Falling apart...?

Chanyeol pov

Day 11

I spent the rest of the evening messing around the house and worrying of what could possibly happen to Baekhyun. Kyungsoo and Jongin on the other hand were calmer and belived that he would come back safely. I couldn't understand how they could be like this while I felt like dying. 

"Enough!" Kyungsoo said once he was done with my silly acting. "Your worrying won't help anything. Whatever happens, you better set yourself down," he said and then forced me to sit down on a chair in the dining room. 

"But-" I started but got interrupted.

"No, buts!" Kyungsoo snapped at me and for some reason walked into the kitchen. "Now tell me what you would like to eat."

"Why would I want to eat anything right now?" I got confused and looked at the smaller one who was looking around the kitchen. On that Jongin added himself next to me behind the table and acted too happy for my liking. 

"It helps with stress," Jonging shrugged. "Someting good for me too Soo," he told his boyfriend. 

"I don't think there will be any food to eat tonight at all," Kyungsoo answered and sat down too. "You got nothing to eat. Explain, Chanyeol. Did you starve Baekhyun all this days or did you two just eat this cheap food from restaurants and fast food?!" Kyungsoo eyed me. 

"Baekhyun was on his way to get groceries and all, but Jihyun got him on the way. Since then I haven't seen him," I said. It hurt me to speak of it and waking up memories didn't help too. 

"Oh I see," Kyungsoo sighed. "We will try looking on tomorrow if he doesn't come back himself, alright?" 

"Yeah, whatever," I shrugged, looking down.

"We can do something to make you forget of the worry? Something to distract you?" Jongin suggested, but I shook my head. 

"I am not up to forget about it. I will keep worrying all night if needed. You two do whatever you want. I would actually prefer to be alone right now," I said quietly. Jongin and Kyungsoo exchanged worried looks and comunicated with only their eyes. Kyungsoo was the one to speak up.

"We can go to other room if you want...." he pointed out and I shook my head. 

"No, you two can go to your house," I said like an order. On that both of them nodded slowly and stood up from their chairs. Kyungsoo's hand fell on my shoulder and patted me sometimes. He was still trying to comfort me even though he knew what a person I was. 

"Chanyeol, I know you did horrible things to Baekhyun and all, but I think you changed. All this worry proves that you actually are not that bad. I think Baekhyun deserves you, just tell him the truth when you get a chance. And don't you dare hurt him more. Take care of him," Kyungsoo said and for a moment made me calm. "We will see you around," he added and gave me a comforting smile. 

"Thank you guys," I forced on myself a smile too and pushed away all this negative thoughts. 

"Take care of yourself Chan," Jongin said and wawed as they both left the house. 

Their comfort helped me for a moment until my negative feelings took over me again. I ended up grunting and waiting for someting in the living room. A miracle or something. It was 10pm when I next checked the hour and it was still raining outside. If the smaller one didn't have enough clothes in this weather or any roof to stay under it would be horrible. If he fell into an accident I would never forgive myself. 

Then my phone rang and I found Sehun's phone number lit up on it. I wondered why he would call me this late, but I still picked up anyway. 

"Hey, Chanyeol," I heard his deep voice from the other side and a pouring rain from outside. 

"Hello. You are outside?" I asked. 

"Well it's complicated. I just wanted to get to the palce with a night party, you know..." he said and then hesitated.  

"I am not picking you up if you are drunk," I said rudely. "You are drunk, aren't you?" I guessed, however I didn't expect him to sound so well while being drunk. 

"Well, I am not," he surprised me. "But your boyfriend is," he added and on that I choked on fresh air. 

"What?!" I got confused at his words. 

"I just found him here near place and he seems to be pretty drunk..." he tried to explain. 

"B-Baekhyun? You mean Baekhyun is drunk?!" I asked like I didn't hear him right.

"Yes, , Baekhyun who else. I guess, I recognise him well," he sighed. 

"Is he alright? God Sehun, you just saved my life. Where are you two? I can get you if you want," I said and my hopes rised immediatelly. 

"You were saying that you wouldn't pick me up just a second ago," Sehun sighed. "Yes, he is pretty alright, just seems to be out of mind and kind of laughing and crying at the same time. He is soaked in rain though. He didn't even think of keeping himself dry. However I got my own car here. I was about to get him to your place, but he doesn't want to go into the car. Kind of muttering some weird things. I told him I will just drive him to you and not kidnap, I don't know what to do."

"Of course he doesn't want to come here," I sighed. "Give him on the phone."

"Are you sure you want him on the phone. He is very drunk," he said in a worried tune. 

"Give him on the phone I said," I got impetient with him. 

"Alright, alright. Here you go," 

"Baekhyun?" I asked as I guessed that he was on the line already.

"Dat's my" he hiccupped. "n-name," he ended. 

"Come home and let Sehun drive you," I tried to sound calm with him. I felt myself breaking from all the feelings. I missed him a lot and in the last few hours I feared that I might not see him anymore. I couldn't belive he was just here. 

"I'nt have a h-home," he answered immediately, sounding mad. 

"You do! Baekhuyn, whatever you heard, please forget! Just come here. Let Sehun take you here. We can talk about it," I begged. 

"N-No," he hiccupped again. 

"Baekhyun, come here alright. I will get you alone if you don't let Sehun drive you here," I told him. 

"I ain't goin'," he said quietly. 

"That's what you say now. Just come, alright. Be good and obey," I said. 

"B-But you w-will k-ik me," he hiccupped on. 

"What? What did you say?" I asked. 

"Y-ou'll kick m-me out," he repeated. 

"I? I kick you out? Out of the house? Why would I do this? Never. I would never kick you out on streets!" I said offended that he thought I would really do this to him. 

"Can't stay wi u no'. Y-you-" he hiccupped again. "got kid dat needs yeh," he sighed.

"Baekhyun come home, alright. I won't kick you out. You will like it alright?" the smaller one hesitated with answering, but at last he gave up. As Sehun said it was kind of useless to speak with him. Sehun could just force him in the car and all, but I wanted to hear him. It was just so that I knew he was alright. 

"Alrigh'" Baekhyun said and on that Sehun got on the line again.

"Fine, I will get him to your place. You better get me towels for my car, coz he is like a wet mopping cloth," he said. "See you soon," he added and hung up the phone before I could say anything more. 

I did as Sehun told me and went upstairs to get towels for him and Baekhyun. I was going to pay Sehun for this. He just made my life much happier. I couldn't belive he really found Baekhyun in this night. I was lucky. The rest of the time I spent to wait in front of the window. I was waiting for Sehun's car to finally come and for Baekhyun with him. I was very impatient and multiple times cursed for them taking so long. I just couln't wait a second more. 

I felt relieved when a black car finally parked in front of the house, next to my own. The rain was still pouring and the car was barely visible. Sehun stepped out of the car when I stormed to the front door. He opened the door of the back of his car and pulled out Baekhyun's small and wet body. He supported his weight on Sehun, since he barely walked. Sehun looked annoyed by the smaller one, but for some reason I was laughing at the sight of how clumsy he was. My fears disappeared. I was ready to cry from happiness just here in front of everyone.

"Help here?" he asked as I just stared at them. 

"Oh uh, right," I said and stepped on the rain to get closer to Sehun and Baekhyun. 

"You take him, I will go home now, so I won't bother you two anymore. See you around, Chan. Call or something," Sehun said and I took the smaller one into my hands.

"Thank you Sehun. Really, I don't know what I would without you!" I thanked and gave him a quick and awkward hug. He just hummed at it and shrugged. 

"Get inside. You will be all wet!" he said and then he entred his car again. He waved me a goodbye and started his car again. 

I helped Baekhyun inside before the rain could soak into me properly. Inside I stepped on the hallway to check the smaller one. I let him stand alone and saw him slowly lean on each side from loosing his balance constantly. He looked sleepy and spent, like someone had just beaten him up. His clothes were all dirty and wet from the rain. His completly wet hair plastered to his head and messy. He was shaking slightly from the cold and hugged his body with his arms to keep himself warm. There was water sticking to him everywhere. He didn't even bother with his wet face that looked like he was crying. 

"How much did you drink?" I asked first. I wanted to know how much drunk he really was and whether he was capable to have a conversation at least. 

"I-I don' kno-" he hiccupped. I sighed and rolled my eyes at that.

"We won't discus anything today," I decided. I was not going to spend my time explaining him things while he was drunk, because I knew he wouldn't remember a thing that I told him. 

"I don' care," he shrugged like it was not important. "Ki'k me outa here," he said and walked to me, like waiting for me to throw him through the window. He lost balance immediately and I had to catch him to prevent his fall. 

"For gods sake, Baekhyun! I am not kicking you out of here!" I got mad now. "Stop talking nonsense."

"Y-you mad, r'yah?" he looked up at me. 

"Yes, I am mad! I can't belive you really just went out to get drunk only because you heard lies from someone! You could find some support or something! You have no ideas how worried I was while you were gone! What if you went into an accident?! If you harmed yourself?! What if I lost you forever?! Baekhyun I don't want to lose you, understand me for once!" I growled at him, letting out all my feelings. I was breathing heavily and in fact I was up to hit something really hard. 

For the last few hours I was only worrying of what was going to happen to him, yet he stood in front of me like nothing happened and like my worry was a joke for him. I hated how he thought I would kick him out of the house and decide to live with Jihyun. He still belived that she was carrying my child, but there was no point in telling him that it was a lie, bacause he was too drunk. 

He didn't say anything and didn't even show any feelings for what had happened. He just reminded there and only let out a bored moan. I lost my patience at that.

"Come here," I took his hand and made him walk upstairs. He kept tricking on the way and didn't even try walking properly so I ended up carrying him to the bathroom. "Get this off yourself," I said and didn't even wait for him to act first. I took a hold of his wet clothes and pulled off his shirt first. He whined at it a bit, but didn't fight against it. He shook at the touch of the cold air, but did nothing about it. There on the side of his chest he still had a cotton patch that was covering his wounds. It was now in a grey colour dripping from the rain. I slowly and carefully pulled it off and revealed his wounds. They were a bit red and swollen again, but the infection didn't spread. I took a hold of a towel nearby and covered him with it. Then I started working on his pants. I got rid of them too. Not a piece of cloth was left on him. I was not up for anything ual. At the moment I was too pissed off to be affected by him. I took off the one towel he had on himself till now. He whined as he was cold again, but I made him quiet.

"Go into the tub," I ordered him. He hesitated and was even up to fight about it, but I didn't let him to speak up as I took a hold of him and placed him into the bath tub myself. He just sat down insde it unbothered. I opened the water, making it warm. The smaller one hummed at that and lowered himself to get as much of him into the slowly filling tub. I cleaned him in it, careful with his chest aera. I also washed his white hair, while he nearly fell asleep in the warm water. We didn't speak, but the silence was relaxing. Even though I was very mad at the smaller one for doing all this I felt myself relaxing and feeling happy that at least I had him here now. On every so he would hum something or mutter some words, either complaining or speak complete nonsense that came into his mind. 

On the end I cleaned his wounds. This was when Baekhyun started whining and complaining loudly again as I couldn't help but hurt him while trying to help him. 

He spent half an hour in the bath and at last I pulled him out again. He stood well as I pulled a towel over him and dried off the water. Even though he was very drunk he surprised me with how well he could stand. He only took a hold of me on every so, but the rest he stood by himself. He didn't mind being in front of me, probably forgot or something. 

I rubbed a towel over his head to dry his hair too and once I pulled it off he looked like a cute mess that made me laugh. He didn't notice what was so funny on him and just pouted at it. His hair were in all directions and the fact that he was in front of me with his tiny body only made him cuter. I ruffled his already messy hair and then I pulled over him a towel, so he wasn't revealing himself anymore.

I took him into the bedroom where I made him sit on the bed. I looked for his clothes and then helped him with dressing up too. At last he was in his underwear agian and one of my old oversized shirts that he liked to use as night clothes. On the end I covered him with his blanket and laid him down. He looked at me confused when he saw me walking away. 

"Y won't be sleepin' ere?" he asked quietly. 

"No I won't be sleeping with you while you are drunk," I said and took a hold of my chair. I pulled it to the bed and sat down on it."I don't want to sleep in fact."

"But-" he started, but didn't finish as he had nothing to tell.

"Sleep, Baekhyun," I told him and he obeyed. It took him some time to really fall asleep and I just sat down on the chair that I brought next to the bed. I was going to take care of him now and never let him be alone. Seeing the smaller one peacefully sleep made me sleepy too. I felt myself getting tired too, but I didn't want to sleep yet. 

I couldn't think with sleepy mind. I was up to make a plan or something, but my sleepiness beat me. I let my head fall down and my eyes closed. I didn't dream of anything. I just slept a bit awkardly since chair was nothing pleasant to sleep on. However I was not able to sleep for long. A feeling of worry took over me again in the middle of the night and for some reason I woke up panicking. 

It was near midnight now and I noticed why I had woken up. In the bed there was no Baekhyun. He probably just went on toilet or something, but I didn't trust this at all. I stood up from the chair, groaning a bit as I felt my body ache from sleeping on it. In the bathroom I didn't find the smaller one and this was when I started to really panick. 

I ran downstairs in rush and checked the rooms for him. I only stopped when I saw  the samller one's body lying on the floor of the kitchen. I knew what he was doing in here immediately and this was not making food for himself. Around him there were the cans of beer. 4 of them were open and some still closed, but from all the alcohol he just reminded where he was without drinking the other ones. 

"Baekhyun!" I growled, but only made the smaller one moan. "Why would you do that?!" 

"Wha-?" he muttered as I tried to sit him up. He leaned on the drawers of the kitche and for a moment looked at me with his spent eyes. Later his eyes left mine and he looked at one of the beer cans that he already opened, but didn't finish. He went to grab it, but I didn't let him and snapped his hand away. 

"No! No more drinking!" I got mad. I didn't care how late at night it was or how much he would be hurt by my yelling. I couldn't put up with it anymore. "How will drinking help you? Do you feel good, huh?! No, you don't! Stop!" 

On my words he let out a drunken laughter and rubbed his forehead. 

"I feel jus' fine," he muttered with a hiccupp on the end. 

"Baekhyun at least wait until you are sober again and I promise you, you will never want to drink again. You can't take so much alcohol at once. It's a miracle that you are still present to be honest!" I told him. My hand went into his as I sat down next to him. We reminded seated for some time and waited in silence, until there came a moan from Baekhyun. 

"Chan, I- feel sick," he said and I knew what he ment. I didn't hesitate to stand up immediately.

"Stand up!" I dragged him up and then forced him into the bathroom. As I expected he fell down on his knees in front of the toilet, took a hold of the edge and in the next moment he vomited that alcohol he drank. It took him a while to finally stop emptying himself and even when he did, he reminded on his knees in case he had to vomit again. He was caresing his stomach and hiccupped. 

I sighed at the sight of him. I caresed his back and tried to at least support him with what was happening to him. 

"You stupid, Baekhyun," I whispered, but didn't mean anything mean for him. "You could think of this before and stay in the bed."

"Sorry," he sobbed at that and I noticed that he was crying. Hot tears fell down his cheeks and made mess on him. 

"Stop crying," I muttered, but on that he only let out more sobs and cries. He didn't last long when he gagged and vomited again. 

This was going to be a long night for me. I thought and it really was. Baekhyun didn't leave the bathroom until late night. He gave up in the bathroom and fell asleep there in the middle of the room. I took him to the bedroom again and hoped that this was going to be the last time for him to wake up tonight. 

I was going to talk with him later when he is sober. 

And then he was going to decide whether this would be our last conversation or not.



Tomorrow last chapter!!!

Wait for it!

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1371 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍