Is She Getting Jealous...Over Me?!

HE'S... My Nanny?!?!

Your Pov~

You were having a nightmare about walking down you stairs in the dark, when something grasped your foot and dragged you down. But then, a man grabs your hand and pulls you into his arms. When you look up, all you can see are his weirdly familiar sparkly eyes...


Jjong's's Pov~

_____'s head and falls...on my lap.

I push it back up, but it keeps falling back down. *Why is her head so big anyways?*

Suddenly, her loud snoring stops.

"C-cold.." and she starts shivering, so I wrap my jacket around her, and looked at her face.

*Is just me or does look... scared...and vulnerable??"

I brush her bangs to the side and unconsciously stared closer...
but suddenly her eyes flashed wide open.


Your Pov~

 You wake up and find yourself staring right into...a pair of wide puppy-like brown eyes?

Once you feel his bangs brush on your forehead- *SMACK!* -Your palm collides with his face.

"Oy!...Hey I swear I wasn't trying to do anything-"

"Yah, I?" You interrupt. You look out the window and realize.

"Oh Nononononono! Not going to that hell-hole again, NO WAAAYY!!!!"

You tuck and roll out of the limo again.

While running, you peek behind you expecting Jonghyun to be panting far behind but then-

"Ooomph!" And you find yourself bumping into Jonghyun's chest.

"Gotcha~" He scoops you up and carries you, you know, bridal style.

"Let me gooo!!!" You shout, but you were already inside the gates of:

~The Elite Academy of Art~, but you call it The Academy of Living hell.

Jjong's Pov~

The school didn't look like hell at all.
It looked quite beautiful actually~

There were lots of colorful flowers and trees planted everywhere,
-unlike my crappy school, where the only plants we have are long dry weeds.

When we go in the class, the teacher looks up.

"Oh you must be the new student! Please introduce yourself."

"Annyeong! My name is Choi______," She does a cute little bow.

Some creepy s were staring at her and drooling, so I block her.

"Ahem!" I glare at all the boys.

"Hey you're blocking the view!" -some pedo in the back shouts.


Your Pov~

"Okay class, today, we'll be studying more about the main basics how the blah blah blah blah..."

The teacher's monotone voice faded away, and your sleepy eyes started closing...

"Ow!" Jonghyun flicked your forehead.

"Don't fall asleep, you wanna get in trouble? Pay attention!" he nagged.

But quickly falls asleep anyways, so I end up taking all the notes for her. =.=


Jjong's Pov~

After class, I accidentally bump into a girl, and she dropped her textbooks.

"Oy Mianhamnida!!" I scramble down to pick them up, but I accidently touch her hand.

______ saw, and she gave me a scary glare and then coldly walked away.

"Errr... I gotta go!!" I run to catch up with her.

*Wait- is she getting jealous...over me?? = u =*

She walks into the biology class and sits in a seat on the back.

I was about to sit next to her-
-but some rude guy bumps me to the side, so I have to sit behind her.

Then, out of nowhere something attacks me from behind and I fall off my chair.


*What the-?*

lol poor Jonghyun, why does everything keep attacking him? What is it this time??
Stay tuned for next Chap!~ xD

Deleted Scene #1~

I pulled______ toward the school, but she didn't move.

"You let go of my hand first! People are gonna think we're... a couple!" She gagged in disgust.

"Oh, well... too bad!" I pull her in the empty halls. *We are so damn late!*

In the hall we see golden lockers and weird statues of men peeing... o_O

Then I see some water fountains too, but near the cafeteria, there was a---


That's right, a fountain flowing of rich, creamy, milk chocolate...
I help myself, and then take _____to her class.

Everyone in the class had a servant in uniform by their side.

*Pfft but I'm her nanny/bodyguard, so that ranks higher than a servant...right?*


Deleted Scene #2

"Annyeonghaseyo, My name is Kim Jonghyun," I take an awkward bow.

"Psst, you still have some chocolate on your lips," _____ tells me.

I wipe it away, and all the girls started going crazy over it for some reason...



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Sorry for not updating so long guys ^ ^" It's a really long chap~ Maybe I'll post teaser gifs for it~... :D


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Ilonahaku #1
Hello, how are you doing? Are you busy a lot?
I am sorry to bother you, but if you have time, can you update this fanfic, please? I would love to know how this story will end....T.T
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, how are you? Is everything ok?

I miss this story a lot. T.T I wonder, if you could update? Pretty please. :) Thank you.
Chapter 53: Haha how awkward for the two.
Chapter 53: YEEEEESSSS!!!!! you updated!!!!
This is such a cute story! please update soon!
Chapter 52: I demand an update ! Lol
I'm kidding . but . I'm serious :l
Ehehe :) I've read until chapter 49 and I'll be commenting from now on :) and this story is funnay ~ ! Lol

I LOVE YOU'RE STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE Jonghyun !
AND I LOVE you !
Aha, i wonder who's Romeo.
Hahahah JongKey! ♥
midst_lhady22 #8
I guess it L-nim..gyaahh.. So cute.. L-nim is her partner, L-nim is her partner..kekkke..this will be interesting..bwahahhaha >=3..hihihihi...

Pls update soon!!
midst_lhady22 #9
Ok,this is a very unexpected chap,
Eli-nim came unexpectedly
Jonghyun-nim a gay unexpectedly..
JongKey created unexpectedly (just in the story)
a VIP ticket in cruise vacation for her bday (unexpectedly)..
A fake and in conctipated Nanny girl unexpectedly..

Whew!!whats next Key is pregnant at Jonghyun-nim? Lol xDDD

pls update soon!!