Falling apart...?

Jihyun's round face was made pretty with her make-up, yet today she seemed to make it less attacking as usual. She seemed a bit worried too. She was looking around like someone was watching us. I felt slightly embarrassed when I remembered that my outfit was now nearly matching hers, shorts, and girly accessories that I put on today were screaming out of how much gay I was. I pushed to thoughts away and focused on why she was here.

"Oh-uh. W-What is it?" I said in worried tune and didn't want to be rude at the same time. I didn't have the heart to be mad at her now that I knew Chanyeol belonged to me.

"No hello?" she said and walked so close to me that I felt like she was going to attack me. I hated it how she was nearly the same height as me, because of her high heels that made her even taller. I felt small and weak in body and mind with her around. I didn't want to have a ruined day because of her. I still forced up my thoughts, pushing my worries in the back of my mind.

"Uh, yes, hey," I muttered awkwardly.

"I didn't expect you here. It's awesone that I found you though. At least I have you alone," she said and made my eyes go so wide that I thought my eyeballs were going to pop out.

"What are you talking about? Anything that you got to tell me or did you just come to spend my time," I crossed my mind and glared at her from the top to the bottom.

"Oh yes. Its very important and you need to know it," she said, but didn't come to the point and decided to tell me everything slowly.

"Well tell it quickly then," I rolled with my eyes, getting impatient with her.

"You know... I think it's not the best for you to stay with Chanyeol now," she said quickly and on that I was ready to leave. I turned away, but she forced me to look at her again. I didn't want to hear what she had to tell me. I just wanted to stay with Chanyeol like we were and nothing else. I didn't want her in this anymore.

"Listen to me," she said a bit too roughly.

"What? Why do you think I wouldn't stay with him. I love him, now shut your mouth and stop being in this relationship! I don't care how many times you two ed. You can leave now!" I nearly screamed at her, but she didn't even flinch. She actually smiled.

"Then I am terribly sorry for this. I don't want you to live in lie Baekhyun. I want only the best for you and staying with Chanyeol is the opposite!" she said getting worried again.

"What are you talking about?!" I stormed at her.

She hesitated. "I am pregnant," she said at last and made my jaw fall. I was stuck in horror.

"W-Wha-" I couldn't speak anymore. I didn't want to know more. I shut my eyes tightly, expecting to wake up from a dream, but it didn't happen. I couldn't belive her words.

"I am pregnant for some weeks now, I still didn't have my check up yet, but I did some multiple pregnancy tests. They all are positive. I was just about to go tell Cha-" she said, but I didn't want her to end her saying.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at her. I felt my anger rise now. I was shaking horribly and felt like my mind was going to explode. "Y-You are l-lying," I said madly, but got a shook of a head from Jihyun.

"It's real. I carry Chanyeol's child. I don't think he will choose you now, you know," she said with a smirk. On that I made up my mind. I was going to stand with whatever decision I made before and I decided to stay with Chanyeol, so now I was going to fight for us.

"I don't care of your child. I don't care whether its Chanyeol's or not. Chanyeol loves me and I love him. You were never a part of this love! You can just go yourself if you think that he will pick you. I don't ing care of the child, I am still staying with him and I am sure he will want to stay with me too!" I screamed and got looks from people around us that were walking on the streets. I was shouting madly, but I didn't care. I just wanted what I was fighting for.  I felt tears gather in my eyes. I was breaking. I couldn't belive any of this.

"Do you really think he would actually pick you?" she asked me now. "Then why do you think he went with me? He wants children, Baekhyun. I am the only one that can give him this. He could anyone else who he found around him, but he went with me, because he knew I could give him somethig that you can never give him. I am better than you, so you can give up. I am sorry for telling you this, but I really think you better stay away from him. It is only fair that he is with me now. Imagine the child with no father around at the time. Chanyeol would never want this. He will take good care of the child," she said with comfort.

I was done now. She had beaten me and I had no more chances now. I could only do what she said to do. I was going to leave Chanyeol's life forever. I can't satisfy his wish. I couldn't give him kids and a propper family. Even for adoption they didn't accept gay pairs. I had no other choices.

With trembling voice I spoke at last.

"O-Okay," I said painfully. "I'll leave," I clenched my teeth and on that I couldn't help but sob painfully. I cried horribly at last. I didn't care who saw me and how much of a baby I looked like. I couldn't help it now. It was the end for me. My day turned into a gray creature that was going to ghost my life forever. It was ruined, not only my day, but my whole life. I knew there was no way I was going to get to stay with Chanyeol now. He was going to choose her and his child. I had nothing more to do in his life.

It was not that I was mad at Chanyeol and didn't want to stay with him. It was the opposite. I wanted to be with him. I wanted him so much where I wanted to just get rid of Jihyun and that child and stay with him. I would kill to stay with him. It hurt me so much to think of leaving him now. After so long. Even this 12 days were something beautiful for me, but now my whole past with him was falling appart. I wanted to wake up from this dream. I wanted to see Chanyeol sleeping next to me after the awesome night and enjoy my time with him, but non of this happened. It was reality. I had to deal with it. 

I didn't mind Jihyun, but turned away from her and broke into a run. I didn't run in the direction of my home, but the completly other way. I didn't care where I ran, but I knew I was not going back to Chanyeol's place. I don't even need my things anymore. I was done with everything.

I ran down the streets away from people until I ended up on a darker street where I fell into a cry. Even though the day was very bright only a moment ago, it was bleak and dull now. My limbs didn't let me run on and the pain in my chest was getting worse. I stopped there and went on my knees, burrying my face in hands and let all my tears flow. I was broken again, but this time I didn't want to leave. Only 12 days ago I would be the happiest person to have a chance to leave him, but now I only wanted him back. I wanted him to choose me and only care of me. I wanted to be with him and have all his heart. He had me all. He took my love and there was no point in denying it. I was going to be loyal to who I always loved. There was only him, but how could I be so selfish to make him leave the mother and his own child! I couldn't be so cruel to her and the child only deserved the best. I couldn't ruin his life. It felt like someone stabbed me when I thought of ending my relationship with Chanyeol. It was too much for me too bear.

If I could do anything, it was to leave Chanyeol to Jihyun and give the kid a normal life. I didn't have the heart to make the child's life hard, he was at least going to have a good father and be taken care of.

I reminded on the street for some time and quietly cried myself until there were no tears for me to spill. I only sobbed and panted heavily as I felt no air in my lungs. From all this I was in pain from the infection and broken ribs again. In some hour or two I stood up again and walked. I walked to who knows where. It was important that there was a shop where I got what I needed. With red eyes and messed hair I entred the shop and went to grab whatever alcohol they had. I grabbed hands full of it and paid for all. Nobody questioned me, but probably everyone knew why I was buying this. It was obvious that I was mentaly on the end. The cashier tried to tell me not to buy this and calm down, but I ignored him. 

Once I was out of the shop I immediatelly grabbed the first bottle of something that I saw for the first time, but it was alcohol, so I didn't complain. I walked onto some random street again and started drinking.

It was awful. It burned my throat and made me feel sick. I didn't stop until there was an empty bottle and I opened one more. I palced myself in some corner of the street and kept up drinking. I tasted all possible things, some burning me till I ended up coughing, others making me cringe at how weak alcohol it was. I threw away all that didn't satisfy me, but ended all the other ones until there was not a drop left.

In only minutes I was completly different person. My mind was spinning and I began to feel dizzy.

I didn't forget though. I still had those thoughts of Jihyun, Chanyeol and their child in one picture, where it was no place for me. I felt sick at it, but for some reason I laughed. I was laughing like someone just told me a joke. It hurt me though. Each sound that I gave out of myself ripped my heart and I just wanted to cry. There was something making me chill and laugh on, like it is nothing sad about the baby coming. I was stupid to be sad. Why would I cry after this. I wanted to leave anyway, so what was the problem. I love him. No, I don't. He doesn't need my love and there are Jihyun and that kid to be loved. Why would anyone love me now, and why would I love him now. It has no point. It will only make it harder for me to love him now or to try showing him my love. 

I started walking again. I didn't even realise that it was getting dark. The street on which I was didn't seem to be different colour than black. There was a sunset, but it was not beautiful. It made me mad. I hated this day. It was too short and after all I felt like after it. It was horrible.

I noticed dark clouds cover the red sun. It was going to rain. To my luck it took only minutes for the first raindrops fall. I didn't care about it. I laughed at it. It didn't bother me when the rain soaked into my shirt and the cotton pad that protected my wounds. I was soon completly wet as I walked on the dark streets, drinking the remainding alcohol. There was nobody around since it was a rainy night and everyone decided to stay at home.

I didn't know when it was when I saw a shadow of someone. It was dark and I only saw blury image of the person that every so doubbled or just disappeared from my view. I laughed at it. It made me cringe how is saw and couldn't even recognise whoever was now already by my side, looking worried.

"Baekhyun?!" man's deep voice came.

"Get away," I said laughing at him and tripped over him as I tried to walk on. He caught me in his strong arms and I felt his wet clothes to. However he was clothed in waterproof coat and had a hood over him, making it hard for me to look at him propperly.

"Wow no way I let you get away like this. You might kill yourself somewhere. Come here Baekhyun," he said lowly and pulled me closer to him so I ended up pressed on his body.

"Let me go," I whined, but my legs turned into jelly and my body hung on the other ones. I laughed. Laughed off all the thoughts of Jihyun and Chanyeol.

"You aren't going anywhere alone,"



I AM SO SO SO SORRY EVERYONE! I hope you all don't give up on this ff, coz it super fcked up... Just read on. It can't hurt too much!

See you soon when I upload again. 

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Oh my, it hurts me to see everyone giving up on my fanfiction. I am sorry


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
Chapter 27: wow nice story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 27: Congratulations on completing the story.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 27: Looool loved the ending. Am so happy for them.
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 26: I can't believe this end of chapter "Completed". Your story is amazing. Thank you!
Ventimiglia #6
Chapter 27: Glad for the happy ending ❤
atia1412 #7
Chapter 27: His office that was never there since beginning ^^ I love this chapter, it's so satisfying. And they're married!! TT thanks for the updateee
Chapter 27: I love the ending. Let's just hope no one finds General Parks office while they are in there.
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 27: Super cute - the phantom office returns!! Thanks for this sequel - very satisfying 😁
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 26: (sniffing and teary-eyed) I love happy endings waaaah!!💕💕😍