Only My Mom Can Call Me That!!!

HE'S... My Nanny?!?!

Your Lab Partner’s Pov~

I walk in the class, and all the girls are staring and batting their eyes at me, as usual~

But I’m not interested in any of them. I find them all boring, annoying, clingy, and fake. When would I find a girl that’s… Wow~!

My eyes were drawn to the seats in the back, where she was sitting.

*She is definitely my type~ I must get that seat next to her!*

I tackle everyone out of the way, and sit next to her.

But when I look up, I see a mad dino-looking dude glaring at me. 

“Yah, I was going to sit there! You-" 

Then the glorious lady interrupts him.
"Hey leave him alone, there's a seat in front of you, dummy,"

Do they know each other? .....Nah, he’s probably just her servant.

Class was almost over, but the girl didn't even look at me once.

*Huh… why hasn’t she noticed me yet? Most girls would have a radar for whenever I’m a mile away from them...*

“...Hey, umm hi, I guess I'm going to be your lab partner for the whole year huh?" I said nervously.


Your Pov~

You look next to you, and your eyes widen.

*Wow, he looks so…perfect!  I’ve seen some good-looking guys (in all the years of my parents trying to arrange marriages for me) but this guy is really something!*

“The name’s Kim Myung Soo, and I happen to be a pro in science, so you can ask me if you need help, okay?”

 You give him a smile. “Hi, my name is Choi _____, and I happen to be horrible at science, so please help me,” You say jokingly.

“Ok class, here is the formula you need to know on the test, so take lots of notes!”

*Aish, taking notes again?* You try to put on your annoying contacts, but you keep on blinking.

“What’s wrong, something in your eye? Here let me help you~”

 “Oh! Uh n-“ But his face was already inches away… and blowing at your eye.

All the girls glare at you in jealousy, while you froze in shock.

Then Jonghyun pushes Myungsoo’s whole head away.

“Yah! Can’t you see she was just putting on her contacts?! You don’t have to get all in her face about it!!”

Steam seemed to be shooting from his ears.

“Jeez, calm down, I just thought she had something in her eye… and how is this any of your business anyways, you servant!”

“Yah! I happen to be _____’s Nan- err… personal Bodyguard!” He shouts.

“Still, you don’t have to over-react… Dino-Head!”

Jonghyun’s eyes seemed to flash red for a moment.

“ONLY MY MOM CAN CALL ME THAT!!!” and he tackles Myungsoo off the seat.

“Kim Jonghyun!” the teacher finally noticed what was happening and kicked Jonghyun out of the class with a fat heavy dictionary.


Jonghyun’s Pov~

“Keep your hands to yourself servant! Here, keep this dictionary on your head until the bell rings, got it?”

I balance the fat dictionary on my head and let out my angry thoughts.

*Damn rich people, they all seem so good-looking, flawless, and carefree.
And don’t get me started on their snobbiness...

Pfft, and that Myungsoo guy thinks he’s all that, Mr. Smooth & Perfect.
And he dared to call me …Dino Head!!

That…that… (You remember he bumped you to the side with his hips)*

Uh…that Thunder-Thighs!!
His nick-name will be Thunder-Thighs from now on! >D"

I balance the book steadily, until...

~OPPA!!! Were you out here all along, waiting for mwa? How sweet!!
Well, here I am! Come give me a kiss!” she runs up and puckers her lips again. 

I stumble back in horror, and the dictionary falls off my head and right on my foot.

“Oww! Eun Hee?I thought you went away? Forever!”

“Oh no silly oppa, I would never leave without taking you with me first!”
She says, and started rubbing my arm, and then caressing my hair...

I back away. “Alright girl, please to stop stalking me like a crazy fangirl. I need my space, ya know? Kay gotta go!” I start to walk away.            

“Is that so? Hmm, that’s too bad…
I guess there’s no use in helping your mom at the hospital then-“

I froze in my steps. “--WHAT? MY MOM? WHAT ABOUT HER? HOW’D YOU KNO-?”

“Heh, my slaves and I did some research, got information, and now I know everything,”

She starts circling around me.

“What a pity, you’re poor and you desperately need some money for your mom’s illness~ What to do? Ottoke?? So, you agree to put up with that clumsy, uneducated kid and be her nanny. Choi_____, was it??”

She pokes my arm with her pointy nail.

"What did you say about her!? And what are you going to my mom!? HUH?!?” I start shaking her shoulder.

“Aish! Damn, chill!” She pushes you off.
“You know, I can pay for her treatment in a snap… on one condition.”

“What is it?” I say eagerly, but I had a feeling I was going to regret it later.

“You just have to be... my boyfriend.”


Will Jonghyun take the horrible deal for the sake of his mother?
Or will he reject and run away?

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Sorry for not updating so long guys ^ ^" It's a really long chap~ Maybe I'll post teaser gifs for it~... :D


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Ilonahaku #1
Hello, how are you doing? Are you busy a lot?
I am sorry to bother you, but if you have time, can you update this fanfic, please? I would love to know how this story will end....T.T
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, how are you? Is everything ok?

I miss this story a lot. T.T I wonder, if you could update? Pretty please. :) Thank you.
Chapter 53: Haha how awkward for the two.
Chapter 53: YEEEEESSSS!!!!! you updated!!!!
This is such a cute story! please update soon!
Chapter 52: I demand an update ! Lol
I'm kidding . but . I'm serious :l
Ehehe :) I've read until chapter 49 and I'll be commenting from now on :) and this story is funnay ~ ! Lol

I LOVE YOU'RE STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE Jonghyun !
AND I LOVE you !
Aha, i wonder who's Romeo.
Hahahah JongKey! ♥
midst_lhady22 #8
I guess it L-nim..gyaahh.. So cute.. L-nim is her partner, L-nim is her partner..kekkke..this will be interesting..bwahahhaha >=3..hihihihi...

Pls update soon!!
midst_lhady22 #9
Ok,this is a very unexpected chap,
Eli-nim came unexpectedly
Jonghyun-nim a gay unexpectedly..
JongKey created unexpectedly (just in the story)
a VIP ticket in cruise vacation for her bday (unexpectedly)..
A fake and in conctipated Nanny girl unexpectedly..

Whew!!whats next Key is pregnant at Jonghyun-nim? Lol xDDD

pls update soon!!