[Myungsoo/fluff] When he wants to cheer you up after a bad day at school

[Compilation] SHINee/Infinite Scenarios

You entered your place and closed the door shut with more force than usual even though you weren’t intending to. Myungsoo, who was sitting on the couch intently watching some television, immediately took a glance in your direction. He obviously wasn’t expecting such an entrance.

“Welcome back?” He made it sound like a question. He knew something was bothering you, he always did. You let out a frustrated grunt, making your way to the living room where he was. As soon as you got there, he extended his arm, inviting you in. You hesitated a bit so he then patted the seat next to him, making the invitation again.

Of course, you gave in. When you sat down, he pulled you closer to him and let his arm around you, starting to rub the skin of your arm. You sighed heavily and he gave you a few minutes to see if you talked about it.

“Well?” he prompted when you kept quiet. “What’s going on?”

“School. Today was horrible!” you finally said. “I had to present that report I’ve been working on for the past month in front of the class. Everything went wrong from the start. First, the computer wouldn’t open my presentation. That meant I’d have to use some backup papers with all the information. So I went to look for them and they were nowhere to be found in my bag. I-”

“Left them on the table this morning?” he finished your sentence. “I saw them.”

“Yes, I forgot them when I was rushing to get some breakfast. But that’s not all. The teacher said I should give the presentation with what I remembered.”

“Well, that’s not so bad, she gave you a chance.”

“But when I stood in front of the class, my mind went completely blank. Nothing would come out. I was lucky enough to get yet another chance for tomorrow.”

“So it all turned out good in the end, why are you so frustrated?” he wondered.

“I’m not done yet. Since I was so focused on doing that project, I didn’t study enough and got a bad grade on my last test. It’s so frustrating; I’ve always had decent grades.”

“Calm down, calm down,” he said. He held you tighter, trying his best to comfort you. “Bad days happen to all of us.”

“I don’t think there’s anything that could possibly cheer me up right now,” you admitted and let your head rest on the couch. Then his expression suddenly changed. It looked as if he’d gotten an idea. Without a word, he slid away from you and stood up. He went into the bedroom, leaving you confused as to what was going on. A few seconds after, he came out with his guitar in hand. He hung it around him and placed his left hand on the neck of the guitar.

“What are you doing?” you asked. He brought a finger to his mouth and you understood what he meant: Shut up and listen. He started playing a song that was very familiar to you. You immediately couldn’t contain a smile spreading across your face.

When you were little, you had this children’s show that you loved so much. You’d told him before about this particular song from the show that was your favorite because it would always cheer you up and make you smile when you felt bad. You’d shown it to him and he’d even laughed a bit actually. That had been quite a long time ago and you didn’t think he would ever remember such a small detail, much less learn the words and music to the song. He strummed his guitar and moved cutely to the upbeat music, looking like a character from the show himself. You swayed your body to the rhythm as memories came back. Happiness took over you. He played the last note and ended the song with his sweet voice.

You started clapping as you smiled excitedly. He smiled back, his cheeks tinted a soft pink hue. “Well there goes my image.” You quickly ran up to him and he took off the guitar, holding it next to him as you hugged him. With his free hand, he gave you a squeeze.

“Thank you so much,” you said. “I never thought you would ever do something like this.”

“As long as I’m around, I’ll make sure you’re always happy,” he assured, pressing his lips against your forehead and at that moment, you felt happier than any song could ever make you feel.



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Chapter 20: Awwww so cute!!! (⌒▽⌒)
Chapter 20: Taemin!~<3 This is really cute kekeke! :D
2am-ramen #4
Chapter 19: .....

>< how is it even possible to make a reader burst while reading this ><
too good ><!
2am-ramen #5
Chapter 16: ...................

okay, I'm nuts right now.


I'm going nuts.
Chapter 14: ~~~~~~~~~ :D i will soon ask for one Joe ;)
2am-ramen #7
Chapter 13: ONEW WHY T_T

*melts after gulping down a bucket of ice cream*

2am-ramen #8


I'm officially dead and this is my soul.