Falling apart...?

Chanyeol pov

Day 1

I regret everything. I was stupid to think of being with Jihyun, stupid that I didn't leave her immediately and stay in Baekhyun's company, like he said I should. I only screwed everything up and broke Baekhyun's heart. I was mad and disappointed over myself. I couldn't belive how stupid I was to not think of Baekhyun at home first. I knew it was the end of the school year and he would surely come here right after school. I knew something was not right when I thought of bringing Jihyun to the house, but ignored te feeling and still brought her to the place, destroying all the beautiful moments that happened to me. They were already destroyed after the first moment of me cheating with Jihyun. The moments that I had with Baekhyun in the past were now meaningless, now Baekhyun was mad at me and ready to leave, our future maybe didn't even exist anymore.

I knew how much it hurt to be betrayed by your loved one. I had had a girlfriend when I was younger. The times before Baekhyun. We had loved each other and everything seemed perfect until I found out she had cheated on me. That time I had insisted that we should break up and we did so. She had stayed with the other guy, while I had gone my own way. She looked happy with her new boyfriend, but in some time she'd changed. She fell into sadness, depression and her boyfriend hadn't loved her the way she wanted. I'd noticed the cange on her, but ignored it. I only watched how she became more faded in her feelings everyday, until one day she had come to my home. She'd asked for us to be togehter again, saying that she was sorry and trying her best to get us together again, forget the past and start over again. I refused to do that and shut the door close in front of her, leaving her on her own. That day I felt bad for doing it and the same day I had gone to apologise for my acting and decided to at least try making our relationship good again. I had come too late as she had killed herself from saddness and heart break. I had been only moments too late and found her in her room  hanging from the ceiling on a thick rope, burrying in her neck. I regret refusing her and felt guilty for her death. I was in so much pain from her cheating that I was blind to see her need for help. I knew how it was to be heart broken and how it is to feel the anger towards the one that cheated.

I understood how Baekhyun felt in the moment. He had trusted me and did his best to love me, but I only gave him pain. I didn't even think of him last days and only focused on Jihyun. It was even worse to know how very broken Baekhyun was only because of me. I was supposed to be the one that would love him and support him until the end. I was sure we would end up well when we got rid of his brother that had him and nothing bad would happen to him. I had failed in it. Baekhyun had all the right to be mad at me right now. In fact I wanted to destroy myself for doing this to him. Just as I thought of how I felt when my first girlfriend cheated on me, it hurt that Baekhyun felt like that too. He didn't deserve this and it was unfair after all. I loved him from all my heart, but decided to not listen to it and go with alcohol that messed my mind, go for a girl that barely gave me love, but only trouble. I was so blinded again, making mistakes all over again. Jihyun just caught me in her trap and showed me things that made me cheat horribly. Baekhyun had everything she had, but lack of seeing him made me forget everything that I admired on him. Just now, too late, I realised my actions.

In the moment I was living one of my worst fears. I kept thinking of how I felt when I was cheated on and what the consenquences were. My girlfriend dead because of suicide, because of me. Then I thought of Baekhyun. I feared that if he left now, he would hurt himself. It would hurt both of us. I felt like I was supposed to fix this now. I had to take care of him and make sure he would be happy around me. I had this horrible thoughts of Baekhyun making suicide. He had a hard life already and I did nothing to make it better. Yes, for a year or two he looked like enjoying his life with me, but this year he was probably only suffering around me. I am not letting him down again.

That night I wasn't able to sleep. I kept thinking of mad Baekhyun and how very bad he felt because of me and my bad behaviour. I didn't dare go down, because I knew he would just be more mad at me, so I stayed on the second floor in the bed. I stayed in bed with my eyes open, not feeling tired at all. I once it was near 7 in the morning I finally decided to leave the room. I was tired and out of energy, but there was no way I would fall asleep with my thoughts killing me. I slowly and lazily went down the stairs and entred the dining room. There was still food on the table that Baekhyun prepared. It was painful to know that I destroyed the night he wanted to be nice. He only wanted to get along with me again, but I ruined it.

There was broken glass on the floor and a red stain from wine. Wine that was in the glass before only made a mess on the floor as nobody thought of cleaning it before. I only hoped it would get off the parquet later. I left the dining room and went into the living room, where I found Baekhyun. 

He was lying on the couch, sleeping quietly. He was a mess. His white hair were messed and he looked like death took him. He was all pale and with dark circles under his closed eyes. He was breathing slowly and quietly, but it felt like sobbing. His white shirt had stains of red wine on it and I found the wine bottle on the floor. It was empty and it explained how he managed to fall asleep. Baekhyun got effected by alcohol very fast, sice he didn't drink this much and the whole bottle of wine threw him into blackness. 

I only took the bottle from the ground and left the room again. 

I decided to clean the mess in the dinning room first. I removed the broken glass from the floor and then started cleaning the red patch from the floor. It took longer than I thought it would, because the wine sticked to the floor and I had to scrub it until it all went off. It was a hard work. My everything hurt from the past night and after all I was getting tired since I haven't slept at night. Just as I ended I saw Baekhyun at the entrence to the living room.

He didn't say anything, but just looked at me with his red and tired eyes. He was expressionlyess, but I could see the hate he held towards me. He however didn't look like he wanted to put that hate out of him. He was not in a mood for arguing and screaming again. It was pointless anyway and with it we wouldn't get anything, but destroyed day.

In the very next second as our eyes met he turned and went up stairs, leaving me alone. I didn't get the chance to speak up with him and it made me mad again. I only sighed as he left and passed my hair with my hand.

"Good morning," I muttered to myself madly as we didn't even greet each other. I knew I would have a lot of work for us to get along again. I don't even know where to strat.

After some moments I heard water running on the second floor and I guessed Baekhyun went to take a shower. He spent over half an hour in the bathroom, obviously trying his best to avoid me. Only after an hour he finally came down again, but he looked like he was in a hurry, looking for his stuff around the house while ignoring me completly.

He was wearing a white T-shirt, and black pants, ripped at his knees. He looked fresher, but still very tired and serious around me. He was pale and almost like sick.

"Baekhyun," I tried to speak up. He didn't look at me, but only passed me and didn't even look at me. 

"Hm?" he hummed without giving me any attention. At last he went to the front door and took his shoes. He quickly put them on and then straightened himself. I got confused at it. I didn't expect him to go anywhere today.

"Where are you going?!" I got asked. 

"Not your bussiness," he shot coldly in reply and avoided my look.

"I can know," I crossed my arms impatiently. "You aren't going anywhere, boy."

"I can go anywhere I want with or without your premission. I am not something that you own, at least not anymore," he hissed madly. "You never cared about it after all."

"Baek, stop being like this. I said I am sorry," I complained, but he shook his head. I hated how he didn't want to belive me. I wouldn't belive myself in this situation too. I had been the same with my girlfriend and I didn't want the past to start over agian. If we really broke up I would feel empty. I felt this way already, but belived that we could still be together and start again. 

"No. You can't be sorry for this," he said and then took a hold of the door latch, trying to leave the house.

"Wait," I said before he did anything else. "At least eat something. I can't let you starve the whole day," I tried, but Baekhyun shook his head again.

"I will eat at Kyungsoo's house," he said and opened the door.

"So you are going to meet him?" I rolled with my eyes. He could tell me directly and not act stubborn with the information. Kyungsoo most likely hated me right now and I was sure he would do anything for us to break up. He looked more than furious when he heard of me cheating and already that time tried to get baekhyun away from me. I understood why he acted this way, but I wanted to have some support while fighting for my and Baekhyun's realtionship.

"Yes, you have a problem with it?" he looked at me coldly. As our eyes met, the contact was hateful and screamin to beat me up.

"Whatever," I got annoyed. "I can't keep you here, I see. You better come back soon then." Baekhyun didn't reply, but just left the house, shutting the door behind him. I managed to pull out of myself a quick goodbye, but Baekhuyn didn't give it attention and in only moments he wasn't around anymore. He didn't greet or even look at me before leaving and it made me go mad. I hated how we acted towards each other. I wasn't sure how I was going to convince him into staying with me in only 12 days. It was impossible with our behaviour.

I was left in the house alone, only with my mind to bother me. I distracted myself with cleaning the house again, like I did in the morning. I cleaned the plates that were left on the table from the night before that Baekhyun prepared. I spent hours just looking around for anything to clean, but asside from the dirty dishes I found nothing else.

Hopelessly I collapsed onto the couch and pulled out my phone. Bitterly I found Sehun's number and called. 

Sehun was my friend for some long years now. We were together at the campus when I was a major and trainer there, training Baekhyun too. Now when I went to work for general we didn't have that much contact, but still met each other to talk and drink something. I hoped to get at least a bit support from him.

He soon picked up and greeted happily.

"Hey, Chanyeol. How are you doing?" Sehun greeted first.

"Not so good. Would you come to my place maybe?" I asked directly.

"Oh, why that?" Sehun asked. I didn't want him to get mad through the phone, so I decided to lie. I was sure he wouldn't like the news of me cheating, so I decided to wait until he came.

"I don't know. I got nothing else to do and I need some help from you," I shrugged and kept the point hidden.

"Fine fine. I am coming. I neede some company too," he quickly said and then hang up. He came in only minutes, since he obviously had nothing important to do and lived near here.

"Let's see how a freshly made general looks like!" Sehun shot into the house, surprising me. He didn't even knock and it was like breaking into the house. He was in casual clothes, shorts, t-shirt and flip flops since it was summer. He had his one and only hairstyle, black and combed up.

"I am not a general yet," I rolled with my eyes and greeted in reply, managing a laugh even though I felt bitter inside.

"Wow, you look awful," Sehun gasped as he saw me. I in fact really looked like someone drove over me. I wasn't sleeping for a whole night and after all the whole stress was beating me up, so I looked like death. "What happened to you?" 

"You don't want to know. It's been a long night I guess," I sighed and then rubbed my eyes, like it was going to help with my looks.

"I know you wouldn't look like this after a whole night of , so explain," he said, taking a seat at the couch and sitting like he was at home. Sehun was always very comfortable anywhere he went. Only when he was in his general suit he acted like a serious adult. Other way he was more of a party boy, wanting to drink and live his life. 

"I had a fight with Baekhyun," I sighed and sat down next to him, closing my eyes for a moment, because the memories of the past night were unpleasant for me to think of. 

"Fight? Why?" Sehun got confused. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to 

"I ed up," I sighed. "Baekhyun was mad at me because I... I cheated," I brethed out.

Sehun gasped at it and moved away from me, looking at me with horror, like I had just murdered someone..

"YOU DID WHAT?!" he rised his voice. 

"You heard me right," I sighed.

"Why the would you do this?! You got the best boyfriend anyone could ever get and you pay him this way?!" he pointed at me.

I ended up explaining everything to him in the easiest way possible, starting with how I got to be with Jihyun, how I destroyed Baekhyun's date night and how I only had 12 days to prove him my love for him. 

Sehun was mad at me to the point where he was even up to leave, but I begged for him to stay. I had no support at the moment and losing him too would only make it worse. Sehun didn't help much, but argued how much I ed up things. I agreed with the point that I don't deserve Baekhyun anymore and at this point it would even be a good thing to break up, but I didn't want this. 

Sehun stayed at my place for a long time. We expected Baekhyun to come back soon, but he just didn't appear. Hours passed and we soon had nothing to do. I had enough of talking about me and Jihyun and Sehun too wasn't in a mood for help or giving good suggestions. We tought of what to do for hours, but its seemed impossible to get Baekhyun back. I did too much damage. 

"I see he will be out for the whole day and then come back just to sleep here," I sighed as Baekhyun didn't come and it started to become late. "He left in the morning," I said bitterly.

"I would do the same in his place. Who would be so stupid to stay in a house with someone that cheated on you?" Sehun yawned and spoke like it was something normal to do. "Would you stay if you knew Baekhyun cheated on you?" 

"Well... I guess," I said.

"I say you would kick him out," Sehun said. I hesitated, but Sehun was right. I wouldn't like Baekhyun cheating too. I would feel left out and broken. I hated myself for doing this to him.

I only sighed in reply. 

"What if I go get him? He should be at Kyungsoo's house," I looked at Sehun, but he shook his head.

"Are you crazy? You will bother him there too?! He left because he wanted some peace and you will destroy that?! Wait for him, he will come," he stood on his side.

"I swear he won't even come," I muttered.

"Your problem if he doesn't like it here. It's your fault after all," he shrugged.

"You are awesome friend Sehun," I said sarcastically.

"I am just disappointed over you," he said and crossed his arms.

"So am I," I sighed and passed my hair with my hand.

"I will go when it get's dark, deal?" Sehun said.

"I don't really care. I got no help from you today, but its fine to have complany,"

In only half an hour Sehun already left even though it just started to darken. Baekhyun still didn't look like he was going to show up and I gave up on waiting. I went up to get my phone and looked for Baekhyun's number.

After a lot of hesitating I called him and then waited. He didn't pick up and I tried again. 

I was going crazy of how Baekhyun ignored my calls. He had always picked up before in only seconds. I gave up on calling him and instead I texted him. I guessed he wouldn't see this too, so I decided to call Kyungsoo instead. I wasn't sure if he would be happy to see me calling him, since he was Baekhyun's best friend and would stand on his side, but I only wanted to get Baekyhun. 

"What do you want now?" he picked up and aksed bitterly, without greeting.

"Where is Baekhyun?" I asked directly, trying to not act bad towards him.

"Not your bussiness. It's good that he's not with you after all," he said and made me mad.

"He is with you, isn't he?" I sighed. 


"Stop lying. He has nowhere else to go," I said bitterly. 

"That one was rough," Kyungsoo said. "Well... Since you know where he is, why are you calling?" 

"Give him on the phone," I tried.

"No," he replied imediately.

"No?" I lost my hopes.

"He doesn't want to. Let him live in peace," Kyungsoo answered bitterly.

"Make him come home," I went directly.

"No," he replied again.

"Stop saying no and do something useful!" I got mad and rised my voice.

"See, that's why he doesn't like to be around you. First you cheat and then you act violent and possessive. No wonder he left," The other one said.

"He wasn't around for the whole ing day and you expect me to act like its okay!" I protested.

"Chanyeol," I heard Baekhyun's voice now. He spoke with his hate in his voice. I wished to hear his warm and full of love voice again, but I knew this would not happen soon. "I will come."

"I will pick you up," I said immediately.

"No," he replied coldly.

"I will. You will be only spending your time on the way here. You would probaby make a whole way around the town before really heading home," I said. 

"I can't deny that," he answered now joking about it.

"Wait there," I said and then heard how he ended the call.

I only put on my shoes and left. I had a t- on, but it wasn't cold since it was summer and nights weren't that cold. I entred my car and then drove to get to Kyungsoo's house. I came there in only minutes and then went out to the front door. I didn't have to knock as they have waited for me and Kyungsoo opened the door first.

"Oh look. That jerk came," Kyungsoo rolled with his eyes and looked behind him, where Baekhyun was ready to go.

"Kyungsoo, please," Baekhyun sighed. He didn't look at me and kind of tried to stop Kyungsoo from giving me insults, but I knew Baekhyun himself just wanted to kill me only with his looks. 

"What, he deserves it," his friend ignored the fact that I was there.

"Calm down, Soo," Baekhyun passed him and looked at me with his cold look. He looked calmer, but still hateful towards me. "I guess we can go," 

"Or we can make a sleepover and gossip about Park ing Chanyeol all night," Kyungsoo laughed.

"Thank you very much, but I am taking him home," I said bitterly, looking at him madly for making the comment. 

"I am going Soo. See you tomorrow I guess," Baekhyun said lazily and passed me at the doorway and then went towards the car. 

"I will get going," I gave Kyungsoo a bit of a smirk. In reply he just hissed at me and then closed the door in front of me. 

I sat into the car, Baekhyun sitting on the passengers seat, but not paying me any attention. I took my way back home, driving in complete silence. Non of us spoke and after all I didn't want to argue in the car. however the atmosphere was tense, like we were about to explode in any moment.

As we came back to our house, Baekhyun left the car without any words and I could just sigh and quietly complain to myself. Only when we were inside I dared to speak up.

"You weren't home for the whole day," I started, stopping at the hallway, but Baekhyun walked further to the living room..

"You got a problem with it? Like you missed me or something," he replied.

"Yes, there is a problem," I got annoyed again "How am I supposed to make you love me in 12 days if you are nowhere around?!" 

"11 days. That's your problem," he corrected and reminded me that todays day was actually ending.

"Baekhyun we should be working together," I passed my hair with my hand. 

"I never agreed to this. You are the one that messed things, you will fix it," he got the point.

"But this doesn't mean you have to be stubborn around me all the time." Baekhyun hesitated on it. 

"You made me like that," he shrugged, walking out of the living room to the hallway again and stopping there only to look at me again. 

"Baekhyun, you weren't at home, you didn't even want to eat here in the morning, you don't pick up your phone and barely even look at me. It's impossible to work like this!" I complained.

"Fine, sorry. You are working so hard on your failure, like you will be able to do anything in the next 11 days," he replied roughly.

"With your acting I really won't be able to gain anything. Please at least see hope in us," I begged. Baekhyun hesitated a lot, backing away, but then slowly nodded.

"Fine, I will try, but not for long," he gave up. It was actually easier than I thought. He at least showed me the hope that I could gain something.

"Thank you," I sighed.

On that Baekhyun took his way up. 

"I will be sleeping upstairs," he said.

"What?" I asked and got confused.

"I will be upstairs," he siad.

"With me?" I rised my eyebrow.

"No idiot, you will be in the living room," he said with a smirk. "I don't like it here and I won't suffer from your mistakes, so I am keeping the bed," 

"You think I can fit myself on the couch?" I glared at him.

"I did, so why not you?" he crossed his arms.

"Because I am much taller. My whole legs won't fit on," I complained.

"That's also not my problem. Hopefully you get a chance to sleep in the bed again," he waved and then went up the stairs, leaving we without words. "You can get your banket and pillow upstairs," he added as he was already away.

I just sighed in disbelief, walked to  the living room and collapsed onto the couch, thinking of what to do. I was out of ideas how to make Baekhyun trust me and love me again. It was hopeless. Leaving my mind behing, I decided to go up to get my stuff, so I left the couch and went uptairs.

Baekhyun was on the bed, scrolling his phone and paying me no attention and I took my clothes and then pillow and blanket to sleep with downstairs. Before I left the bedroom again I turned to look at the smaller one again.

"Good night," I said, hoping to make at least one thing right today. Baekhyun looked up at me with his mad eyes. 

"Go out. You got your things so go!" he argued. I gave up on hoping to get a greeting from him. I sighted and left the room with feeling of guilt. 

I settled myself on the couch. As expected my legs didn't fit n and hung down until my toes tuched the cold floor. It was also very uncomfortable and I was sure my back was going to hurt tomorrow, but I had no other choice. I had to deal with it.

I pulled out my phone and saw 3 missed calls and 12 messaged from Jihyun. I didn't open them, but after some hesitating I deleted her number and all the history on my phone. I was ready to give her up and start again only with Baekhyun. 


Yeah.... Another pretty much boring chapter.... hehe. I can't say this story will have a happy ending. Enjoy reading take care of yourself and make sure to upvote, subscribe and comment your opinions! Don't be quiet and say hi! I will block those who won't greet bahahhahaha. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍