And They Lived... Happily Ever After?

HE'S... My Nanny?!?!

Jonghyun’s Pov~

I was sleeping happily until…

“NAAANNNY!!~~~” I jumped and fell off the big fluffy bed.

I fumbled for the tiny walkie-talkie and answered it.

“Aish! _____, what is it!? You know what time it is?? =.=” I said in my grumpy/sleepy tone.


“I can’t sleep, I had a bad dream… Eli would usually come in and tell me a story…”

“Ayo, you act like such a kid sometimes! Alright…"

I name all the korean fairy tales I knew, but she had already heard of them before.

“Just make up the story, god-dammit!”

*Make it up?? Great, I at that stuff…*

“Ok here I go…

Once upon a time, there lived a poor commoner family who lived in a small little cottage by the sea.

They were unbelievably poor, but much happier than others. They were care-free and had endless time to do anything.

Then, one stormy night, my --I mean- the boy’s father was kidnapped by evil old bandits, and it changed his life forever.

The mother and had to do slave work just to get enough money for food.

But it wasn’t enough to pay for the cottage, so the greedy landlord kicked them out, and they had to live with their grandpa.

With all the work, the mother caught a disease, so she fell into deep sleep-“

_____ interrupts. “Deep Sleep? Yah, isn’t this a bad rip-off out of ‘Sleeping Beauty’? *sniff* And it’s so sad, how am I gonna sleep now? TT^TT”

“Ok fine, the boy was hired to be a …knight for the princess!

And then he got rich and lived happily ever after…?”

I finished off with a lame ending…but it worked.


*Jeez being a nanny for a girl your own age is harder than I thought!
Oh well I can finally sleep now!*


Third Pov~

~That night, Jonghyun dreamt of that happy commoner family in the story.

*If only I could go back to those times...*

A tear dropped on his satin pillow...

^Sorry... I just had to xDD

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Sorry for not updating so long guys ^ ^" It's a really long chap~ Maybe I'll post teaser gifs for it~... :D


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Ilonahaku #1
Hello, how are you doing? Are you busy a lot?
I am sorry to bother you, but if you have time, can you update this fanfic, please? I would love to know how this story will end....T.T
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, how are you? Is everything ok?

I miss this story a lot. T.T I wonder, if you could update? Pretty please. :) Thank you.
Chapter 53: Haha how awkward for the two.
Chapter 53: YEEEEESSSS!!!!! you updated!!!!
This is such a cute story! please update soon!
Chapter 52: I demand an update ! Lol
I'm kidding . but . I'm serious :l
Ehehe :) I've read until chapter 49 and I'll be commenting from now on :) and this story is funnay ~ ! Lol

I LOVE YOU'RE STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE Jonghyun !
AND I LOVE you !
Aha, i wonder who's Romeo.
Hahahah JongKey! ♥
midst_lhady22 #8
I guess it L-nim..gyaahh.. So cute.. L-nim is her partner, L-nim is her partner..kekkke..this will be interesting..bwahahhaha >=3..hihihihi...

Pls update soon!!
midst_lhady22 #9
Ok,this is a very unexpected chap,
Eli-nim came unexpectedly
Jonghyun-nim a gay unexpectedly..
JongKey created unexpectedly (just in the story)
a VIP ticket in cruise vacation for her bday (unexpectedly)..
A fake and in conctipated Nanny girl unexpectedly..

Whew!!whats next Key is pregnant at Jonghyun-nim? Lol xDDD

pls update soon!!