Chappie 10: An old friend

Jars and planes that keep us together


“I saw something interesting and thought I would follow.” He says pressing the button for the lobby.

“Ah well, okay then.” You mutter. You take in the cleaned up version of your new friend, appreciating the way his dry bleached hair did not look tamable and his clothing gave him a boyish but handsome feel. You knew he would tower over you, but standing next to him now you realize how short you really are at a whole 5 feet and 1 inch.

“I didn’t mean to eaves drop, but you are going to meet someone?” He asked quietly.

“Neh. Ash is bringing me to see a friend of hers. He apparently wants me to take some pictures.” You say cheerfully, excited to do what you’re good at.

“Pictures?” He asks, giving you a funny look.

“I take pictures, pretty well. I think that’s what I will do once I graduate college. I would start right away, but my dad wants me to get a degree first.” You explain shyly, trying not to brag. It’s hard for you to talk about yourself, so you change the subject “Where are you going Oppa?”

“I don’t know yet, I was bored in the room because Jonguppie left me to go play with hyunnie hyung and Jae.” He pouts looking at you with puppy eyes making you laugh.

“Well how about you hang out with Ash and me?” You ask enthusiastically, he smiles at your offer.

“I would love to.” He says and the elevator dings with you both exiting with grins on your faces. You lead him outside as he texts, presumably one of the hyungs that he is leaving. Ash greets you both with a smile leaning against the car. She agrees to bringing Zelo along on your mini Paris adventure as long as she gets to disguise him.

So the three of you pile into her car, with Zelo in the shot gun seat due to his long legs getting squished in the back. You spend the ride chatting happily with the two and forcing your sister to pull over so you could take a picture every few minutes of a statue or some old people or a bunch of kids playing in the street market. By the time you get there she is irritated with you causing what should have been a ten minute drive to take thirty five minutes. Zelo watches amused as she reprimands you for keeping her friend waiting.

You quickly walk into a white stucco building facing the water and a bunch of small boats tied under a foot bridge. Ash walks a head to an old fashioned lift that you all cramp into and ride to the third floor. The lift shakes the whole time and the three of you look at each other with nervous faces until you all pour out into a large studio blasting with music. Once you adjust to your surroundings you are immediately overjoyed to see the face of your best friend grinning from ear to ear across the room.

“Oppa!” You shout startling Zelo, and you dash towards the brunet who stands with his arms open for you. Tackling him you squeal when he picks you up and spins you around. Finally he puts you down once you are both laughing and too dizzy to stand. “Oppa, why are you in France?!”

“Haha, well we're filming here. But I am off for the rest of the day so I get to spend it with my favorite dongsaeng.” He says smiling at you. After he had stayed at the hotel your sister had been managing two years ago and had been saved by her twice the three of you had become good friends. He was like the big brother you never had, always looking out for you and making you laugh.

“Yay! What are we doing?” You bounce on the floor like a kid.

“Well if you have your camera,  I would like to have a photo shoot with you.” He suggested sweetly helping you up.

“Okay!” you agree enthusiastically. Now that you have calmed down, he notices Ash and Zelo patiently waiting on the other side of the studio. He walks over to your sister and receives a warm hug and kiss on the cheek.

“How are you?” He asks kindly, checking her over to make sure she has not become disfigured in the few weeks it had been since the last time you had seen each other.

“I am fine darling, stressed but I am fine.” She says with a smile, “I would like to introduce a new friend, we met him on our way here.”

Zelo steps towards him and bows ot the other idol and smiles shyly “I am Zelo imnida, rapper for BAP”

“Hello, I am J.R. imnida, leader of NU’EST” he responds bowing in return. J.R. smiles at Zelo who looks like he is scowling, you ignore Zelo’s sour expression and ask JR where you are doing the photo shoot.


As they walk out of the building Zelo falls back from the couple who are chattering happily glaring at the fellow idol. Ash notices this and slows to walk next to him. “Zelo, is something wrong?”

“Hmm? Ani, I just didn’t know you guys know and idol like JR so well.” He says trying to mask the bitterness in his voice. Ash picks up on it however and decides to pry further.

“Well I meet a lot of people in the company I work for. JR was kind enough to keep in touch with us after we had saved him from reporters. It is so nice for Eri to see her best friend again. They are like brother and sister, you know.” Ash explains watching as Zelo’s face relaxes. “You know, she recently had her heartbroken.”

Zelo snapped his head to look at Ash, confused but hoping she would go on.

“She fell for this guy who happened to be famous and he chose his career over her. He told her that he couldn’t make both work and he didn’t see her as a part of his future.” Ash smirked to herself, “You can imagine what happened to him after I found the idiot the day she called me crying her eyes out.”

Zelo grimaced at the cold look in her eyes, quickly he asked why she was telling him something like this.

“Well, I just wanted you to know that she is more vulnerable than she looks and as her friend you will make sure she doesn’t get hurt. We may not see much of each other beyond today, but I am trusting my baby sister with you.” Ash says her eyes softened. Zelo smiled at her.

“Noona, Eri says that you don’t fall in love because you don’t know what love is. I don’t think that is it, I think you want love just as much as she does.” He looks at your shocked face and smiles a little more. “I know why you want to protect her so much, she is really tiny and sweet. It is crazy how much I care about someone I met today, but I am glad to be her friend.”

They smile at each other and see the two a head playfully skipping towards the bridge arms linked.

“Thank you Jello, I think you are really an old man disguised as boy.” Ash laughs lightly patting his shoulder. “How about you go play with those two up there? I have the camera, so can you set up some fun shots? We can surprise them later.”

“Neh.” He grins racing towards the other two stopping short and starting a game of tag, which quickly turned into the two boys taunting the small girl as she ran in circles to catch one or the other around the small bridge. At one point Ash thought her sister was going to nose dive into the pavement but she was saved at the last minute when zelo caught her crashing to the ground with her.

The two stood up laughing and continued to play. JR snuck over to Ash as she took pictures of their antics.

“Ash~ “ He called her attention.

“How are you cutie?” She asked pinching his cheek.

“Good, but you are not an old lady yet. So no pinching my cheeks.” He said rubbing away the slight mark. “I just want to know how you know the maknae and rapper of BAP. I know you have your  fair share of celebrity encounters, but I hadn’t heard of them staying in the XXX hotels.”

“We ran into them when out plane made an emergency landing.” She explained to him the entire situation. “So, after that nice long bus ride I thaught we would not see them again. But they are staying on the same floor as us. I think Eri has feelingsfor him, even though they have just met. I’m a little worried for her.”

JR smiled brilliantly at the woman who was frowning slightly at the couple chasing each other on the bridge. “Why are you worried for her, that kid is very nice. From what I have heard he’s a good guy, plus it should be a relief to see her acting so normally. I remember the last time I saw her, she was barely talking. I am glad to have my Eri back.”

Ash smiles at him, knowing that his brotherly nature and affection had helped her sister out of her funk.

Well, here is another chappie. Pretty fast, huh?  Well I am kind of trying to bang this out. Ahaha, I hope you guys like that I brought JR in, I love Nu'est and I feel like he would just be the best guy friend to have, right?



I mean, look at him. Adorable. Lol. He is so cute. He looks like he is yawning in the bottom one. What an unfortunate picture! xD

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.