~mean love~


After finish eating breakfast,they gather at the living room.

“Guys…what do you want to do? Hiking or find a hunted cabin?”ask Taecyeon tried to scare the girls and it worked.

“Ani…let’s go for hiking.We don’t want to look for a creepy cabin!” scream the girls in frightened.

Taecyeon let out a ‘evil’ chuckle.

“Should we get ready then?”ask Wooyoung followed by the agreements from others.


25 minutes later

Everyone gathered in the front of the house again ready with backpacks and everything.

"Everyone ready?" Taecyeon asked.


"Okay let's go,"said Chansung excited as he started off down the road towards the mountains.


30 minutes later

Nichkhun was in front followed, by Wooyoung, Yoona, Tiffany, Jessica, Sooyoung, Chansung, and Taecyeon at the end.

"Where are we going exactly?" Jessica asked.

"A secret place. It's really pretty," Wooyoung replied.

“Cehh….act like he know,” said Tiffany slow scared that Wooyoung might hear what she said.

“Do you know the place?”ask Yoona curious to know.

“I have seen the picture of the place before,”answer Wooyoung.

"AHH!!!" Sooyoung yelled. Everyone turned around.

"What's wrong?" Chansung asked

"L-l-look!" she yelled while pointing at Jessica's backpack. Jessica looked at it, screamed a little and started to freak, she pulled off her back pack, dropped in onto the floor and started to step on it.

"What is it?" Nichkhun yelled from a head.

Taecyeon went up to her backpack picked it up and found a smashed spider. He laughed and wiped it off with a leave.

"Nothing….Just a spider!" he yelled to Nichkhun. He chuckled and started to walk again.

"It was HUGE!" Sooyoung said as she cringed just thinking of it.

"Don't scare me like that again," Jessica said sternly.

"I didn't know what to do," Sooyoung mumbled.“Mianhae…”

“Yah…Choi Sooyoung, you are to over-acting just now,you know?”said Chansung laughing.

“It’s not my false….,”

Taecyeon laughed as Chansung and Sooyoung continued to argue.


1 hour 35 minutes later

"Okay guys! We are almost there!" Nichkhun yelled from a head.

"Thank goddness," Chansung said.“I’m really hungry now!! I don’t think I can walk anymore”

“How can you just think about the food?”ask Sooyoung.

“Waeyo? Is it wrong if I think about food? Just admit that you are also hungry like me”

“Guys,we had arrive,”Nichkhun yelled.



There were flowers blooming everywhere, the grass were somewhat untidy and there were trees everywhere surrounding the spot. And in the middle was a waterfall. Yoona had seen sceneries like this in paintings but never in real life. She was too amazed to say anything. 

“wow…,It-it-it's beautiful," Jessica said in amazement.

"It really is," Taecyeon agreed.

"C'mon let's go," Chansung said as he headed towards it.He had forget about his growling stomach.

Everyone except for Nichkhun and Yoona started to take off their clothing to reveal their swim suits.

All the guys had their trunks on and most of them had a shirt on except for Taecyeon.

"Yah! You don't need to show off your body!" Chnasung yelled as he stuffed his clothing into his back pack.

"What? I'm hot okay," he replied stuffing his clothing into his back pack also.

They then jump into the waterfall.The girls also left and joined them in the water leaving only Nichkhun and Yoona .They started to play a game.

Yoona decide to just go sit on a rock situated next to the waterfall.

"Yoon-ah,come play ~~~~~!" Sooyoung called.

"No thanks!" Yoona yelled back.

"Come on ~~~~~. We're on vacation," Tiffany yelled.

"I'm fine!" Yoona yelled back.

"Okay! Don't complain later that you didn't have fun!" Tiffany yelled.

"I won't!"

“It’s really good to be here,” Yoona thought as she leaned back, closed her eyes and enjoyed the sun light.

“Sicca-ah!!!”call Taecyeon softly.

As soon as Jessica turn her face,the water splash on her face.

“Yah Ok Teecyeon!!!”yell Jessica angry while splashed him back.

He laughed and splashed Jessica back.It went back and forth and turned into a water fight.It lasted for a couple of minutes when Jessica started to step backwards she slipped.She were waiting for her body to hit the water, but then,she felt someone holding her. Jessica opened her eyes to find Taecyeon's face inches away from her.His hair all wet.Jessica were speechless.They probably stood like that for a minute when they heard someone yelling their name.

“Did both of you try to dance in water?” tease Chansung while laughing.

Yoona laughed looking at the guys who still teasing Jessica and Taecyeon.

 “Can I sit here?”

“Nichkhun…”said Yoona shock. Nichkhun takes a sit beside Yoona without waiting for Yoona answer.

“Thanks..”said Nichkhun sincerely

“For what?”

“Because you are willing to hear my stories last night.When think about it again, I must be disturb your sleeping time,right?”

“Ani…I don’t think like that.I’m happy if I can help you,” Yoona smile looking at Nichkhun make Nichkhun’s heart beat faster.

“We can be friend right?”ask Nichkhun while look at Yoona’s eyes.

Yoona feel a little bit uneasy with Nichkhun’s look.

“We had been friend from before,remember?”

“But before I’m a little bit harsh on you so I hope that we can start our friendship again,I’m Nichkhun and you?”

“I’m Yoona,”

They both shake their hand as a sign for their friendship.Without conscious, Chansung who since before is sitting behind them pushed both of them into the waterfall.Chansung laugh heavily before jump into the waterfall.

“Yah Hwang Chansung!!!”yell Nichkhun as soon as he surface from the water.


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now...,all my assignment have been done so please wait for my update.Maybe on this saturday...^_^


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Keroppilove #1
Chapter 37: Aww the best story kinda ever
leogirlz_94 #2
Chapter 1: sory for the late reply... do you mean the 'that' person that i refer in chapter 1... if it is than it means her parents which had died....
ImYoonAndNichkhun #3
Who is ' that ' person 4 YoonA ? I cannot understand ...
wahh,, I just finish read your story,,
thanks for making khuna fanfic,
i like it,, hehehhehe,,
leogirlz_94 #5
thanks for all the supportive comment...i will try to make a new Khuna stories but maybe not now because i am really busy now but for sure someday i will come out with more great story..... And about the final chapter picture, i can't remember where i find it because i just find it randomly on one of the website....-;)
LilDO7 #6
Hi i saw this story and read it. its so good:)
Oh can l ask where you got the final chapter picture from?
It ended <3 please make more KHUNA stories I'll be waiting for you
fawbnerdy05 #9
Please write more awesome 9pm stories.!
The ending was great.!
Woohoo! Khuna!<3 woofany!<3 Taecsica!<3 changsoo.!<3
ImYoonAndNichkhun #10
Tks !! Post more KhunA stories!! You are a great author !! :P