My Crazy Friends

HE'S... My Nanny?!?!

Your Pov~

You were about to pick the hat up, but find another hand picking it up for you.

You almost fall back in surprise.
But the person caught you before you hit the ground.

You look up and see it was an extremely good-looking boy... wearing tattered rags.

*Is he... a hobo!?* you thought.

But when he spoke, his voice was fit for a prince.
It had a sweet and soothing tone to it.

"Hey, would you like to join me for a dance?" He holds out his left hand.

With his right, he snapped, and music started playing out of nowhere.

His hat covered his hair and eyes, but you could still see his perfect cheekbones, sharp nose, and shiny smile...

You forced yourself to stop staring like a ert and spoke.

"T-tell me who you are first! Are you... the kidnapper??"

"Haha, no silly, I'm your-

But then something interrupted him-


You hear loud chopping from the kitchen, which startles you and makes you fall off the couch.

*Dammit, why do I keep dreaming about that mysterious guy?! And he seems so familiar too...* You rub your head.

You strolled into the kitchen and hear some western rap music.

You find Key, your personal cook, wearing his bright pink apron, and his back turned.

Suddenly, he turns around with a bloody knife in his hand, scaring the crap out of you.

Turns out he was just chopping some meat.

"Alright_____, what's wrong? First day was that bad?"

"What do you mean, it was perfectly fine..." You bluff.

"Come on, I know you like the back of my hand~
Plus, I was there the whole time singing 'Lonely' to yourself~ I know you always sing when you're sad," He chuckles while peeling some potatoes.

"Yah! You didn't have to eavesdrop!! And nothing happened, so don't worry."

"Alright then~" He said doubtfully while flipping food in a pan. You rolled your eyes at him.

*How does he know that much about me? Is he really my umma?* you thought in disbelief.

Suddenly the doors slam open and-

~Seven hot beastly boys walked in~... (U-Kiss)


~ followed by six beautiful young princes~... (Boyfriend)


~ and 7 flawless ladies gracefully strutted in... (A-Pink)


"SURPRISE!!!" They all shout.

"We're finally finished with our finals, so we thought we'd go and visit you~"

"~And I brought some beers and foood~!" "Wooo!!!" Everyone cheers.

*Jesus, I almost forgot how crazy they were...
But I missed them so much!~* you thought happily.


Yep, these are ______'s friends from her old school.
Yeah, they all seem really crazy and conceited, but they're actually good friends to_____ c:
Hope you're enjoying the story so far~ ^-^

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Sorry for not updating so long guys ^ ^" It's a really long chap~ Maybe I'll post teaser gifs for it~... :D


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Ilonahaku #1
Hello, how are you doing? Are you busy a lot?
I am sorry to bother you, but if you have time, can you update this fanfic, please? I would love to know how this story will end....T.T
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, how are you? Is everything ok?

I miss this story a lot. T.T I wonder, if you could update? Pretty please. :) Thank you.
Chapter 53: Haha how awkward for the two.
Chapter 53: YEEEEESSSS!!!!! you updated!!!!
This is such a cute story! please update soon!
Chapter 52: I demand an update ! Lol
I'm kidding . but . I'm serious :l
Ehehe :) I've read until chapter 49 and I'll be commenting from now on :) and this story is funnay ~ ! Lol

I LOVE YOU'RE STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE Jonghyun !
AND I LOVE you !
Aha, i wonder who's Romeo.
Hahahah JongKey! ♥
midst_lhady22 #8
I guess it L-nim..gyaahh.. So cute.. L-nim is her partner, L-nim is her partner..kekkke..this will be interesting..bwahahhaha >=3..hihihihi...

Pls update soon!!
midst_lhady22 #9
Ok,this is a very unexpected chap,
Eli-nim came unexpectedly
Jonghyun-nim a gay unexpectedly..
JongKey created unexpectedly (just in the story)
a VIP ticket in cruise vacation for her bday (unexpectedly)..
A fake and in conctipated Nanny girl unexpectedly..

Whew!!whats next Key is pregnant at Jonghyun-nim? Lol xDDD

pls update soon!!