fight off. I didn't mind it when the cold water from Baekhyun's clothes soaked into my clothes. I just wanted him by my side always.

"I am not a kid," he muttered and his head fell on my shoulder. 

"You are," I said and ruffled his hair again. He didn't say anything else at it.

Once again I noticed that he was holding his chest. He had his hands wrapped around his chest and hugged himself in my own hug. I didn't dare question it. I was afraind he might get mad again and leave at it. I knew there was something wrong with him, just didn't know what it could be. I didn't want him to be hurt ever.

Even once he dried all the water off him he didn't put his hands off his chest. We walked back into the hotel in silence. Baekhyun had his eyes fixed on the ground and I didn't know what was up with him. I didn't think that one fall into the sea would make him so sad and bitter again. I wanted to see his smile again.

Baekhyun smile please.

Once in a hotel room, Baekhyun immediatelly went into the bathroom and locked himself inside. He said he was going to clean himself, but I had a feeling like he was lying. He wasn't inside to only shower. There was something else.

What is happening to you Baekhyun?



I am soooo sorry to destroy the love scene! I didn't have it planned for them to kiss though, but it comes out perfectly! My Readers you know this story has a sad ending?! You can go now if you expect to see it end well, coz it won't. I want you all to see more sooo much lmao.

What do you think of the kiss? I know nobody cares of my opininon, but I loved it. It was so sweet and all, but haha I had to make the chapter a bit depressed on the end okay....

You will find out what happened with Baek soon in the next chapter.

Take care of yourself you all! Stay happy and smile, coz you all are prettier this way! Belive me haha. I love you as always~

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍